Monday, June 27, 2022

Most People

Imagine having so much money that you never ever have to work. Now imagine, that in spite of the sky high stack of countless cash, you decide you must work, and choose that you will use your days to devise the demise of the poor slobs that are downtrodden, in debt, and in your eyes, pathetic useless wasters, undeservedly breathing your air. YOUR AIR ... since you own everything, the air ought to be patented and packaged, as YOURS. 

I find this scenario repugnant and nauseating, and I only wish to God that I was way off base. I am not. Right out of the jackasses mouths, not horses mouth, dear one, a horse is too elegant an animal to be likened to the wildly wicked, come statements of killing desire, with elaborate and intricate plans set in motion for as long as man has walked crookedly on this earth. 

Not surprisingly, murder is a tradition passed from one generation to the next, and proudly so. In Genesis, rather than seeing his ancestors name as besmirched as the first recorded in scripture killer of his own brother, Lamech the polygamist brags to his two wives after taking a young life for being offended:

And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, a young man to my hurt. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold (Genesis 4:23-24)

Entitlement to killing
I find it outrageously strange to imagine a sense of entitlement to killing, and yet, this liberty has been taken over and over and dare I say, over again since, well, forever. The one upmanship of sons surpassing their fathers in accomplishing the goal of killing far more en masse than their fathers ever could dream of doing, is a delight to the vile spirits of the perpetrators. Their daddies would be so proud if they could see them now ... alas, their view from hell may be obscured by the raging inferno perpetually scorching them in their wretched state of eternal damnation. 

The heart dictates
It isn't for money, dear reader. Nothing really is for money, now is it? We work because we have to live, but beyond this, money has no meaning, no substance, no purpose, other than what it can do for us when we want something. When a person has more than they can count, more than they can imagine in one place, purposelessness begins to set in, just like it does for those that have yet to discover their calling and reason for being: there is no difference. The heart dictates our words and actions, and whether rich or poor, kindness or cruelty can reside within, and there does seem to be some ancestral connection to who we become, unless of course, we give our lives to Jesus Christ as our Saviour: HE changes everything!

And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. And to Seth, to him also was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD (Genesis 4:25-26)

Psalms and Proverbs
God knows this: we choose, and sometimes we choose very badly, but a murderer has a little something extra nasty that seems to drive them to draw and spill innocent blood. God is good, and cannot commit evil. A quick dive into Psalms or Proverbs can be reassurance enough, that He does not let killers away with their crimes. I encourage you to go into the Bible to learn for yourself how God views those that take life senselessly. 

Shaking this feeling that I have, this sadness that I can do nothing to stop the killing, is jarring my spirit. I hear the sick saying they cannot understand what is wrong with them, and that seeing multiple specialists for odd aliments, leaves the questions in place with no answers or reassurance of a return to health with proven protocols. There are none, for the potions and poisons that soak into their flesh. They do not notice the knife poised to plunge, and I cannot do or say anything with what I see ... I cannot grab them and hold them close, warn them or tell them how sorry I am that they ... that they ... finishing the sentence is unbearable. 

Most people 
Most people prefer to believe that evil doesn't exist; that there isn't a boogey man or someone hiding in the shadows waiting to steal their life away. Most people prefer to believe that most people are good. Most people just can't even imagine what murderers have brewing in their blood, how their minds contrive ways to calculate a kill. 

Not wanting to know is dangerous. Pretending all is as it should be, is even more dangerous. It is not a dog eat dog world, it is a wolf eat wandering sheep world. 

If only the little lambs heeded the Good Shepherd's voice ...

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