Thursday, March 6, 2014


Conflicted. There is a space between having what you or I want and wanting what we have. I met a man recently at the gym while doing cardio and for two days in a row, we chatted. The conversations were heavy because he had heavy thoughts.  I told him I am a coach and being a bright man, he knew when I was in coaching mode and we laughed when he named it. Today I blurted that he is conflicted...I'm torn between being ashamed of myself and proud of myself for naming what I saw in him, an almost perfect stranger. This changed our repoire, as shocking statements are prone to do, and I'm left wondering if my comment left a mark.  The conflict?  What he does for a living and what he wants to do are two different things~this is the simplified version of what is going on in his life. This showed up in then and now statements, self depricating comments, anger, wise mum says the tongue always goes to the sore tooth.  This means that no matter who this guy talks to, whatever is sitting heavily on his soul, whatever is weighing him down will come out verbally. Words are the overflow of the heart, in this case, a rended heart on the verge of breaking. He didn't hire me as coach, and it's not my place to mend his heart, he must do this himself by soul searching and being true to what he wants and living into that truth.  Coaching has given me tools to see, name what I see, and when I dare, to speak it with the intention of edifying my fellow man.  Conflict resolution is one of many powerful and wonderful life giving outcomes from coaching. May the coaching force be with you. 

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