Sunday, May 8, 2022

Satan, Such a Card

Full-bore: full-blown, made with maximum effort

Full-boar: head down, all in dirty 

You may not like what you are about to read, because it will convict you and demand something from you that you know you are asked to give but alas, you resist, dear reader. We are in a consciousness crisis, and this part of the plan, the one where you and I play a role and have nil to maximum impact, is up to us: firstly as individuals, and secondly, as a collective. Return and re-read this paragraph when directed.

God stands in it
There is a gap and God stands in it. His hands are extended in both directions, His arms a drawbridge. We can cross sides at will, and He designed us for exactly this, the choosing. In the middle, where He stands, there is no such thing as murky. Only there, where He is, can you and I find clarity and perfection. He is no secret Santa, no Easter egg treasure to hunt, He is, always was, and always shall be ... He is the Great I AM

Pilates fate 
We are facing an uncertain human future with lots of guessing. No one could have anticipated how Revelation would play out. Satan has an understanding though, about human behaviours and inclinations. He likes mucking about with our emotions, and implying imminent threat and death looming in each life. This is what he plays on, our fear of death, or the death of someone we love. The question becomes, what will you do to save a life? 

The answer to this inquiry is obvious to some and not so obvious to others. When Jesus was asked by Pilate What is truth? (John 18:38), he answered his own rhetorical question with a tone of scoffing, and from there, his fate was sealed:

And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all (John 18:38) Despite this statement, Pilate did not release Jesus. 

To be very, extra ordinarily clear, Pilates fate was sealed, dear reader, because he faced Truth incarnate, and denied Him: do you, do the same? 

Prior to the world being unplugged from its fraudulent power source, there was a whole lot of despicable fakery. I am embarrassed when I think back to how wretched we all became, grotesque in our convoluted thinking and manifest behaviours. Fake eyelashes, fake body parts, botoxed and remade faces, liposuction and posing: lots and lots of posing. Satan did a marvellous job of turning willing humans into caricatures, imitations of God's creation. Many became facsimiles on the outside, with sad and sagging-soul-sucked-out insides. Vanity was the be-all-end-all name-of-the-game, and God said, enough. 

And now, where are we as a collective? People are taking off the mask, so to speak, but not because they love the Truth. They are taking them off because someone gave them permission to do so ... the ugliness of fake beauty, and the ugliness of the easily subjected is the same. Pilate was influenced by the crowds and denied Truth to His face, and this is exactly how the masses live their lives today ... dictated to by an invisible enemy that suggests self-preservation and vain appearances, are more important than Truth. 

Return to the paragraph above, dear reader ... 

What are you being asked to give, you wonder? All of yourself, to the God of the universe, the One that made you, your sister, your brother, cousin, aunt, uncle, mother and father, children, friends, co-workers and neighbours. He made you and stamped you with His image, and you owe Him your life. 
  • With head down, full-blown, maximum effort, are you willing to get dirty in the fight? 
  • Are you willing to go full-bore into the fray? 
  • Are you, dear reader, willing to seek and speak the Truth at all costs, even if it means the crowds boo you and want to stone you to death? or worse yet, hang you naked on a cross?
Jesus wasn't crucified because He was a liar, thief, or murderer. Jesus was crucified because the people of this world, the fakes and frauds, the sneaky and sinister, hated the TRUTH he spoke about them. They hated the TRUTH so much, they orchestrated the killing of the innocent God/Man. The Jews killed One of their own, and used others to do their dirty work.

Now, we have the same evil spirit working in the governors of this world, plotting to murder by using everyday people like you and me, to do their wrenched killing. Think on this a moment. Staff in retail stores have worked as underpaid henchmen, gate keepers to keep the "unclean" out of their establishments. Those that have been honest, and truth telling, have been ostracized by those that not only swallowed the lies whole, but repeat them ad nauseam. 

Perpetrators laugh
While the perpetrators laugh at the masked, the injected, the injured, the masked, injected and injured point fingers at those that did not do the bidding of the devil. Pilate did the bidding of the devil, when he denied the release of Jesus, and released a killer named Barabbas in His stead:

Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified (Matthew 27:26)

Isn't this exactly what the governments have done? Imprisoned the Truth speakers and permitted the criminally creepy, out to roam freely? Isn't this what has happened to the resistant to lies crew? It is the governors that have committed heinous crimes ... they fly the airways, cross the oceans, and use resources as though all was created for their pleasure, while restricting those they cannot bend or break. This is what wickedness acts like. 

Satan, such a card!

I am a prisoner in my own country. Public transportation is no longer accessible for someone like me, without shots in the arm, 
guaranteed to eliminate my dignity by removing my freedom of choice firstly, and secondly, potentially maiming and even killing me! Ha, Satan, he is such a card. He plays the same games from one generation to the next, and we humans are too stupid to see and break free from the patterns. Satan is like the proverbial shark circling in the waters : jaws wants to devour, and while he is an indiscriminate killer, the taste of Christian is his preferred snack.

Nil to maximum impact
But now, if you stayed with me, now you know. Now you have read this history brief, and you are on deck to have nil to maximum impact, dear reader. Truth is truth and lies are lies. The original perpetrator of lies froths at the mouth at the thought of recruiting accomplices. He invites you to join him in breaking all the game rules, by accusing the innocent, by pointing fingers in the faces of those that will not lie, by wanting you to use your hands to kill and destroy other human beings and aligning with his lawlessness. 

God made you and stamped you with His image, and you owe Him your life

Dirty deal
This is a call to action in thought and deed. Christ modelled for us a willingness to speak truth in the face of danger and death. His resurrection and life after death promises are Truth ... He is the personification of Truth. You and I, we could be a part of the go along to get along crowd, like Pilate, but dear reader, to do this, we must deny Truth, we must deny Christ! 

This is a dirty deal. To deny deity is disgusting and repulsive. Today, I had to leave a service waiting area, because of the foul words ushering from a man's mouth of which  he seemed all together oblivious. He used Jesus' name interchangeably with the f word, toggling back and forth minus any self awareness. 

Truth is Jesus Christ
What is truth, Pilate asked? It would appear a most excellent question at this point, since so few know Him ... Truth is Jesus Christ! Is it any wonder so many have taken the path most travelled? They are devoid of the knowledge of the character traits of the living God. 

I am rambling, dear one, in utter discomfiture. I am having difficulty comprehending the gravity of what so many face, without any sense that they are in moral and mortal danger. Day in and day out, they are living as though there is an eternity in this world stretching broadly before them. Sigh ... I know what they pretend does not exist.

I know the living God, and that I am finite and fragile in an aging body that will not defy death. It would be good and right to educate ourselves in courses of humility, rather than the humanities. The humbling process has begun, and God is bringing us all to our knees in more ways than one. 

I bow to Him willingly while I see people "taking a knee" to the fear mongers and hounds of hell that howl their death wishes loudly and proudly throughout the world. They are finite and fragile too, but refuse to recognize this, despite what the mirror tells them each new morning. 

I will end with this: denying Truth doesn't make it go away, it just makes a person look like a fool, and history is rife with those! Pilate is a perfect example of villain, not   victorious, recorded for posterity. He had to face the King of Kings when his short life span was complete, according to God's timetable. We will too, dear reader, and I am confident that the wicked ones won't even have jelly legs to stand on. They will be incinerated, along with the hubris that helped them become shameless killing machines. 

He owns you
What will you do to save a life? You can't save a life, dear one, only God can! What you can do, is believe in the One that the Father sent, live your life honouring Truth, and model Christ for a dying world. 

You owe God your life, now act like He owns you 💖

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