Friday, March 14, 2014

The Eyes of Love

My 16 year old son went to Ottawa for the school March break. While there, he and his friend made sandwiches to hand out to the homeless. One fellow ate the sandwich in about 30 seconds and thanked the boys profusely. Last night, they went out again and offered a sandwich to a man who asked "is it warm, because if not, I'll pass". My son informed me of the incident and wrote LOL, afterward. This delights me, because my boy didn't get his nose out of joint, nor did he have a negative opinion of the man following the rejection of the proffered sandwich.  I am pondering, what made my son make and offer sandwiches to the homeless?  What makes one man accept thankfully and another reject the offer out of a particular need to have "it", the offer, a certain way?  Perspective is my only answer. How we see the world, how we interact with and appreciate or reject, block another from doing us a service is all about this one thing:  Do you and I see others with the eyes of love?  Am I your equal, another precious soul travelling in time and space by your side?  Conversely, am I an object of your hate, your envy, your projected pain?  Someone seen as your competition, the reason for your failure, an enemy against your cause?  The wind is blowing outside, it howls at the thought of the latter suggestion...The Eyes of Love, they softly speak you are welcome here, come as you are.

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