Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Moral Imbecility

Every once in a while I fall into the trap of watching video vignettes that in seconds loop, so that I have perhaps seen the same video 2-3 times before I realize that's it, that's the entirety of the sharing for that particular moment in someone else's good or bad time. 

Two recent videos that vividly play out in my memory are of a man with a massive albino tiger as his house pet, and a couple seated for an elegant safari setting luncheon, with two giraffe approaching their table. In the tiger scenario, the man puts his arm in the tigers open mouth, proving to his viewing audience that his feline friend is tame, and apparently trustworthy. In the second video, the seated couple think nothing of attempting to begin their meal with large animals approaching. This proved to be foolhardy: one of the giraffes gives a good head butting to the lovely lady, knocking her ... almost ... from her seat? I don't know if she actually fell to the ground, because of the darned loop video, that stopped just short of finishing the started story. 

Giraffe head butt
Foolhardy is the word I used in the preceding paragraph. It would appear that limits are lifted, anything goes, and humans seem to believe that they are invincible. I know I am not, how about you, dear reader? One nasty headache can put me down for an entire day, incapacitating me as a reminder, that I had better appreciate my health when I am feeling spring chicken energetic. A tiger can turn, a giraffe can head butt, and who is the silly one for trusting a wild animal with their safety?

I laugh as I percolate, because I wasn't quite sure where this piece of writing was going to take us, and now I know ... who is the silly one for trusting a wild animal for their safety? ...

We have witnessed imbecility at is finest. If there were awards for idiocy, I am not sure there would be room enough on stage for all the losers, I mean winners? 

A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back (Proverbs 26:3)

The wise person
If I were to warn you of impeding doom and the demise of the human race, perhaps you would consider what I am saying, look into the matter and either concur, or dismiss my statements as absurd, and me as being out of synch with reality. The wise person does just that: they investigate the claims of others, discuss the matter with those they consider wise councillors, and proceed with caution. I admit, I have been impetuous in the past, believing something or someone without taking the time to check out the source or the information proffered. Periodically, against my better judgment, I have ploughed ahead, and gone against my discernment, only to regret it later. Perhaps you can relate, dear reader?

Wanting to believe that a tiger will never turn on you, or that a giraffe won't strike you for being in his way, or that a professing murderer will deviate from his pronounced course of action, by refraining from killing you and your family as part of their master plan to depopulate the earth, is kind of, well, imbecilic. Pretending something ain't so, doesn't make it go.

Leaning tower of Pisa
I have noticed a lot of limping going on: perhaps it is confirmation bias, or perhaps inner injury is now showing up outwardly. There is a lopsidedness that is becoming more and more evident. As a personal trainer, my eye is trained to see imbalances, and it is all I can do to stop myself from going up to perfect strangers, and giving them a good stretch to relax overly contracted shoulder muscles that in all likelihood, are causing neck strain and headache pain. My eyes are now drown to gait, and the drop to one side is becoming more apparent. People are leaning towers of Pisa! I can do nothing for them, and besides, who am I to correct them?

Morally corrupting the truth
Of course I am leading you dear reader, in the direction I am currently leaning. People have made decisions causing much imbalance. They have taken to ignoring their discernment, morally corrupting the truth in order to accommodate a lie they prefer to believe. This has caused internal injury that is showing up on the outside. We all make errors in judgment, but usually, we make choices we know in our spirit, go against the plan God has for us. We override truth in favour of our own self-indulgent pleasure. It is a form of intellectual idiocy or moral imbecility, terms that I know will not garner me favour. 

All this to say 
I am not politically correct, nor am I a feminist. I am not social justice savvy, or inclined to fight for the rights of individuals that define themselves as separate from the rest of society. I do not profess scholarly or academic inclinations. All this to say that I am not speaking in self-defence for my stance or statements, I share this to let you know, that as an observer of the human race, I can state what I see without feeling the need to apologize. If you disagree or happen to be hurt or offended by what you are reading, then I guess, my arrow may have hit the bullseye mark. 

What I am, is a Christian. What I want is a moral uprising. I envision truth prevailing because people cling to it with all their strength and depend upon it for their lives and the lives of those they love. There is little to no time in each life, to waste on lies, liars, manipulation, falsehood and the like. We are but fading flowers, dear one, and the cold hard facts tell us that it is moral decline and the destruction of the desire to live ethically, that has brought us to this turning point in our mutual history. We are banding together on one side or the other of the dividing line, and our leaning is obviously evident, not only to our fellow man, but to the One that matters most, to God Almighty. We have the opportunity to right ourselves, to straighten our ways so that we model excellent moral posture. 

Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish (Proverbs 12:1)

There isn't one amongst us that has not needed sound instruction to grow more knowledgeable. Being reproved might feel stingy, but when we permit the teaching, it sharpens us, enabling us to be more aware of who we are and who we want to become. But dear reader, if this does not make a good argument for change in your mind, then you may very well be brutish!

My prayer is that we the people of God, continue to seek His face, living lives commendable to the great commission. 

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