Friday, May 20, 2022

Monkey Business

A precursor is a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind; a forerunner. We have been pre-cursed almost to death, dear reader.

If we look at what has come before, if we take a saucer eyed unblinking stare at what has been shouted out and repeated ad nauseam on the airways, we see warnings everywhere of precisely plotted and planned, and yet controlled, pandemonium. It is all monkey business, and if you and I haven't sat up straight out of a dead sleep yet, then now is the time. 

A pox on you: an expression of intense disgust or aversion for someone

With this monkey business, there is a curse. In their plotting and planning meetings, the wicked are vastly entertained, believing themselves to be hilariously funny, each time they introduce their next killing spree with ridiculous logos. New on the scene is a monkey pox, with injections pre-ordered for those that will fall into the trap of believing that this now on deck unnatural disaster, must be warded off via an elixir in a syringe. 

The wicked believe that you and I are daft, too dumb to see their tactics: dear one, we are their perceived monkeys, that they want to curse, to put a pox on, because they view us with intense disgust and aversion. We are dirt they want to clean out from unto their toenails, once they have stomped us to death. A pox, a plague be upon you, is what they want the most ... the curse is in the plague.

I find it fitting that these liars have robustly, vigorously, and consciously propagated for decades, that human beings evolved from apes. Many believe this tripe, and it isn't a stretch for people to accept the associate lie, that monkeys are our closest relatives in the animal kingdom. We have been called animals, dear one, and the oh so evolved have elevated themselves out of this status, removing themselves from their primate others, to become the trap-the-monkeys captors and controllers. 

The new ugly and mutilated kid in town is a pox, and the killers want it spread throughout the land, travelling across the seas, to every neighbourhood and small village, wiping out all wherever it travels. Sounds like a horror story of make believe proportions, but then again, for people that cannot fathom how far Satan and his workers of iniquity will go to kill, maim, and destroy, this really does sound farfetched. 

And it is the naive, the surf the superficial surface, the I can't look crowd, that refuse to accept the reality we face: they will be the first victims of this newest farce perpetrated against the unsuspecting. 

But dear reader, you just finished reading to this point. You have been warned. The pox, the curse, this monkey business, you ought to know about it now, isn't that right? You are no monkey, you are God's creation, and it is man that He made in His image. While the wicked publicly declare their hate of God and attempt to besmirch the Almighty, you and I can go in the opposite direction, and run into His wide open waiting for us arms. 

See the signs
Read them carefully
Be honest in your assessments
Leave off from your fearful fretful ways
Trust God

Vile creatures
Lastly, repent from your sins and ask God to forgive you for putting your life in the hands of those that want nothing more than to wipe out each and every image of Him they see around them. If you have believed the media monsters, if you have taken shots that were MANdated, if you have fallen into the go-along-to-get-along trap in the recent past, know that now is the time to get out of the worldly system that has been spinning you right round. If you didn't know any better before, I sure do hope you know better now, this far into the plot of the most heinous story foretold and enacted by the vile creatures that turned against their Creator. 

If anyone acts like trained monkeys, it would be those individuals that do the business of the devil. They have debased themselves in their humanism, and put a pox on themselves by defiling what is sacred to God ... autonomous human life. 

Absorb this fact, dear one: when we rebel against God, He withholds His judgments for much longer than you and I would. He is long-suffering, as evidenced by our current situation, with lawlessness permeating and prevailing as murderers profess their plans without apparent stoppage: 

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9)

But there comes a day of reckoning, and I tell you it draws near. Each of us is accountable for our choices, and their outcomes can be attributed collaterally to what we say and do. We are either with God, or with the enemy, and as in the ancient days, He commands all, including evil angels. They answer to Him, and when Pharaoh refused to let God's people go, He sent evil angels among them ... I picture the wicked plotters having many horrifying demonic visitations:

Psalm 78:49
He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them

In their hardheartedness, the wicked have sealed their fate ... don't let them help seal yours too.

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