Monday, May 9, 2022

Arsenic Drip

How much poison is okay to consume?

May I put a drop or two in your cocktail? I will artificially sweeten your beverage, and you won't notice a thing. My preferred brand of poison hasn't got a scent or particular taste. I will give your drink a good stir, and yum yum, down the hatch for you! 

Now the good thing about my poisoning you plan, is you won't even know it was me. A drop here, a dose there, over time, and with enough exposure, you will start to feel the effects, notice you don't feel too well, but you certainly won't catch on to why. I will watch you suffer, and display the appropriate amount of sympathy, really feel with you in the best, I mean worst, moments. Secretly, I will gleefully celebrate my accomplishments.

When you are really really ill, and you have to be hospitalized for what silently ails you, they will put you on some kind of drip. For privacy sake, I will visit and close the curtains around your bed, and like they do in the movies, I will insert a syringe into the IV line, and top you up while you lie helpless and hopeless, too weak to resist, in your I'm-so-sick-bed. 

When we make eye contact, I will give you a little grin, just to let you know that you were too stupid to catch on, I had to be OBVIOUS because you were OBLIVIOUS. Ya, that's right, it was me ~ I will give you this gift of knowing I helped you to the other side, sending you off into never never land, by letting you know that I am your hitman. There ya go. How is that for you? Byyye, good riddance!

Cursing God
Dear reader, this is how I felt while watching television ... as though someone had hooked me up to an IV, with a slow and lethal drip drip drip of arsenic entering into my blood stream, causing reddening of my skin because I was getting irritable and even enraged. Since I do not watch TV regularly, it was abundantly clear to me how wicked and nasty the messages are, along with the fowl language. Cursing God and man alike, in the presence of child actors, is just plain old common place. 

But what I found most insidious, is the undertone of death and destruction. While watching a show about baby animals, the commentator perpetually personified the animals, giving them thinking traits as though they do not behave by instinct, but by assessing situations. The message, time and again, was of pending imminent danger, and a threat to the young and vulnerable. That was show number #1. In show #2, my family and I watched a zombie apocalypse style series, episode one, and the predictive programming was atrociously in your face OBVIOUS. 

  • We, dear reader, have been living what was preplanned
  • We, dear reader, have been given drip drip drip doses of thought arsenic
  • Some, many in fact, have actually been physically poisoned ... and while the dose was not lethal for everyone, it was for thousands upon thousands of unsuspecting victims
We, each of us on some level, have been OBLIVIOUS to the killers that want to bid us good riddance.  

It is evident to me what is happening. Something broke, milk was split, the camel and that last straw came crashing down ... we are in the thick of the end, dear one, and while I know Who, not WHO wins, we are facing horrifically hideous situations and circumstances, where mistreating one another becomes the justified norm, because the conditioning has been completed. 

The ick is thick, and it is coating the masses like sticky molasses. In the zombie series, the still strong and healthy were either running away from the walking and ravenous dead, or toward the place they thought they had to go to not only get away, but to retrieve a loved one. Dear reader, the walking dead are all around us, and many of them work as global leaders, your shift manager, or perhaps live next door. Look around you, take notice! Who is OBVIOUSLY OBLIVIOUS? 

As much fun as this topic is, and I jest, I will end with this: run, don't walk, to the open arms of the Saviour. Do get away from the poisonous stuff of mindless television, useless and fowl conversations, and suggestions that you and the animal kingdom are one and the same. 

Read the Psalms
This, dear reader, is my most important instruction for the day. Read what God has to say about all that we are seeing, hearing, and living through. He is very much with us through all, and His wisdom is timeless. 

Read the Psalms

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