Monday, June 27, 2022

Most People

Imagine having so much money that you never ever have to work. Now imagine, that in spite of the sky high stack of countless cash, you decide you must work, and choose that you will use your days to devise the demise of the poor slobs that are downtrodden, in debt, and in your eyes, pathetic useless wasters, undeservedly breathing your air. YOUR AIR ... since you own everything, the air ought to be patented and packaged, as YOURS. 

I find this scenario repugnant and nauseating, and I only wish to God that I was way off base. I am not. Right out of the jackasses mouths, not horses mouth, dear one, a horse is too elegant an animal to be likened to the wildly wicked, come statements of killing desire, with elaborate and intricate plans set in motion for as long as man has walked crookedly on this earth. 

Not surprisingly, murder is a tradition passed from one generation to the next, and proudly so. In Genesis, rather than seeing his ancestors name as besmirched as the first recorded in scripture killer of his own brother, Lamech the polygamist brags to his two wives after taking a young life for being offended:

And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, a young man to my hurt. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold (Genesis 4:23-24)

Entitlement to killing
I find it outrageously strange to imagine a sense of entitlement to killing, and yet, this liberty has been taken over and over and dare I say, over again since, well, forever. The one upmanship of sons surpassing their fathers in accomplishing the goal of killing far more en masse than their fathers ever could dream of doing, is a delight to the vile spirits of the perpetrators. Their daddies would be so proud if they could see them now ... alas, their view from hell may be obscured by the raging inferno perpetually scorching them in their wretched state of eternal damnation. 

The heart dictates
It isn't for money, dear reader. Nothing really is for money, now is it? We work because we have to live, but beyond this, money has no meaning, no substance, no purpose, other than what it can do for us when we want something. When a person has more than they can count, more than they can imagine in one place, purposelessness begins to set in, just like it does for those that have yet to discover their calling and reason for being: there is no difference. The heart dictates our words and actions, and whether rich or poor, kindness or cruelty can reside within, and there does seem to be some ancestral connection to who we become, unless of course, we give our lives to Jesus Christ as our Saviour: HE changes everything!

And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. And to Seth, to him also was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD (Genesis 4:25-26)

Psalms and Proverbs
God knows this: we choose, and sometimes we choose very badly, but a murderer has a little something extra nasty that seems to drive them to draw and spill innocent blood. God is good, and cannot commit evil. A quick dive into Psalms or Proverbs can be reassurance enough, that He does not let killers away with their crimes. I encourage you to go into the Bible to learn for yourself how God views those that take life senselessly. 

Shaking this feeling that I have, this sadness that I can do nothing to stop the killing, is jarring my spirit. I hear the sick saying they cannot understand what is wrong with them, and that seeing multiple specialists for odd aliments, leaves the questions in place with no answers or reassurance of a return to health with proven protocols. There are none, for the potions and poisons that soak into their flesh. They do not notice the knife poised to plunge, and I cannot do or say anything with what I see ... I cannot grab them and hold them close, warn them or tell them how sorry I am that they ... that they ... finishing the sentence is unbearable. 

Most people 
Most people prefer to believe that evil doesn't exist; that there isn't a boogey man or someone hiding in the shadows waiting to steal their life away. Most people prefer to believe that most people are good. Most people just can't even imagine what murderers have brewing in their blood, how their minds contrive ways to calculate a kill. 

Not wanting to know is dangerous. Pretending all is as it should be, is even more dangerous. It is not a dog eat dog world, it is a wolf eat wandering sheep world. 

If only the little lambs heeded the Good Shepherd's voice ...

Friday, June 24, 2022

Killing Weeds

Interlocking stone
Between the bricks the gaps are home for ants and other creepy crawlers. Rain washes sand away, birds drop seeds: weeds and sometimes pretty plants, take to rooting into the ground. Left to their own growing devices, they reach for the sky in what looks like a miniature grid forest. Killing them seems cruel, since they live outside and it really isn't their fault that they sprouted where they were planted by an unseen hand. Kill them I must: this pesky green display ruins the neat and clean image that proud homeowners aspire to. I like neat and clean, it helps me make sense of the world.

Nothing makes sense
If only I could feel that sense of ease that comes with the knowledge of life making sense. Nothing seems to make sense ... there is ordered chaos and it makes me feel insecure. I wonder what God is up to, despite trusting Him and His plan. I would still appreciate some intel.

Common thematic interest
I feel like one of the weeds, planted in a place I do not belong. To borrow a phrase, this is the longest summer of my discontent. It has lasted five years, and I am not confident that a reprieve will be administered any time soon. I know I am not alone. I know that the strangeness is felt and a no going back sentiment is settling into many a soul. We are now unified in ways that we had never anticipated, nor desired. We have a common thematic interest, one and all, and it is an unholy link with the dark realm. We see the enemy in his full regalia, boasting and busting wide open with pride, and it sickens the spirit. It feels like going in and out of a nightmare, one that holds you down in your bed unable to scream, let alone get up. Have you ever had one of those nightmares, dear reader? The kind that pins you to your mattress, causing incapacitation?

I could look up scripture
I wonder about God and what He is up to. I wonder about victory, and how long we must gaze into the eyes of the dark ones while they spew their death wishes, unabashedly set on kill auto pilot. I could look up some scripture here and now to speak their future and ours, but that is not going to scratch my itch. I am itching to know what the plan is, and what I am supposed to do.

