Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Oral Exam Fun

Tonight marks the end of my certification program with CTI. I had an oral exam and had the fantastic experience of coaching my examiners, my colleagues in the profession. I have been a working paid coach for some time and already considered myself to be a coach, prior to tonight's big event~the oral exam was a rite of passage, the icing on a super delicious double layer chocolate cake.  My examiners wanted me to do well, they were invested in my success and believed that tonight was cause for joyful celebration, and they were right. The CTI model is humanity in action, the coach is figuratively the hands and feet, the servant to the client who wants to live large and full on. The client always and forever has all of the answers and the coach gets to hold the client up, like when one person offers for another to sit on their shoulders to see something fantastic, get a better view!  Coaching has transformed my life and I am gushy with appreciation. I am thrilled to be a Co-Active CTI Coach and soon, very soon, I will be able to call myself certified. 

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