Thursday, March 20, 2014

Grandma Ruth & Grandma Mary

"If you don't make the choice, choice makes you". Here's another one "if nothing changes, everything stays the same".  Two questions:  what will be made of you AND how is your same?  When you or I don't know what it is we want, it behooves us to find out. Staying the same is not an option once the wheels beginning turning, moving us in the direction of knowing.  My life is a big deal, it holds a lot if responsibility. Let me be very is MY LIFE, and this is the only one I know anything about at this point in time, it's all I've got.  I am responsible for every aspect of how it goes. As a child, I was subject to the decisions that the big powerful people in my life made~I wasn't consulted or given permission to give my opinion. This being subject to another, it carried on until I learned to argue, and boy howdy, I got really good at that.  When I learned that verbal sparring gave me freedom, that expressing my opinion, even when I was wrong, didn't kill me or anybody else, it fuelled my fire and well, I have been talking (less verbal sparring) ever since.  What I have learned about myself is that my intentions are good, that I am a kind person, and that taking care of me doesn't take away from another in fact, it does the opposite.  Regret kicks in when I sacrifice me for another and than realize that they never asked for that, expected it or even...noticed...Love, self love, it's the starter fluid for the fire that burns pure and lights up the world. To thine own self be true, words to live by.  Inspired by grandma Ruth's love, and grandma Mary's fire~your granddaughter noticed and is still learning from you~xo Ruth the second. 

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