Small circle
I realized tonight that I have some pent up anger. It comes from disappointment in myself and other: it comes from a resolve to getting used to certain things as they are. Being pragmatic is rarely entertaining; at the very least, it is honest. I am getting used to a very small circle of people I intimately interact with. I am getting used to the fragility of relationship. I am getting used to here today, gone tomorrow. I am getting used to a light dusting of sadness from my sandpapered soul, that is nearly impossible to wash or blow off. It is only when I drive myself with exercise that I feel as though I may be able to fight the feeling, to shake it from me ... 

Although the fig tree shall not blossom, 
neither shall fruit be in the vines;
the labour of the olive shall fail, 
and the fields shall yield no meat;
the flock shall be cut off from the fold,
and there shall be no herd in the stalls:
Yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will joy in the God of my salvation
Habakkuk 3:17-18

Eyes trained on God
I have had to ask God for forgiveness lately. I am not rejoicing in Him, as Habakkuk did ... I am clearly, very attached to what is happening in this world, in my life, and in the lives of the people I care about, rather than keeping my eyes trained on God and glorifying Him, no matter the circumstances. It isn't a crisis of faith, it is more like an ugly anticipation of what is to come, rather than thanking Him for what is. I am an ingrate! Ha, labelling "it" for what "it" is, is a slight relief. 

I have much to be grateful for, including the knowledge that the world is in Godly Hands, no matter what the demonically driven feign. To say this isn't new, that nothing is new under the sun, doesn't change the fact that yucky feels, well, yucky. Knowing that Satan's committed to crime crew is wreaking havoc is unsettling, and my longing is to know that it will come to an end in my life time, and that my son will have the opportunities I had, prior to the globalized violations of all things that are holy and sacred. I confess, I want to see a heaping helping of justice served up to those that have done the devils bidding. 

Sleep evades, weeds persist, and hope is said to spring eternal. My hope is that my prayers are answered, and I can be a whole lot more like Habakkuk, and a lot less like an ingrate. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Moral Imbecility

Every once in a while I fall into the trap of watching video vignettes that in seconds loop, so that I have perhaps seen the same video 2-3 times before I realize that's it, that's the entirety of the sharing for that particular moment in someone else's good or bad time. 

Two recent videos that vividly play out in my memory are of a man with a massive albino tiger as his house pet, and a couple seated for an elegant safari setting luncheon, with two giraffe approaching their table. In the tiger scenario, the man puts his arm in the tigers open mouth, proving to his viewing audience that his feline friend is tame, and apparently trustworthy. In the second video, the seated couple think nothing of attempting to begin their meal with large animals approaching. This proved to be foolhardy: one of the giraffes gives a good head butting to the lovely lady, knocking her ... almost ... from her seat? I don't know if she actually fell to the ground, because of the darned loop video, that stopped just short of finishing the started story. 

Giraffe head butt
Foolhardy is the word I used in the preceding paragraph. It would appear that limits are lifted, anything goes, and humans seem to believe that they are invincible. I know I am not, how about you, dear reader? One nasty headache can put me down for an entire day, incapacitating me as a reminder, that I had better appreciate my health when I am feeling spring chicken energetic. A tiger can turn, a giraffe can head butt, and who is the silly one for trusting a wild animal with their safety?

I laugh as I percolate, because I wasn't quite sure where this piece of writing was going to take us, and now I know ... who is the silly one for trusting a wild animal for their safety? ...

We have witnessed imbecility at is finest. If there were awards for idiocy, I am not sure there would be room enough on stage for all the losers, I mean winners? 

A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back (Proverbs 26:3)

The wise person
If I were to warn you of impeding doom and the demise of the human race, perhaps you would consider what I am saying, look into the matter and either concur, or dismiss my statements as absurd, and me as being out of synch with reality. The wise person does just that: they investigate the claims of others, discuss the matter with those they consider wise councillors, and proceed with caution. I admit, I have been impetuous in the past, believing something or someone without taking the time to check out the source or the information proffered. Periodically, against my better judgment, I have ploughed ahead, and gone against my discernment, only to regret it later. Perhaps you can relate, dear reader?

Wanting to believe that a tiger will never turn on you, or that a giraffe won't strike you for being in his way, or that a professing murderer will deviate from his pronounced course of action, by refraining from killing you and your family as part of their master plan to depopulate the earth, is kind of, well, imbecilic. Pretending something ain't so, doesn't make it go.

Leaning tower of Pisa
I have noticed a lot of limping going on: perhaps it is confirmation bias, or perhaps inner injury is now showing up outwardly. There is a lopsidedness that is becoming more and more evident. As a personal trainer, my eye is trained to see imbalances, and it is all I can do to stop myself from going up to perfect strangers, and giving them a good stretch to relax overly contracted shoulder muscles that in all likelihood, are causing neck strain and headache pain. My eyes are now drown to gait, and the drop to one side is becoming more apparent. People are leaning towers of Pisa! I can do nothing for them, and besides, who am I to correct them?

Morally corrupting the truth
Of course I am leading you dear reader, in the direction I am currently leaning. People have made decisions causing much imbalance. They have taken to ignoring their discernment, morally corrupting the truth in order to accommodate a lie they prefer to believe. This has caused internal injury that is showing up on the outside. We all make errors in judgment, but usually, we make choices we know in our spirit, go against the plan God has for us. We override truth in favour of our own self-indulgent pleasure. It is a form of intellectual idiocy or moral imbecility, terms that I know will not garner me favour. 

