Sunday, June 5, 2022

George O Well

"But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother." From George Orwell's novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four. 

Yes Master 
   Whatever You Say Sir
      Your wish is my COMMAND

Spoken for you
Has our society spoken for you, dear one? Have they done the unthinkable, falling in love with their captors, after a brief internal struggle of resistance, followed by a complete denial of their own convictions, their own beliefs, their own values? Have they given themselves over to a Commander in chief that they demand you give in to too? The norm is to be a muted mutton, but dear reader, I beseech you, to be mutinous, to not only resist conformity to what is being normalized, but to speak up and speak out, loudly and often. 

How rude of him
I have a friend that I really love: she will recognize herself when she reads this. She is afraid of her phone hearing what she is saying, and believe me when I tell you, her suspicions are correct. I have had my phone answer me when I spoke to someone else, and not directly to my Australian accented Siri assistant. How rude of him to interject his opinion when his was not invited into the conversation? As silly as it may sound, I told him so ... I said "How rude, I didn't ask your opinion. Mind your own business."

Now, I have to ask you to do the same, dear one. I have to request that no matter who may be listening, you speak your mind, you state your opinion, and you do so freely without fear of sudden arrest or being constrained by the thought, word, or deed police. This is how people become enslaved: fear of repercussions for privately and publicly disagreeing with what they perceive is everyone else's preference, invisibly leashes the tongue. The feeling that we are being eavesdropped upon, and continually surveilled, causes self-consciousness and curtailing of what we really believe. Not speaking disagreement is a form of agreement, a form of giving yourself away to the enemy that you fear. It is a way of saying Big Brother is easier to pretend give in to, than to adamantly state no, no way, you are not my master, you are no sir to me, and your demand will never, ever, be my command. 

Normalizing complacency
Normative is what the occultists are craving ... they want to normalize your complacency. They want you and I to deny our autonomy, our individualism, our own right to private thought and public declaration. It is not normal to be someone else's puppet or thing, muted and mummed, now is it, dear one? It is abnormal psychology that is at work here, when the wicked hold more sway compared to the ethical, morally sound, and upright amongst us. They, the evil ones, must not be given carte blanche in creating an atmosphere, and demoralized class, of globalized penal peasantry.

Free citizen
If I tell you, dear reader, that many, countless millions, think the way I do, will that change your stance? Will you feel more confident in proclaiming to the world what you really think about Big Brother's plans for your choice-less future and that of those you love? While you have the chance, will you boldly, bravely, unabashedly, state that you are a free citizen of this world that God created, and you will not give this freedom away, no matter who is listening? 


This is my challenge to you: keep a firm grip on your freedom of speech and action, trusting in God's Sovereignty. We can be muted muttons, or claim our place as solid citizens, by going against the norm of being dictated to by the already damned. The villainous have chosen the road they are taking, and they want to drag you with them, sullying your soul. 

Choose ye this day whom you shall serve, dear one. It behooves you to realize that by speaking out, you will embolden others to do the same. You have impact, and can use it to change the trajectory of our collective future. If you decide not to, it may be the biggest regret of your lifetime. 

1 comment:

    I have been extremely outspoken lately because I am so disgusted with all that is happening. I was extremely upset with the way they came after Peter Navarro.
