Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Understanding Crazy is Nuts

Perhaps you are like me, dear reader? Perhaps you must understand the behind the scenes incubation processes that explain circumstances? 

I lean heavily on God to answer my questions, and when I am equipped emotionally to manage the information I request, He always provides. A trip to the local library was fruitful : God providentially furnished in significant ways that have yet to be calculated. Insider views into the technological world have yielded a perspective that I can distill and crystallize spiritually, if not completely today, in this piece of writing, then over time, as my comprehension exponentially grows.

Let us go into the fray together. I invite you to absorb this information, quoted from the book WORLD WITHOUT MIND, THE EXISTENTIAL THREAT OF BIG TECH, by Franklin Foer. He explains the concept of singularity, and how it has driven you and I to the edge, with Alphabet as the nutsoid Googley eyed monster at the wheel. 

I qualify what you are about to read : AI, 
the yearned for heaven on earth, is diabolic. 

     "The singularity refers to a rupture in the time-space continuum --- it describes the moment when the finite become infinite. In Kurzweil's telling, the singularity is when artificial intelligence becomes all-powerful, when computers are capable of designing and building other computers. This superintelligence will, of course, create a superintelligence even more powerful than itself --- and so on, down the posthuman generations. At that point, all bets are off --- "strong AI and nanotechnology can create any product, any situation, any environment that we can imagine at will."

     As a scientist, Kurzweil believes in precision. When he makes predictions, he doesn't chuck darts; he extrapolates data, In fact, he's loaded everything we know about the history of human technology onto his computer and run the numbers. Technological progress, he has concluded, isn't a matter of linear growth; it's a never-ending exponential explosion. "Each epoch of evolution has progressed more rapidly by building on the products of the previous stage," he writes. Kurzweil has named this observation the Law of Accelerating Returns. And in his telling, humanity is about to place a lead foot on its technological accelerator --- we're on the threshold of massive leaps in genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics. These developments will allow us to finally shed our "frail" and "limited" human bodies." We will fully merge with machines; our existence will become virtual; our brains will be uploaded. Thanks to his scientific reading, he can tell you the singularity will dawn in the year 2045."

Dear reader, these are the rantings of a crazy man. He believes he can supersede the living God, by predicting that his life's dream, of conquering death and living into infinity based on his inventions and calculations, will be accomplished by the year 2045 ... If his "uploaded brain" is still plugged into a power socket, he will be the ripe old pickled age of 97, having a really weird and wonderful in his imagination, virtual data filled life. 

Thou answeredst them, O LORD our God: thou wast a God that forgavest them, though thou tookest vengeance of their inventions (Psalm 99:8)

Do yourself a favour, buy this book, get it out of the library, do something to understand the wicked forces that have been assembling and amassing in full force, against the human race. As North Americas turn their eyes toward political races and humans to rescue them from the diabolically ill-minded, we are closing our eyes to the encroachment. This is an ancient story of the devil convincing man, or more specifically, woman, to eat of the forbidden fruit:

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:4-5) 

The desire to be our own god is the evil we are up against. It is the battle within each human to want to self-determine, rather than humbly admit that I did not make me, but God sure can break me. Kurzweil is absolutely correct : we live in frail and limited bodies that get injured, naturally decay, and eventually, break down to the point of the spirit leaving the body. This mans misguided belief that artificially intelligence, invented by man, will be greater than the power of the Almighty, is a death wish. He works for the devil in his desire to accomplish a posthuman virtual existence, swapped out for an in the flesh reality. 

This man is afraid to die, period. But he isn't afraid to impose his will on you and me ... in his malevolent insanity, he wants to take you and I down with him, and he is not alone. Thus our current circumstances, dear one. These plans have been formulated and have taken on flesh. Nanotechnology is in "hackable humans" and the future looks bleak for those that have unsuspectingly fallen into the "web" of technology set for them by monstrously big techno spiders, that want to suck the soul right out of the humans they prey upon. 

In their immodesty, they have made public their plans, and the plebeians that they use as test subjects to prove their brilliant points about intelligence, seem oblivious still. But of course, that is how Satan works ... he slithers his way into the psyche and solves problems we never knew we had ...

I will leave you now to consider your own future,
 and the choices your will make

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