All this to say 
I am not politically correct, nor am I a feminist. I am not social justice savvy, or inclined to fight for the rights of individuals that define themselves as separate from the rest of society. I do not profess scholarly or academic inclinations. All this to say that I am not speaking in self-defence for my stance or statements, I share this to let you know, that as an observer of the human race, I can state what I see without feeling the need to apologize. If you disagree or happen to be hurt or offended by what you are reading, then I guess, my arrow may have hit the bullseye mark. 

What I am, is a Christian. What I want is a moral uprising. I envision truth prevailing because people cling to it with all their strength and depend upon it for their lives and the lives of those they love. There is little to no time in each life, to waste on lies, liars, manipulation, falsehood and the like. We are but fading flowers, dear one, and the cold hard facts tell us that it is moral decline and the destruction of the desire to live ethically, that has brought us to this turning point in our mutual history. We are banding together on one side or the other of the dividing line, and our leaning is obviously evident, not only to our fellow man, but to the One that matters most, to God Almighty. We have the opportunity to right ourselves, to straighten our ways so that we model excellent moral posture. 

Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish (Proverbs 12:1)

There isn't one amongst us that has not needed sound instruction to grow more knowledgeable. Being reproved might feel stingy, but when we permit the teaching, it sharpens us, enabling us to be more aware of who we are and who we want to become. But dear reader, if this does not make a good argument for change in your mind, then you may very well be brutish!

My prayer is that we the people of God, continue to seek His face, living lives commendable to the great commission. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Don't You Judge Me

"You are judging me for judging you and I don't appreciate that finger you have stuck in my eyeball. You mind your business you trouble-making-opinionated-condescending self-righteous bigot! What gives you the impression that you can have an opinion about my opinion, or what I do or think or or ... who do you think you are, Moses or something?"

Sensual hussies
I am grinning as I type because I think I may be highlighting the last sixty plus years of debauchery, where Christian ethics and morals were kiboshed by sensual hussies that indulged in freedom of expression during the sexual revolution. What were they revolted against, you ask? The stringent rules of the God that made them. It is that simple. Marijuana was once considered a gateway drug, a harmless and natural introduction to mind altering experiences that purportedly would lead to the use of heavier, addictive, and damaging substances. If this is so, and I am extrapolating to make a pointed comparison, then condoms, the birth control and morning after pills, were gateway devices to promiscuity, and when they failed and intercourse resulted in a sperm becoming intimately acquainted with an egg, they led to harder resolutions, namely, abortions. 

Moving on to more subtle sin, we have emotional affairs ... the gateway to physical sexual contact with someone other than the partner that was committed to say, during wedding vows taken before God and man? If you have been married and experienced dissatisfaction with your mate, perhaps you can relate to this one: not necessarily having committed adultery, but flirting with the idea of ditching that drag of a human you call spouse, to love the one you want to be with. 

Slime of immorality
The slippery slope of sin has many of us coated with the slime of immorality, breached ethics, and integrity dismantled in stolen moments of pleasure. We have all fallen short of the glory of God, but when we have this pointed out to us, we bristle, displaying offence, and if we really don't want to change our ways, we become  defensive and perhaps even accusatory of the one that dared to question our motives and intentions: this reaction is a sure sign of a guilty conscience. 

Don't you judge me is the easy way out for those that are committed to committing sin. I mentioned Moses at the start of this piece of writing. He was the first law enforcement agent of the living God. He was the fella chosen to spend time in God's glowing glorious presence, whilst God carved His commandments into stone. It is the stony heart that says nay, those rules are not for me. Moses was the first judge for God's people when they had disputes. He was so all day and night busy with the work of the squabbling with each other people, that he had to appoint trusted elders to work along side him. This is what the masses resent: rules, regulations given by God. They seem perfectly okay with rules and regulations of the human variety ... 

Glowing man
After spending time with God, Moses had to shade his shine. He glowed so brightly that he had to cover his countenance with a veil: the brilliance of his face frightened the people. They hadn't seen anything quite like a glowing man. They had forgotten their escape from Egypt, the Lord leading them through the wilderness with fire by night and a cloud by day. They seemingly forgot that God delivered them from the hands of slave masters, parting waters so that they could walk across to a new life on dry land. God uses water to drown the wicked ... He also uses it to display His might, by piling it high and forming a corridor for the passage of His people. 

People that spend time with God do glow, dear one. Moses was God's representative on earth and had to deal with a stiff necked people. His authority was challenged by those that presumed leadership positions that had not been assigned them: even his own older brother and sister went against him at one point. And what is my point, you ask?

My point
My point is this: you, dear one, may be righteous, not self-righteous. You may be accused of being holier than thou, but I am here to tell you, that if you have committed to God's commandments, you may be deemed a bigot and condescendingly judgmental, but alas, you may just be the brightest person in someones's life, because you speak and live the truth, and no one can call you a liar, a cheat, a sneak. They can only say things like, "How dare you judge me", because their own shame convicts them, and that is something they have to reconcile and resolve in their own mind and heart. Which, by the way, is the human condition.

Each of us must reconcile in our individual mind what sins we have committed before God and man. Each of us must resolve to sin no more, because God is the ultimate Judge. He doesn't just point a finger and stick it in an eyeball or two, He is the pureness of love. He doesn't suffer foolish sinners, nor will he abide them in His heavenly presence when eternity is introduced at the point of death. 

