Thursday, June 2, 2022

Noah Means Rest, Peace

The name Noah means rest, peace. Perhaps you have heard the expression, no rest for the wicked, dear reader? In this screen shot, a weaselly monkey man, declares how he wants to shape the world, and in his vile ways, he wants to counter rest and peace, by causing distress and strife.

I find it entertaining that Yuval Noah Harari plays on words, using flood survival prophetically, while publicly, repeatedly, blaspheming God. Does he have any clue of what he speaks? Anyone with a read Bible, meaning you have been reading yours, dear one, knows that God is the beginning and the end, and while we believe we are filling in history books, He already knows how it all turns out. 

It is humiliating hubris displayed on the face of this man, that takes himself too seriously as a mover and shaker, that is hard to behold. He does not mock God, he fulfills God's prophecies while making a fool of himself. God indeed, rescued eight souls from a flood, a judgment on the slavish to sin worldly people in Noah's days. Clearly, this man with the same middle name, believes that he will wipe out democracy, the free market, and human rights, with a flood of "extremely useful devices, tools and structures that make no allowance for the free will of individual humans" ... being a catalyst for catastrophic global events is by assignment: 

What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction (Romans 9:22)

Harari is being used, despite his egocentric narcissistic belief that he is in charge of humanity, with bits and pieces of technology that can be implanted amongst the willing, and forced upon the unwilling. He thinks freedom of will can be dissolved under the threat of harm ... Jesus Christ proved in His perfection, that His will to obey the Father superseded the force of mere men. Harari underestimates the power of God, the Holy Spirit strength, that surges in the upright of heart, the faithful ones that bend their knee only to the Almighty. 

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (1John 4:4)

As a child of Almighty God, I will continue to trust in Him, and not fear the mousey men that wield tiny plastic swords or micro chips, as it were.

Harari and his snakey snare setting set of serpentine associates, seem well acquainted with scripture: they ought to know how the story ends? The father of lies certainly does ... somehow, men in their naiveté and self-aggrandizement, seem to neglect the fact that daily they age, daily they slip and slide closer to that gaping hole in the ground that calls out their name ... and that Jesus Christ said from the cross, "It is finished!" 

But as the days of Noe (Noah) were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe (Noah) entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be (Matthew 24:37-39)

To be clear, we are under God's judgment, dear reader. This is why all that is happening seems almost unstoppable. We have grieved the Lord greatly. While He promised to never wipe us out with a flood again, the evil amongst us use this imagery to instil fear, as though they are in charge of the human race and its demise. A flood of forces are truly stirred to a frenzy, and we can feel it, sense it, and react to it too. 

How we react, or disengage and redirect our energies, indicates Whom, or WHO, we are aligned with. I don't know about you, dear reader, but I will not be dictated to by men of ill will that have nothing better to do then power trip and trick people with despicable lies. No thank ya Noah ... the no rest for the wicked small man that God is watching. 

Peace be with you are the words our Saviour taught. Anyone that counters these words, anyone that causes distrust and dissonance, is not of God, but of the devil ... Yuval has given himself over to the dark side, and will go down in history the same way his predecessors have ... God will destroy the wicked, in His perfect timing. 

Harari and I have one thing in common ... we like to play with words:

PRE: prior or before
DECEASOR: dead, someone who is dead

Those that went before, predeceasing this modern day Noah that is fulfilling prophecy, committed heinous crimes just as he is now doing. He is hell bound and bent to repeat their iniquitous eternal errors, and he will meet his Maker in God's perfect timing.

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