Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Don't You Judge Me

"You are judging me for judging you and I don't appreciate that finger you have stuck in my eyeball. You mind your business you trouble-making-opinionated-condescending self-righteous bigot! What gives you the impression that you can have an opinion about my opinion, or what I do or think or or ... who do you think you are, Moses or something?"

Sensual hussies
I am grinning as I type because I think I may be highlighting the last sixty plus years of debauchery, where Christian ethics and morals were kiboshed by sensual hussies that indulged in freedom of expression during the sexual revolution. What were they revolted against, you ask? The stringent rules of the God that made them. It is that simple. Marijuana was once considered a gateway drug, a harmless and natural introduction to mind altering experiences that purportedly would lead to the use of heavier, addictive, and damaging substances. If this is so, and I am extrapolating to make a pointed comparison, then condoms, the birth control and morning after pills, were gateway devices to promiscuity, and when they failed and intercourse resulted in a sperm becoming intimately acquainted with an egg, they led to harder resolutions, namely, abortions. 

Moving on to more subtle sin, we have emotional affairs ... the gateway to physical sexual contact with someone other than the partner that was committed to say, during wedding vows taken before God and man? If you have been married and experienced dissatisfaction with your mate, perhaps you can relate to this one: not necessarily having committed adultery, but flirting with the idea of ditching that drag of a human you call spouse, to love the one you want to be with. 

Slime of immorality
The slippery slope of sin has many of us coated with the slime of immorality, breached ethics, and integrity dismantled in stolen moments of pleasure. We have all fallen short of the glory of God, but when we have this pointed out to us, we bristle, displaying offence, and if we really don't want to change our ways, we become  defensive and perhaps even accusatory of the one that dared to question our motives and intentions: this reaction is a sure sign of a guilty conscience. 

Don't you judge me is the easy way out for those that are committed to committing sin. I mentioned Moses at the start of this piece of writing. He was the first law enforcement agent of the living God. He was the fella chosen to spend time in God's glowing glorious presence, whilst God carved His commandments into stone. It is the stony heart that says nay, those rules are not for me. Moses was the first judge for God's people when they had disputes. He was so all day and night busy with the work of the squabbling with each other people, that he had to appoint trusted elders to work along side him. This is what the masses resent: rules, regulations given by God. They seem perfectly okay with rules and regulations of the human variety ... 

Glowing man
After spending time with God, Moses had to shade his shine. He glowed so brightly that he had to cover his countenance with a veil: the brilliance of his face frightened the people. They hadn't seen anything quite like a glowing man. They had forgotten their escape from Egypt, the Lord leading them through the wilderness with fire by night and a cloud by day. They seemingly forgot that God delivered them from the hands of slave masters, parting waters so that they could walk across to a new life on dry land. God uses water to drown the wicked ... He also uses it to display His might, by piling it high and forming a corridor for the passage of His people. 

People that spend time with God do glow, dear one. Moses was God's representative on earth and had to deal with a stiff necked people. His authority was challenged by those that presumed leadership positions that had not been assigned them: even his own older brother and sister went against him at one point. And what is my point, you ask?

My point
My point is this: you, dear one, may be righteous, not self-righteous. You may be accused of being holier than thou, but I am here to tell you, that if you have committed to God's commandments, you may be deemed a bigot and condescendingly judgmental, but alas, you may just be the brightest person in someones's life, because you speak and live the truth, and no one can call you a liar, a cheat, a sneak. They can only say things like, "How dare you judge me", because their own shame convicts them, and that is something they have to reconcile and resolve in their own mind and heart. Which, by the way, is the human condition.

Each of us must reconcile in our individual mind what sins we have committed before God and man. Each of us must resolve to sin no more, because God is the ultimate Judge. He doesn't just point a finger and stick it in an eyeball or two, He is the pureness of love. He doesn't suffer foolish sinners, nor will he abide them in His heavenly presence when eternity is introduced at the point of death. 

If you don't want to be judged, be sin free. Jesus modelled this for us, and spoke these words:

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48)

And here, God gives most wonderful hopeful guiding advice to stop the backsliding and turn back to Him:

But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statues, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live. Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live? (Ezekiel 18:21-23)

God never rubs sin in our faces when we repent, no I told you so from Him ...

All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him.

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