If you don't want to be judged, be sin free. Jesus modelled this for us, and spoke these words:

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48)

And here, God gives most wonderful hopeful guiding advice to stop the backsliding and turn back to Him:

But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statues, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live. Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live? (Ezekiel 18:21-23)

God never rubs sin in our faces when we repent, no I told you so from Him ...

All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Chasing the Devil's Approval

If you are a pleaser, you might want to stop right here, and discontinue reading this piece of writing: it may very well be an insult to your sense of self-worth. That is not my intention. My intention is to force a decision, to push or pull innards, the hidden parts of people that make them quivery at the thought of challenging status quo, or more pointedly, the mediocrity of going with the current flow, as it rushes to the cliffs edge. 

When we, as a society, comply with wicked demands imposed by human task masters, we are chasing after the devils approval to give us a green light into areas he seems to gate keep. With the masses demonstrating their inclinations to indulge in fleshly desires, we see that at every turn, their is someone holding a hoop, creating an obstacle course, or pointing at a Do Not Enter zone sign: the humans that want what they want, hop, skip, and jump, and try to navigate around the signage. 

  • Is it the thing to do, dear reader? 
  • Does it make moral sense to compromise your integrity, so that you can participate in the devils reindeer games? 
  • Do the ends justify the means? 
  • How far are you willing to go to get what you think you cannot live without?
I would rather not. No Thank-You. I don't think so ... 
I would prefer death over doing THAT

Some of the things that people have been asked to do, not required, have been demeaning and degrading. I don't need to list them here, we all know what they are, and we, each of us, also know how it felt to comply, to take a knee, as it were, at the demand of someone we saw as more powerful than us in the moment. 

One of the most humiliating thoughts that I have is my acquiescence: when my son and I purchased masks to board a plane; when I didn't say anything or stop the staff from shooting our foreheads for our temperature before going through the gates; and wearing a mask that itched and made me feel like I had betrayed myself and all that is holy. The alternative to the plane ride was to rent a car, drive for three and a half days, staying in hotels along the way ... I wish I had done this, dear reader. It would have been more costly in dollars, but the price I paid for compromising my integrity was far more expensive. This story goes back in time, when the outrageous debauchery of being emotionally and psychological man handled had begun. As you know, the mistreatment has gotten far worse. All is running smoothly, in accord with  conniving criminal plans. What saddens me the most is the willingness of so many, to give themselves over to the imposed rules and regulations, so that they can do what they want to do ... even when they know that they are perpetuating a lie. 

This is my point in writing. I find all that has happened jarring. I still get alarmed when I see masked men, women, and children. I wonder about injections and injuries, and I just can't help but feel the heavy burden of concern mixed with continued dismay. The lie repeatedly told has been rejected verbally by countless people that somehow behaviourally, cow to inhumane unjust treatment, despite knowledge of the truth, of repercussions, of long term effects. 

Testing, testing, one to three. This is a test, dear reader. The tempter wants us to believe we need his approval to live freely, and each time we say yes to his demands, we add one more link in the chain of our own handcuffs. It occurs to me that Joseph in the Bible was sent to prison for not having sex with his bosses wife. If it feels like you are currently curtailed, perhaps that is the price God wants see you willingly pay, for being faithful to Him. 

How else will you been known as different 
from those that have yet to give their lives to Him?

When I paid for a mask. When I put it on and saw my son in one too ... I sinned. I made a decision to sin. I own that, and I have asked God to forgive me. If I were to do this again, today, in order to fly, I am not so sure my sin would be as forgivable. Perhaps God would forgive me, but I would have to live with the knowledge that I betrayed Him, betrayed myself, and betrayed my fellow man, by perpetuating a lie via compliance with wickedness. 

Complying with wickedness is chasing after the devils approval and is diametrically opposed to all that God asks of us when we declare Him as our Sovereign. What right do you have, dear one, to betray the King of kings? You have your free will to choose, and that is God's gift to you. But if you believe that Jesus' blood was shed for your sins, you are His captive, and your heart should ache at the thought of betraying Him to please yourself. 

My prayer is conviction for those that have gone astray into worldly ways

My prayer is that you, dear one, decide that Truth is the precious pearl that you desire at all costs, more than life itself

My hope is that if you have compromised your integrity via acquiescence to satanic demands, that you repent, sin no more, and ask God for strength to face the future with the possibility of persecution ahead, as the price you are willing to pay for pledging your allegiance privately, and publicly, to the Lord, Jesus Christ. 

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it (Matthew 13:45-46)

Friday, June 17, 2022

Deep End

My words to my bestie: I am getting too old to care enough to jump into the deep end where someone is gonna take me down for trying to save em!

A drowning person sputters and spits, taking in water and coughing it back up again because it chokes them. That is what the truth is like for many a would be swimmer.They swallow a bit, find it wanting, and decide to go into waters that are above their heads, only to discover that when they are sinking, if they think without panicking, the shore or pool edge is near by, and they can doggie paddle their way to safety. Jumping in to save them, when what they really need is to save themselves, is silly and self defeating. The drowning person will take you down with them, and blame you for not warning them before they jumped in, or for not getting them out sooner, when all is said and done. 

