Thursday, May 5, 2022


There is an emergency
You know the sound from far off. What direction is the vehicle traveling? You may have to make way, by pulling to the side of the road. There is an emergency, and assistance is required: the evidence of this is the siren sounds building to a crescendo in your ears as ambulance, fire, and police vehicles speed from multiple directions, to the scene of an accident, or some other situation humans can be mis-found in. I heard these sounds today: you have experienced this too, haven't you, dear reader?

EMS does the job for you, for me
Saving lives is what emergency medical service (EMS) personnel do; when this is not possible, they clean up the mess. Body parts oddly spread and splattered... someone's former spouse, parent, child, baby. It is tragic when we hear that an accident has stolen a life or two, or hundreds, in one fell swoop. Now again, think of the EMS personnel, and what they experience day in, day out. 

You cannot fathom
Perhaps you have had a relative cleaned up off of a highway or roadside? You can not fathom life without them if this is a recent event: you cannot imagine having to clean up who they used to physically be, when their spirit was ripped from their bodies brutally, and senselessly, the day they died. EMS does the job for you, for me. To serve humanity is their calling, and they don't get to pick and choose which calls they do or do not go on. 

They rush to our side, sirens whirring and screaming, EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY, GET OUT OF THE WAY, SOMEONE NEEDS HELP! 

Once everything is cleaned up, the roads are made ready for business as usual: it is a lot like the accident or incident never even happened, except of course for the people who lost someone they love, and except of course, for the EMS personnel who choose to again, rush this way or that for the next big, and possibly tragic event of the day: horrid memories haunting them during their waking and sleeping hours.

Picture a baby, in the womb
Now, dear reader, I take you to where none of us ever want to go. Picture a little baby, in the womb, being extracted for extermination. As the apparatus approaches the babe, it withdraws in an attempt to flee.

Fight or flight should never begin in the womb: this is an abomination. Now, picture this babe, removed from the womb alive. The hands of the doctor close on the top of the tender head, and about the nape of his or her neck, and he twists, breaking the spine to ensure death. The tender young body lies limp; the soul has been violently separated from the helpless and vulnerable human. 

Body parts or perhaps, the whole corpse, is disposed of, all evidence cleaned up. The crime scene is sterilized, and made ready for the next unwanted, chosen murder victim. No sirens, no pulling to the side, no wondering who is in trouble or if help is coming or if they will get there in time ... 


For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb (Psalms 139:13)

Doctors are healers, not hurters
What can we say to each other now dear one? What can I write? How can I plead and beg, and say the right things to be effective, and make a difference in a world of humans that think abortion is a viable option for their life when it is so diabolically opposed to being a viable option for a baby? 

Abortion is murder, and doctors are killing and being paid for their work. These are not doctors, they are mercenaries. Doctors are healers, not hurters, or at least, this is what tradition has taught. 

That is a kill
I don't know how to end this except to say that babies are miracles, perfect gifts from the Father of Heavenly Lights. They do not belong to us to do with, or not do with, as we please, they belong to The One and only God Almighty. 

The sixth Commandment is: Thou shalt not kill
If a creature has a heart beat, and the heart is made to stop because someone or something has interfered with the rhythm, life is no more. That, is a kill. 

Thou shalt not kill

Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment (Matthew 5:21)

God is this: Light, Love and Life. We would all do well to be like Him and snuff out the darkness wherever and whenever we find ourselves in it. Take a stand today, against abortion. 

Let us clean up our own thinking, and emotional messes, and not rely on EMS to do our dirty work. Start with your own heart and soul today. 

We are each, accountable for our impact. Let us protect those who cannot protect themselves. 


  1. Once again, another outstanding piece of work Linda Grace! I must admit, this was very difficult to read during my lunch time, because this topic is, and your descriptions are, gut wrenching. As father and grandfather, I have many times experienced God's greatest gift to us, a baby. What is happening to so many innocent babies (new lives ready to enter God's world), so many times everyday is not only gut wrenching and heart wrenching, it's barbaric torture.

    1. Truly, even the thought of killing babies ought to mortify the spirit, let alone knowing how it is done or what the baby experiences Robear ... barbaric is the perfect word to describe this horrific murderous activity.
