Friday, June 17, 2022

Deep End

My words to my bestie: I am getting too old to care enough to jump into the deep end where someone is gonna take me down for trying to save em!

A drowning person sputters and spits, taking in water and coughing it back up again because it chokes them. That is what the truth is like for many a would be swimmer.They swallow a bit, find it wanting, and decide to go into waters that are above their heads, only to discover that when they are sinking, if they think without panicking, the shore or pool edge is near by, and they can doggie paddle their way to safety. Jumping in to save them, when what they really need is to save themselves, is silly and self defeating. The drowning person will take you down with them, and blame you for not warning them before they jumped in, or for not getting them out sooner, when all is said and done. 

Human nature is an oddity. We are fiercely independent, sappy and sucky co-dependants, willy nilly and head strong, and sometimes this is all wrapped up into one person. I used to think I could change people, help them "see the light" but alas, the only person I had a significant amount of mighty influence over, was myself. Even my man child has his own mind!

At fifty-five, I am disinclined to go too deep with anyone that doesn't know how to tread water for an extended amount of time solo. What I mean by this, is we humans have a natural inclination to look to others to encourage and support us, but this leaning can have an opposite effect: it can cause weakness in both parties. And besides, I am also getting too old for bad company ... people drowning in their own nonsense isn't very interesting to me, and lost it's lustre when I realized that no amount of investing in another can render rewards, if the other party likes to swim in waters that are above their abilities. We all do things that we get something out of ... for some, struggle is a way of life, and no amount of telling them that things could be different, changes their perspective. It is up to each of us to decide what we want and how we want to live. 

What is my point, you ask? It is this: I share Jesus with those that are interested. I guide those that have trouble seeing but want clear vision. I invest in those that want to live into their godly gifting, but I don't waste my time trying to convince anyone of anything, since this bears little to no fruit. 

And, dear reader, I don't jump into the deep end unless it's for pure challenging fun, WITH others that know how to take care of themselves. 

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