Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Love Waxed Cold

Here it is, the coin many are talking about. I am not an American, so I had to look up who's head graces one side of the quarter: George Washington is the president memorialized on millions of these 1/4 dollars.

Not surprisingly George, one of the good old boys, was a Master Mason. Hmmmm, well now, I smell a rat that historically was untrustworthy, given the nature of the private and secretive club of which he was a prominent member and leader. 

Masonic secrets are no longer hidden. The masons engage in vulgar and despicable activities. Just take a look at what they have managed to pull off as mass murderers over the past couple of years, let alone previous decades. The blatant turning away from the God of the Bible is their way of saying, "We own everything. We make the money. We are in charge, and we aren't shy or nervous as we proclaim our power world wide." 

People see them, hear them, and yet, there is no penetrating comprehension. It is the oddest thing to witness. I know this is a spiritual battle, but it is also intellectual. Part of the reason so many have been duped by the satan worshipping masons, is they have turned their back on God too! The battle of the mind, when lost, forfeits all sensibility, all deductive reasoning, and this is when the heart and soul become endangered. 

George made it onto the quarter just like Caesar did in Roman times. They have much in common, with the devil as their daddy. I am observing fervour around Geogie turning his back on the words, IN GOD WE TRUST, and I am here to say, he never did trust in the living God, and I fear, very few do. The evidence is all around us, that people everywhere gave up the ghost, so to speak, the possibility of the Holy Spirit residing within after being redeemed by the Saviour, in favour of a shadowed life here on earth, dim with doubt and the ultimate promise of a dead soul. 

A pocket full of change, bills to buy whatever they wish, the wicked have turned silver into fithy lucre. They dirty the deals they make with humans that are naive enough to believe them when they skillfully lie, misrepresent, steal, maim and kill, with obvious and grotesque ease, whilst millions witness their patented slaughtering of hapless victims. This, dear reader, is how we know we are marching to the end of times. 

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold (Matthew 24:12)

Love for our neighbour waxed cold 
Love for family members waxed cold
Love for friends that were part of the fabric of our lives, waxed cold
Love, dear one, for God Almighty waxed so cold, that hearts froze in chests, and souls have suffered blistering, tissue blackening frost bite 

We are under the judgment of God, for betraying Him and following wicked leaders that serve fork tongued demons. The iniquitous embody all that is ungodly, unholy, unclean, and vile, and unfortunately, all that deny God, will suffer the same fate as the perviously unrepentant generations. Hell is real, and the Bible is clear about popular propensities, without being numerically specific:

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: (Matthew 7:13)

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (Matthew 7:14)

The bent in thinking and ways go in through the wide and broad gate. They are the twisted of mind, the corrupt, and they are destined for destruction/death

Few, go in through the strait and narrow gate that leads to life ... few, find it 

Dear reader, do you count yourself as one amongst the few?
How would anyone know this about you?
The wicked are obvious in their snaky ways : are you obvious in your godly ones?

IN GOD WE TRUST ... what, dear one, does this mean, to YOU?

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