Monday, June 20, 2022

Chasing the Devil's Approval

If you are a pleaser, you might want to stop right here, and discontinue reading this piece of writing: it may very well be an insult to your sense of self-worth. That is not my intention. My intention is to force a decision, to push or pull innards, the hidden parts of people that make them quivery at the thought of challenging status quo, or more pointedly, the mediocrity of going with the current flow, as it rushes to the cliffs edge. 

When we, as a society, comply with wicked demands imposed by human task masters, we are chasing after the devils approval to give us a green light into areas he seems to gate keep. With the masses demonstrating their inclinations to indulge in fleshly desires, we see that at every turn, their is someone holding a hoop, creating an obstacle course, or pointing at a Do Not Enter zone sign: the humans that want what they want, hop, skip, and jump, and try to navigate around the signage. 

  • Is it the thing to do, dear reader? 
  • Does it make moral sense to compromise your integrity, so that you can participate in the devils reindeer games? 
  • Do the ends justify the means? 
  • How far are you willing to go to get what you think you cannot live without?
I would rather not. No Thank-You. I don't think so ... 
I would prefer death over doing THAT

Some of the things that people have been asked to do, not required, have been demeaning and degrading. I don't need to list them here, we all know what they are, and we, each of us, also know how it felt to comply, to take a knee, as it were, at the demand of someone we saw as more powerful than us in the moment. 

One of the most humiliating thoughts that I have is my acquiescence: when my son and I purchased masks to board a plane; when I didn't say anything or stop the staff from shooting our foreheads for our temperature before going through the gates; and wearing a mask that itched and made me feel like I had betrayed myself and all that is holy. The alternative to the plane ride was to rent a car, drive for three and a half days, staying in hotels along the way ... I wish I had done this, dear reader. It would have been more costly in dollars, but the price I paid for compromising my integrity was far more expensive. This story goes back in time, when the outrageous debauchery of being emotionally and psychological man handled had begun. As you know, the mistreatment has gotten far worse. All is running smoothly, in accord with  conniving criminal plans. What saddens me the most is the willingness of so many, to give themselves over to the imposed rules and regulations, so that they can do what they want to do ... even when they know that they are perpetuating a lie. 

This is my point in writing. I find all that has happened jarring. I still get alarmed when I see masked men, women, and children. I wonder about injections and injuries, and I just can't help but feel the heavy burden of concern mixed with continued dismay. The lie repeatedly told has been rejected verbally by countless people that somehow behaviourally, cow to inhumane unjust treatment, despite knowledge of the truth, of repercussions, of long term effects. 

Testing, testing, one to three. This is a test, dear reader. The tempter wants us to believe we need his approval to live freely, and each time we say yes to his demands, we add one more link in the chain of our own handcuffs. It occurs to me that Joseph in the Bible was sent to prison for not having sex with his bosses wife. If it feels like you are currently curtailed, perhaps that is the price God wants see you willingly pay, for being faithful to Him. 

How else will you been known as different 
from those that have yet to give their lives to Him?

When I paid for a mask. When I put it on and saw my son in one too ... I sinned. I made a decision to sin. I own that, and I have asked God to forgive me. If I were to do this again, today, in order to fly, I am not so sure my sin would be as forgivable. Perhaps God would forgive me, but I would have to live with the knowledge that I betrayed Him, betrayed myself, and betrayed my fellow man, by perpetuating a lie via compliance with wickedness. 

Complying with wickedness is chasing after the devils approval and is diametrically opposed to all that God asks of us when we declare Him as our Sovereign. What right do you have, dear one, to betray the King of kings? You have your free will to choose, and that is God's gift to you. But if you believe that Jesus' blood was shed for your sins, you are His captive, and your heart should ache at the thought of betraying Him to please yourself. 

My prayer is conviction for those that have gone astray into worldly ways

My prayer is that you, dear one, decide that Truth is the precious pearl that you desire at all costs, more than life itself

My hope is that if you have compromised your integrity via acquiescence to satanic demands, that you repent, sin no more, and ask God for strength to face the future with the possibility of persecution ahead, as the price you are willing to pay for pledging your allegiance privately, and publicly, to the Lord, Jesus Christ. 

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it (Matthew 13:45-46)

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