Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Should Have Could Have Conference

Thank-You so much for your attendance everyone 🤨

I will be your Master of Mistakes Conference leader this weekend. I am very familiar with errors in judgment and decisions made from ignorance that I regret, and I must say, that as a graduate from this disappointing school of self-loathing, I feel privileged to be able to relate to you in group and individual format alike.  

The conveners of the Should Have Could Have Conference, have vast experience in our past, recognizing that we should have could have, done many things differently to avoid and evade some self-betraying and treacherous situations. Alas, as one of the founders of The Should Have Could Have discipleship, I realized that our tight nit group had room for many more. Unfortunately the likelihood of filling this rather large ballroom was promising ... and here you all are 😜

We realized that if we should have could have done things differently, that there were probably many more like us, so we decided to broaden our ⭕️ and broadcast invitations. Voila, there are one thousand of us here, and that was on a first come first serve basis: believe me when I tell you that we had to turn away ⮐ so many SHCH devotees 🎱 It is truly astounding to be in such similar company. It is oddly discomfiting and comforting at the very same

So welcome, on behalf of the We Wish We Had leaders in misteak making. We hope you enjoy your time with other Should Have Could Have's, and maybe even consider joining the ranks of We Wish We Had. If this idea has your ears perking, go directly to the almost always permanently red with embarrassment individuals spotting the crowd: they will help you clarify whether or not you belong is this extra ordinary group. 

Please note. We are just like you. We started out thinking we were right, cuz we wanted to believe we were, and then, BAM💥, we learned the hard way that maybe we didn't do our research, maybe we didn't seek wise counsel, maybe we could have should have (could and should can be ordered interchangeably, as you already know), taken our time and done some things differently ðŸ˜«

And just like you, we heard what that inner voice whispers when we are all alone say something along the lines of ... "That wasn't quite right, now was it? You regret that thing you did, huh? WE acknowledge, AS WISH WE HAD leaders, we have a tendency to ignore the voice, in favour of hints of regret later ... that is our disclaimer!

So, as we go into break down groups of fifteen to twenty, know that you will not have to share too many of your intimate details with perfect strangers. Chances are, they have done far worse than you have, so rest assured, that too much confession is not necessary to cleanse you from that awful feeling of finally being completely exposed. Just let that natural blush of embarrassment be enough for others to perceive that maybe you are embarrassed for you ... or maybe it is for them

Please do enjoy your time here, with us ... 

Dear reader: 

In this caustic little scenario, I work out my angst. Regret and remorse are gifts that ought to lead to repentance and a turning away from sinful ways. As humans, we have all spoken the words, I should have, I could have, because making mistakes in life comes with the territory, but so SHOULD making AMENDS. We SHOULD say we are sorry. We COULD do things differently, choose differently. 

Our previous mistakes are often blush worthy, but God forgives the heart that is contrite. The should have could have feelings may very well be the ones that lead each of us back to godly ways of relating and glorifying Him. 

My prayer is that the warning voice of the Holy Spirit is heeded, next time He whispers, "Don't do it, there is a far better way."

Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:19)

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