Human nature is an oddity. We are fiercely independent, sappy and sucky co-dependants, willy nilly and head strong, and sometimes this is all wrapped up into one person. I used to think I could change people, help them "see the light" but alas, the only person I had a significant amount of mighty influence over, was myself. Even my man child has his own mind!

At fifty-five, I am disinclined to go too deep with anyone that doesn't know how to tread water for an extended amount of time solo. What I mean by this, is we humans have a natural inclination to look to others to encourage and support us, but this leaning can have an opposite effect: it can cause weakness in both parties. And besides, I am also getting too old for bad company ... people drowning in their own nonsense isn't very interesting to me, and lost it's lustre when I realized that no amount of investing in another can render rewards, if the other party likes to swim in waters that are above their abilities. We all do things that we get something out of ... for some, struggle is a way of life, and no amount of telling them that things could be different, changes their perspective. It is up to each of us to decide what we want and how we want to live. 

What is my point, you ask? It is this: I share Jesus with those that are interested. I guide those that have trouble seeing but want clear vision. I invest in those that want to live into their godly gifting, but I don't waste my time trying to convince anyone of anything, since this bears little to no fruit. 

And, dear reader, I don't jump into the deep end unless it's for pure challenging fun, WITH others that know how to take care of themselves. 

Frowardness & Contrarians

The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom: but the froward tongue shall be cut out. The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked speaketh frowardness (Proverbs 10:31-32)

Frowardness: of a person, difficult to deal with, contrary

As I was growing up, I recall my mother using the term spirit of contradiction. 

Contrarian: a person who opposes or rejects popular opinion or current practice

I see the froward as contrary, dealing with the truth as though it were a wiggly unwieldy entity. I see contrarians opposing and rejecting the pushed upon us opinions and current practices that have become popular. I guess I have the spirit of contradiction when it comes to the ways of the world, but this is not exactly what my mother was referencing; more on this further on down the page. I am opposed to the ways of the froward, and the wagging of their tongues when they speak wickedly: I contradict and combat their slick style of fabrication, challenging what they say, and the messages they broadcast far and wide. 

Lately, I have been longing for the company of those that love the truth more than life itself. I know there are many out there, but I have met very few. This is confusing for me. When I read the Psalms or Proverbs, I get confirmation of what it looks like to be a wicked man or woman, and confirmation what a righteous person sounds and acts like. The clarity and distinctions are so crisp that it makes me weep, because it affirms what I believe about what is evident in the world, and more importantly, what is possible for each human that chooses to live for God and His glory. 

This verse stood out to me this morning as painfully true:

As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him (Proverbs 10:26)

Too much vinegar makes a meal difficult to eat, and smoke in the eyes burns like the fire from which it issues. The sluggard, the one that ought to do the work he is sent to complete, is useless, an utter waste of time, and this is what we are seeing. Time, money, talent, energy, enthusiasm, zeal, used up as though they were unlimited and valueless. The devil kindled a fire with the froward, and the smoke billows and burns not only the eyes, but the sinew and soul as we get closer to the flame, or more accurately, as we feel the heat travelling in our direction. 

As the world turns, I see everyone living as though nothing has changed, nothing has gone awry, everything is as it was and should be. But it isn't, and the contrarians know it. The contrarians are like white on rice. They cannot stop speaking about what they see, and warning others that the easy life is gone gone gone, never to return. 

As the death toll rises from "vaccidents", a new term coined to encapsulate the injuries and deaths from reactions people are having while driving or flying a plane, the contrarians are alarmed and sensing that we are on the cusp of more of the same as catastrophe becomes common place. The true spirit of contradiction, the one that my mother hinted at, that belongs to the froward, is anti christ, and he is pushing and pulling humans every which way, seemingly without their knowledge, and strangely, with their consent. 

Those that have thus far dodged the damage from taking into their bodies that which the LORD of hosts forbids, have been treated mercifully. God has granted many a reprieve and some, one day, will thank Him for the unmerited favour and grace He generously bestows. He is kind, and forgiving, even of the froward when they repent: and haven't we all, at one point in time or another, been difficult when God wanted us to be obedient for our own good?

I want to offer hope 
I want to say it is okay, and will get better
I want to offer some kind of comfort and encouragement 
I want you, dear reader, to turn to God
I want for you, for me, and for the children that just don't know yet, what we know

I want to meet more contrarians, those that oppose the froward by honouring the living God

For today, I consider my sadness, and hope it turns to gladness. I want to be counted amongst the righteous ... I sure do hope you feel the same way.

The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish (Proverbs 10:28)

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Love Waxed Cold

Here it is, the coin many are talking about. I am not an American, so I had to look up who's head graces one side of the quarter: George Washington is the president memorialized on millions of these 1/4 dollars.

Not surprisingly George, one of the good old boys, was a Master Mason. Hmmmm, well now, I smell a rat that historically was untrustworthy, given the nature of the private and secretive club of which he was a prominent member and leader. 

Masonic secrets are no longer hidden. The masons engage in vulgar and despicable activities. Just take a look at what they have managed to pull off as mass murderers over the past couple of years, let alone previous decades. The blatant turning away from the God of the Bible is their way of saying, "We own everything. We make the money. We are in charge, and we aren't shy or nervous as we proclaim our power world wide." 

People see them, hear them, and yet, there is no penetrating comprehension. It is the oddest thing to witness. I know this is a spiritual battle, but it is also intellectual. Part of the reason so many have been duped by the satan worshipping masons, is they have turned their back on God too! The battle of the mind, when lost, forfeits all sensibility, all deductive reasoning, and this is when the heart and soul become endangered. 

