Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Don't Blame the Dummy

Proverbial smoke and mirrors
I can see clearly now, the rain has gone ... ok I stole this line from a song, but it is true, I can see clearly now, but not because the rain is gone. The proverbial smoke has blown away, and the mirrors have smashed to smithereens. 

What can I see clearly, you ask? The Truth, of what we are witnessing, living through, watching with sick fascination. We get to see the demise of the human race ... yes, how odd, to type this, to know this, to have this play out before our very eyes. The dying don't know that their days are numbered, in fact, it is business as usual. The sting of death is very slight for those that have money to fund play time, while ignoring the insidiousness of subtle sickness that slowly devours. 

Field day fun
The blame game is ON, and while everyone points this way and that to establish who's fault it is that the world is going to hell in a hand-basket, no one wants to blame the puppet master. Satan is having a field day of fun, as he yanks strings here and pulls them there. The dummies he has rigged up to do his bidding are so obvious in their one track minded demolition of the human race, that it is embarrassing to see them in numb and dumb action. They are acting out the most boring play, because each actor echoes the guy or gal next to them. They have uniformly become the voice of the wicked one. 

Final act
I am here to say that the strings are thread bare, that the monkeys that perform for their master are dancing dangerously close to flame; the end of their creepy one trick pony act will wind to a close. The curtain will come down on their final act, and they will not get the applause or acclaim they crave, they will get what their master gets, death and destruction via separation from God. They have joined the ranks of the damned and deceived, just like the fallen angels that choose not their maker as their God, but preferred the ruler of this world, Lucifer. 

To close, I am going to suggest we stop blaming the dummies ... they have set a course of destruction for not only other humans, but themselves as well. They are beings unto death and love to kill, and they don't realize they are actually suicidal. To kill and be killed, is the way of the world. Jesus came to save, and anyone that conforms to Him, need not worry, fret or despair! 

You and I get to choose where we focus our eyes, how we train our minds, and what will saturate our souls. I will not drink from the poison well of the pretend potus or the alleged prime sinister: I will not blame these dummies, these puppets, for being used as killers and then kindling ... I will look to my brothers and sisters in Christ as my family, keeping my life aligned and attuned to the living God. I invite you to do the same 💖

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth way, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever (1John 2:15-17)


  1. EXCELLENT Linda Grace! Spot on, Satan is pulling the strings of all these evil puppets.

    1. YES, and the sooner people recognize this, the sooner they will respond differently and cut their own strings!

    2. As you say, they must turn to God. Then, and only then, will they recognize and cut their strings.
