Friday, May 13, 2022

Invisible Nose Ring

While millions lay sleeping
While millions lay sleeping, invisible nose rings have been inserted. An equally unseeable rope has been sewn through each ring opening, one after the next. With gentle persuasion, the pierced people are led this way and that, herded while hearing, "We are taking you to safety", by handlers they have never known.

Baaah & Bleat
The people, they heed helplessly, while fiction is favoured over fact: they are fed and stuffed, liqueured in the waiting pen, each wondering when they will be given permission to be free to frolic again. They baaaah and bleat to one another from a respectful distance; alternatively, they kick and fuss, in the furry faces of those that do not have the invisible ring with the rope.

Wake up, wake up
Many in whole families have the pull-by-the-nose rings, while some stayed awake and refused the piercing. The eyes wide open sheep see the herded ones, and they scream loudly, "Wake up, Wake up, you are being tricked" ... some hear them and shake their mutton heads, but the rope has them attached to their next to them fellow sheep. They can't seem to break loose: the pen is too full and there is no room to escape. 

Drowsy again
They hear the other sheep, telling them to stay, it is safe in the pen: do not leave it until we are told we can go: you don't want to die out there, do you? The newly awakened sheep consider what they are hearing and they get drowsy again. With heavy eyelids, they return to slumber. 


I wrote this piece when a crimson curtain of darkness was dropped to drape the entire world. I heard and witnessed the oddest things, from imperfect strangers, to close friends and relatives. 

What was glaringly obvious to me was obvious to them in the opposite direction, with massive polarization pulling us apart. I saw a sickness of separation occurring, while they saw the paint-by-numbers picture someone else had crafted. The people I knew were swatches of muted tones, selected from the palate contained in tiny individualized plastic dip-your-paintbrush-tip containers. 

The shades of self they displayed were repugnant, and the suggestion that I do as they had done, that I take orders from the voices they had heard, hurt my ears and heart. Self indulge worry and anxiety had them agreeing to doing whatever the devilish false shepherds suggested they do, and they wanted everyone to slavishly respond similarly. While they saw a crisis, I saw a charade. 

They are still being led by the not-so-invisible-now-nose-ring. It would appear the spell they are under, the one that put them in a trance of trusting alien voices, compels them to continue to believe that the lies they swallowed as truth, are good food for their future. Nothing could be further from actuality. 

I have been reading the Psalms daily this month of May. They are astounding in their poignant beauty, clarity, forthrightness, and raw expression of needing God, and knowing it is by His power that we are delivered from oppression.

Psalm 62:8-12

Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity (8-9)

Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery: if riches increase, set not your heart upon them (10)

God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God. Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy: for thou renderest to every man according to his work (11-12)

Trust in Him at all times
Pour out your heart before Him
God is a refuge for us

Men of low degree are vanity
Men of high degree a lie
In the balance, they are lighter than vanity

Trust not in oppression
Become not vain in robbery
If you become rich, set not your heart upon your riches

God hath spoken more than once
Have you heard Him?

Power belongs to God
Mercy belongs to God
He renders to every man, according to the man's work

Dear reader, trust in God at all times. Pour your heart out before him. Men that are vain and lie, have less weight than the light and fluffiness of their vanity. We are not to trust in oppression, or oppressors. We must not be enticed by those that rob to get rich: robbery requires weaponry, and this is a wicked way to gain riches. If your bank account grows, don't let it be where your heart is.

God has spoken, are you listening? He repeats messages, all we need is ears to hear. Are yours open to Him? Do your trust in Him at all times?

All power belongs to God, and all mercy too. While we that trust in Him pour out our hearts and beg for a merciful reprieve, we are witnessing the lost, those that listened to alien voices, accepting crumbs from the tables of criminals. They have trusted in their oppressors, the vain men and woman that seek to enslave them further ... 

Lastly, God renders: He delivers to each man, each person, according to his or her work. This should frighten us if not a little, perhaps a lot, when we realize that He is watching, and when we do not abide in Him and align with His will, we risk the rendering of judgment.

The vain, the wicked, the vile that wound and kill other living beings, they are in peril, and so are those that trust in them. 



  1. If anyone reading this is to take just a little bit from another one of your great blogs, let it be this.... "WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!" And trust in God!

    1. Yes, yes, and YES! Trust in God
