Friday, May 27, 2022

F150's Kill

Weapons of mass destruction
I am here to defend the F150, otherwise known as killing machines. The political position on Ford's very popular 150 is that it is not only dangerous to drive one, it is dangerous to own, have parked in your driveway or garage, and it is even dangerous to think about these mobile murderers ... wait a minute, let us clarify ... the government sees all trucks as dangerous and deadly, and they want them banned, ever since a man drove into a Muslim family just kilometres from my home. Trucks are bad, people must not own them since they can be turned into weapons of mass destruction ... 

Think on this a moment 
I see them everywhere, these popular vehicles. I sat next to a marketing manager on a plane once, and she told me she was part of the crew that knew how to target a market and get people to think constantly about F150's, to the point of making them so irresistible, they just had to have one (these are not her words, this was my take away from the conversation). Think on this a moment, and consider what I am telling you about F150's ... next time you are out and about, count how many you see. They are everywhere, and so is the danger, if we extrapolate in an illogical, convoluted, spaghetti minded way. 

Infantile arguments 
To believe trucks kill without a driver that intentionally uses his vehicle to murder, is the same as believing guns kill, without a shooter aiming at his would be victims. It is the purest of infantile arguments, and the silliness of it confounds those that see through the ridiculousness to the underlying agenda. The thinking of the media manipulators runs along the lines of "Disarm the strong, make them weak, so that we can do as we will with them, sans resistance", but the savvy see their ploys,  continue to buy F150's, and refuse to give up the weapons they use to hunt, or more poignantly, protect their family members from predators of the animal and human varieties. 

Planting an idea in someone's mind to get them to think and behave in patterned ways isn't new. Each human has the capacity to trick, and be tricked. It is when we recognize this truth, dropping naïveté on its fragile little head, that facing off with the enemy becomes possible. Everyone must stop pretending people are nice, have good intentions, and want only the best for others, when their actions say nothing of the kind. We have abundant evidence of this duplicitous reprehensible behaviour, as politicians and their pansies, promulgate their "hate your neighbour" propaganda. 

It doesn't make sense for me to hate you or you to hate me. It just doesn't make any sense, and yet this is exactly what the wicked want for us and from us. It is a murderous spirit that wantonly lusts for blood, yours and mine. The chaotic thinking that lives in the minds of the fallen ones flows from their mouths like projectile vomit, and while this is evident to many of us, it seems hidden from the masses, that regurgitate the vileness ad nauseam. 

Dogs, dear reader, return to their vomit. People that act like dogs do the same: 

As a dog returneth to his vomit, 
so a fool returneth to his folly (Proverbs 26:11) 

It is plain old embarrassing to see what is happening and how many gullible adults have given themselves over to be manhandled by dogs. As weird as this sentence is, I am leaving it as is, because it is apropos. 

I like F150's. I think they are cool, and manly. I like guns, I think they too, are cool and manly. I think trucks, guns, and tent pegs have their uses ... and in the hands of the righteous, each can be used for their intended, or newly created, purposes. 

To decode my encrypted message, do look up the story of a woman and a tent peg in scripture.

Lastly, I made up that the government wants to ban trucks ... just in case you took me seriously. But then again, who knows? They seem to want to ban our driving, with these elevated gas prices. 

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