George made it onto the quarter just like Caesar did in Roman times. They have much in common, with the devil as their daddy. I am observing fervour around Geogie turning his back on the words, IN GOD WE TRUST, and I am here to say, he never did trust in the living God, and I fear, very few do. The evidence is all around us, that people everywhere gave up the ghost, so to speak, the possibility of the Holy Spirit residing within after being redeemed by the Saviour, in favour of a shadowed life here on earth, dim with doubt and the ultimate promise of a dead soul. 

A pocket full of change, bills to buy whatever they wish, the wicked have turned silver into fithy lucre. They dirty the deals they make with humans that are naive enough to believe them when they skillfully lie, misrepresent, steal, maim and kill, with obvious and grotesque ease, whilst millions witness their patented slaughtering of hapless victims. This, dear reader, is how we know we are marching to the end of times. 

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold (Matthew 24:12)

Love for our neighbour waxed cold 
Love for family members waxed cold
Love for friends that were part of the fabric of our lives, waxed cold
Love, dear one, for God Almighty waxed so cold, that hearts froze in chests, and souls have suffered blistering, tissue blackening frost bite 

We are under the judgment of God, for betraying Him and following wicked leaders that serve fork tongued demons. The iniquitous embody all that is ungodly, unholy, unclean, and vile, and unfortunately, all that deny God, will suffer the same fate as the perviously unrepentant generations. Hell is real, and the Bible is clear about popular propensities, without being numerically specific:

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: (Matthew 7:13)

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (Matthew 7:14)

The bent in thinking and ways go in through the wide and broad gate. They are the twisted of mind, the corrupt, and they are destined for destruction/death

Few, go in through the strait and narrow gate that leads to life ... few, find it 

Dear reader, do you count yourself as one amongst the few?
How would anyone know this about you?
The wicked are obvious in their snaky ways : are you obvious in your godly ones?

IN GOD WE TRUST ... what, dear one, does this mean, to YOU?

Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Should Have Could Have Conference

Thank-You so much for your attendance everyone 🤨

I will be your Master of Mistakes Conference leader this weekend. I am very familiar with errors in judgment and decisions made from ignorance that I regret, and I must say, that as a graduate from this disappointing school of self-loathing, I feel privileged to be able to relate to you in group and individual format alike.  

The conveners of the Should Have Could Have Conference, have vast experience in our past, recognizing that we should have could have, done many things differently to avoid and evade some self-betraying and treacherous situations. Alas, as one of the founders of The Should Have Could Have discipleship, I realized that our tight nit group had room for many more. Unfortunately the likelihood of filling this rather large ballroom was promising ... and here you all are 😜

We realized that if we should have could have done things differently, that there were probably many more like us, so we decided to broaden our ⭕️ and broadcast invitations. Voila, there are one thousand of us here, and that was on a first come first serve basis: believe me when I tell you that we had to turn away ⮐ so many SHCH devotees 🎱 It is truly astounding to be in such similar company. It is oddly discomfiting and comforting at the very same

So welcome, on behalf of the We Wish We Had leaders in misteak making. We hope you enjoy your time with other Should Have Could Have's, and maybe even consider joining the ranks of We Wish We Had. If this idea has your ears perking, go directly to the almost always permanently red with embarrassment individuals spotting the crowd: they will help you clarify whether or not you belong is this extra ordinary group. 

Please note. We are just like you. We started out thinking we were right, cuz we wanted to believe we were, and then, BAM💥, we learned the hard way that maybe we didn't do our research, maybe we didn't seek wise counsel, maybe we could have should have (could and should can be ordered interchangeably, as you already know), taken our time and done some things differently ðŸ˜«

And just like you, we heard what that inner voice whispers when we are all alone say something along the lines of ... "That wasn't quite right, now was it? You regret that thing you did, huh? WE acknowledge, AS WISH WE HAD leaders, we have a tendency to ignore the voice, in favour of hints of regret later ... that is our disclaimer!

So, as we go into break down groups of fifteen to twenty, know that you will not have to share too many of your intimate details with perfect strangers. Chances are, they have done far worse than you have, so rest assured, that too much confession is not necessary to cleanse you from that awful feeling of finally being completely exposed. Just let that natural blush of embarrassment be enough for others to perceive that maybe you are embarrassed for you ... or maybe it is for them

Please do enjoy your time here, with us ... 

Dear reader: 

In this caustic little scenario, I work out my angst. Regret and remorse are gifts that ought to lead to repentance and a turning away from sinful ways. As humans, we have all spoken the words, I should have, I could have, because making mistakes in life comes with the territory, but so SHOULD making AMENDS. We SHOULD say we are sorry. We COULD do things differently, choose differently. 

Our previous mistakes are often blush worthy, but God forgives the heart that is contrite. The should have could have feelings may very well be the ones that lead each of us back to godly ways of relating and glorifying Him. 

My prayer is that the warning voice of the Holy Spirit is heeded, next time He whispers, "Don't do it, there is a far better way."

Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:19)

Fire & Water

My napkin caught on fire!  

