Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Memento Mori

In fascination, I am learning the leanings of men of God, as opposed to those that would corrupt the incorruptible Truth that the Almighty reveals to the seekers of His face and counsel, on their knees and with contrite hearts. 

Intellectual superiority
Do you, dear reader, have freedom of will? The determinists, those that would have you suppose they have some sort of intellectual superiority that you do not have access to, want you to believe that all is a fait accompli, or in English, a thing that has already happened or been decided, leaving you and I no option but to accept it. Not so. I am not a believer in determinism or in pseudo Christian lingo, predestination, in fact, I believe that God presents us with circumstances and asks us, "Whatever will you do about this? What do you choose, little one?"

We are, or can be, in partnership with God. The demon influenced self-aggrandizers would prefer we not know this, as they systematically suck from Satanic sources: despicable leaches they are in their wormy countenance and wiggly dispositions. They demean themselves ... they attempt to demean and degrade humanity with them, and the question remains:

"Whatever will you do about this? What do you choose, little one?"

Reform your sinful ways
Sir Thomas More is the focus of this piece of writing. His "reform your sinful ways" message in the book about a place called Utopia comes complete, with a map that takes the traveler on a soulful journey of self discovery. More believed in freedom of will, and as we face a group of killers that want to murder our autonomy, I do believe this message is timely and apropos. The delightful and eye opening reminder of memento mori, "Remember that you die", is poignantly powerful, and a table turner. 

What the wicked believe about their ability to preserve their own skins while divesting victims of health, wealth, dignity, and life, is ridiculous and preposterous. They have forgotten something that is obvious, or used to be obvious? They surely will die, just as their ancestors before them did. They lie blatantly and shamelessly to themselves, believing technology will preserve their aging bodies and feeble minds. They have soaked themselves in the acid of murderous hate for their fellow man, and that causes the worst kind of degeneration : their souls are covered and coated in open sores, oozing the puss of pomposity, the kind of hubris that ensures life without relief from themselves. 

The gravity of death is addressed when one is injured, limping, feels the debilitating aches and pains of aging, or when suddenly and without warning, one finds themselves in bed, disabled from self determinism, facing the terrors of conscience and understanding that no amount of money, pleading, begging, weeping or confessing, will change sickness into allusive vital health: technology cannot rescue a man from the grave. Death is the great equalizer, and each man will face his time of expiry, despite his denial, or belief that he has contributed so much to mankind, that he is entitled to a reprieve. 

Remember that you die
The map of Utopia is a fascinating bit of deep truth mixed with humour, a mockery of man that does not see, that under his largest organ, his epidermis, is muscle, fat, sinew, tendons, and to shorten this list, bones : a skeleton onto which God added so that he could live and move, have his being as a human. The map of Utopia is a human skull, and a reminder, once again as stated above, "Remember that you die."

Remember, dear reader, that you die, but that does not mean you do this according to the will and way of those that presuppose they have power over you. The men and women that feign this type of condescending determination over your existence and then, your disposal, are not capable of this destruction of your body and soul. You must give them permission to do with you as they wish. 

You have freedom of will, just as More did all those years ago when he countered the infamous reformist Martin Luther, that mangled the word of God to make it seem as though we cannot choose Christ, cannot choose sanctify, cannot choose holiness, and cannot partner with the Almighty in our ultimate destination, life eternal with the living God. God knows the beginning and the end of us, and gave each man the ability to see and hear Him: it is encoded in our DNA. To suggest that Christ died for some and not all is contrary to scripture, which clearly states:

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved (John 3:14-17)

Believe in Christ, or believe in the world system that establishes itself against Him. Believing is a choice, and if it weren't so, our existence would be a worthless, senseless, purposeless nothing, that has not meaning or substance. To deny God is vanity, to choose with your autonomy to live for Him, is to thank Him for your presence in the world He created for His pleasure and yours too! 

Remember that you die : where you spend eternity has a lot to do with your fidelity ... choose Christ, the finisher of our faith whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life

Check out this map. Can you see the human skull? 

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