Monday, March 10, 2014

Love is a Verb

Some people choose to be right, regardless of the facts. We all tell stories in our heads and have the ability to shall I say politely, embellish the truth or twist it to prove a point and validate our thoughts, feelings and ultimately the story we tell. There is someone I love, I can't help but love, but the stories in her head, they keep us apart.  Our vision, the colour of our glasses, how we see the world and it's people is telling, it speaks to our inner thought world and shows up in brief interactions with strangers and in more intimate contact with supposed beloved ones.  There is always the energy trail, the trace left behind that lingers and either leaves a rash or feels like the sprinkling of Heavenly shimmering fairy dust. The leave behind trace lingers and then fades and the unaware, the unconscious souls that go about the world clunking and banging, wreaking havoc with the peace of others around them, they leave destruction in their wake, debris to be cleaned up in their absence as they go off to go about their distructive business elsewhere.  I have heard there is a thin line between love and hate, this is a line I never want to draw or cross. I like the term "love is a verb", it goes along with the expression "actions speak louder than words".  What I think and or feel affects what I say and what I do~think about it, isn't this true of EVERYONE in your life?  If you don't see love demonstrated, in action by another, chances are, it just isn't there.

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