Last night, while enjoying most excellent company and sumptuous food, my friend Jessica noticed a fire on our table top. I glazed at the blaze, picked up the fiery napkin by its unburnt corner, and proceeded to drop it on the floor. It had already managed to burn part of my phone purse, heat up the wall, and on its hot descent to the floor, sparked my friends jean jacked, attracting much attention. Jessica's daughter was humming loudly hmmmmm during the event, and while my friend and I were stomping the flame, a black shoed foot appeared to assist, and I heard close to my ear, let me, my shoes are bigger ... or something to that affect. Rather quickly and efficiently, the still lit candle was removed from our table, a staff member appeared to clean up the chars, and as we sat back down to resume our evening of fun and food, I noticed the whole restaurant looking our way ... that's when I decided to give a wave and say, heyyy ... their was a slight chuckle, and all returned to normal. I did ask the server if we could have more fire, but she declined. 

Today, I learned what a pressure gauge is!

Taking care of my pools needs did not come naturally to me, nor did I initially appreciate the tasks required to maintain crystal clear waters. I was resistant and resentful at first, and rightly so ... taking care of a pool is man's work: I say this almost jokingly! I am not a man, as defined in the old fashioned way, but I am a home owner, and the pool came with the house. 

Several summers
Hiring out the work of opening, closing, cleaning, maintaining, is the easy and more expensive way out of responsibility. I am loathe to give work and money away, when I can do things myself. Over the past several summers, my son and I have learned the how to's of pools, or at least, the one that nestles in the earth of our backyard. When I say learned, I mean he researches on line, and I acquire my knowledge by trial and experiential error. 

1. The pool works on a suction or vacuum system
2. Following chemical instruction is actually important
3. Chlorine removes colour from clothes (I knew that, but was casual about splash anyway, until of course, the darned stuff took colour out of a top I like)
4. Worms get in the filter baskets, and screaming is a natural response when I have touched one
5. Touching worms won't kill me, but I will never not scream, when I accidentally have flesh to flesh contact
6. Backwashing can drain a pool in minutes flat
7. Pressure gauges, when removed while the pump is on, can get the side of a person's head super wet, super fast 
8. Taking care of the pool gives me great satisfaction 

I grew up as a middle child, very pampered by my mom, and my dad when he was alive. I married an eldest, and he was a take action, get things done kinda guy when we were married. Most of my friends are either first borns or functionally so, and they are detail, take care of business sorts: I have always appreciated their planning skills, and the benefits of being in their company. 

Always fascinated
Taking care of business has become a new mode of being for me over the past five plus years. I do believe that I coasted prior to my marriage dissolving, not because I am lazy, but because it seemed that so many were willing to hop to action, and I didn't mind one bit! As a contented onlooker, I was always fascinated by their get up and go. I have this too of course, about things I am interested in ...

Green with algae
The first summer without a man to take care of the pool was grey to me. I didn't care about it, or much else, other than healing for family members in my household. We were wounded, and needed time to adjust to our new circumstances. The pool got by with minimal attention, and no visitors. I wasn't in the mood for company, or the ease of cooling off on a hot day. Going green with algae at the end of the season seemed acceptable to me: why bother was the sentiment, the cover will be on soon anyway, with winter coming. 

Each season, the pool become an entity to me, a living thing of sorts. The second year, I became somewhat interested, and desirous of making good of our relationship. I even had a baby fest, a party for some young clients with their infant and toddler children. My best friends and I enjoyed our time pool side, and it seemed life held some poolish promise. Fast forward to today, dear reader, and I am becoming a bit of a pro ...  I know what winterizing is, what the pump looks like inside, how to look for bubbles out of the filter holes as proof that the lines are open and all is in working order. I could go on about my mad skills, but I don't want to seem like a braggart, dear one ... suffice it to say, that in five years, necessity converted somewhere along the way, to desire. 

Chance to learn how
I want to be responsible for the fires I start, and the water that sputters and spouts when the pressure is on. I want to take care of my own business, and not rely on strangers to come and rescue me, or fix something because I haven't given myself the chance to learn how to yet. I like being able to say that I had no clue, but now I do. 

Here is my backstory though, dear reader. I cried, I swore, I screamed, I accused with balled fists, and I gave up many a time. I called myself stupid, and wanted to move. I hated and cursed and all of it was necessary for me to go through, because the pool represents so much more than just trapped water encased in concrete. It represents a coming of age for me. A maturing into my full potential. Taking responsibility for all of my life is what has taught me the most about what I am capable of. Asking for help, or having it generously supplied from unexpected places by thoughtful and kind people, gave me the impetus to try again.

Chlorine up my nose
Last night, during the fire (hee hee), my life didn't go us in a flash. It was a fun experience, and we all handled it with calm and humour. Today, when I got chlorine up my nose and on my toes, I knew to wash it off quickly ... and there was no cursing required. When my head and upper body got pressure washed, I had a good laugh because I do believe, that that was the only way for me to ever understand a pressure gauge. 

A wonderful friend of mine often says, from bad comes good. There is wisdom in knowing that in our darkest days, we can still have hope for a brighter future, crystal clear water, and the purifying that the refiners fire provides. All we need to contribute, is a willingness to be humble enough to admit we have a whole lot to learn ... and a desire to take action after a short bout of belly aching.

NOTE: While my backyard looks similar to the one in the picture, this is NOT my pool! 

Friday, June 10, 2022

Murder Menu & Retribution

Driving force
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned: this is the most familiar truth I could come up with as I consider my topic of retribution. I heard a really good joke too, about why cannibals will not eat a divorcee ... and the punch line is: she is too bitter! While this is rather entertaining, and we all know that bitter people behave in unbecoming ways, that is not the direction I want to steer us. I am pointing to emotions as the driving force for action. 

When it comes to emotions, crimes of passion used to be a defence for the culpable. Have you ever been so mad that you wanted to kill someone? Injustice, perceived or validated, can do that to a person. Enragement engenders a burning desire to get even, and when blood red is the tint through which someone sees another, actions taken can be frighteningly violent. This is what I anticipate happening. 

Injury has occurred
Millions of people were told one thing, and experienced another. Millions of people took into their bodies a poison potion several times over, with the suggestion that there is more to come, and whether they reacted immediately or experienced a delay, injury has occurred. We all know someone, or many someones, that are now chronically suffering from strange maladies, and the medical community must come up with new explanations for the abnormal occurrences they are seeing in patients. My question is, how are they coping? Seriously, dear reader, how are the medical professionals coping, as they see oddities daily of the alien variety, in the bodies of human beings.

Some judges, lawyers, and those of similar ilk, have also done the dastardly deed of taking these shots. They too, must be witnessing the aftermath, the repercussions, the disastrous affects of imposition on free citizens. They too, will have injuries, and if not, they know someone, perhaps a close family member, friend, or associate, that is suffering profusely as a result of unnecessary injections. And this might make them angry to the point of becoming enraged with the propagators of pain. 

Judges and officers shall thou make thee in all thy gates, which the LORD thy God giveth thee, throughout thy tribes: and they shall judge the people with just judgment (Deuteronomy 16:18)

Those left standing with strength bestowed from the Sovereign, will be called upon to judge the people with just judgment. While I acknowledge that some will never come to terms with how they fell into the snare set by diabolical forces of evil, I do know that a great number of people, once tricked, are loathe to be misled and manipulated again. 

Murder menu
With the authority they have, they will be called to do the will of the Father, holding murderers; those that have racketeered; spoken hateful lies to incite division and cause polarization; those that used their wicked inventions to injure and kill the masses, blaspheming God's precious name while using aborted baby parts to damn themselves and those they want to take with them ... any and all the players that purposefully, knowingly, issued insults, injuries, and death, as though they were ordering off a murder menu, will be held to account. 

Righteous indignation is a really valuable and chilling precursory sentiment for settling up someone else's bill. The wicked have been blatantly congratulatory with one another, believing they have conquered the world. They haven't a clue that they are being used, and unwisely doing the bidding of their puppet master. They do not anticipate or discern what is coming their way, because they only see themselves in all their own imagined grandeur. 

Thou shalt seek them, and shall not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought (Isaiah 41:12)

My topic is retribution, a word that makes the guilty squirm when they realize they may get what they have given. My prayer is that the injured turn their eyes to the villainous, to those that have damaged them and their loved ones. Crimes have been committed and prior to their commission, the criminals plotted and planned, convening to cavort over their demonically driven desires to do away with the rights and privileges of fellow human beings: and ultimately, to do away with human beings they deem unworthy of life. 

Righteous indignation
As I said above, righteous indignation is a really valuable and chilling precursory sentiment for settling up someone else's bill. The schemers are in grave danger of being tracked, caught, and "taken care of" by those that have very little to lose, because they have already lost everything. We must not underestimate how people in agony will respond to those that have stolen their health, wealth, and all prospects of happiness, autonomy, and soulful well-being. 

Robotically devoid of soul
You may be wondering, dear reader, if I am wishing ill on others, wanting them to pay for what they have done? My answer is yes, and no, and here is why. I want the murderers to be stopped. I want them to be held to account, but do I believe this is enough, do I believe that taking their lives will somehow recompense the millions of lives they have destroyed and stolen? No, a life for a life is not good math, it does not bring back those that went early to their grave. It does not stop the heartache, the grieving, and the devastation for those that remain, minus their loved ones. It is a sickening reality to witness people leaving this earth, one by one, as a result of carefully crafted plans demised and set into action, via those that seem robotically devoid of souls. How ironic: part of their plan is to dehumanize others, and this is exactly what they have done to themselves. 

I will leave you with this: 

  • Hell hath no fury like a mother or father that has by uninformed consent, caused injury or death to their own offspring
  • Hell hath no fury like a human, that finally recognizes that evil is real, and that the hearts of men are wicked
  • Hell hath no fury like a people who refuse to give up their autonomy to lowlifes that are unworthy of the time they have pilfered from all, with their blasphemous obnoxious vomitroious overloading of nonsensical blathering; their predictive and addictive programming, and manipulation of the masses to walk themselves and their family and friends, to suicide shots
  • Hell hath no fury, like the God of the universe, that will not be mocked, nor will He long tolerate the destruction of His children at the hands of those that bow to foreign gods.

When I think of the Ten Commandments, and realize that the murders gleefully commit themselves to violating every single one, I cannot help but feel as though they haven't a chance ... I will let your imagination take over from here. 

For those of us that feel shame and guilt for insulting and betraying God, there is a chance, an opportunity to repent, turn back from our wicked ways, commit ourselves to glorifying Him, and gleefully savouring the knowledge that One perfect life, and One alone, was given up to redeem the world from their wickedness and sin. 

Jesus Christ rules and reigns in the hearts of those that call on Him as Saviour, and nothing, and no one, can take this free choice from us ✝️

Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth (Jeremiah 23:5)