Thursday, May 19, 2022

Hearing Bias

But my people would not hearken to my voice, and Israel would none of me. So I gave them up unto their own hearts' lust: and they walked in their own counsels (Psalm 81:11-12)

I am fascinated to recognize the word hear in hearken. To hearken is to not only hear, but also to heed, and when God speaks to His people, it is wise to listen and do as He commands. God doesn't make suggestions, but this is exactly how people treat His vocalized instructions, when they walk in their own counsels. 

Notice: God gave them unto their own hearts' lust

The God of yesteryear is the same God of today, and clearly, so are the people of this world. Some listen, some refuse, and some are hard of hearing but get cured of this malady, when they seek Him and decide that following His counsel, makes far more sense than following their own. 

Which category do you fall under, dear reader?

  • You hear and heed
  • You hear and refuse to heed
  • You just can't hear, but suddenly realize you have been deaf, and decide to ask God for a good ear cleaning
What do you supposed happens to those that do not heed after hearing God's voice? You don't really need to speculate, now do you? I am confident YOU have not only ignored what He has commanded, but have also done as the ancients did ... you did what your lustful heart suggested.

How did that work out for you?

O that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways! I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries (Psalm 81:13-14)

Perpetrating hateful harm
Now, we are hear now: in the hear (not a misspelling in this case, dear reader) and now, we see that those that not only ought to have heard God's voice and hearkened unto it, but ought to have been so committed to His commands that they protected others too, shielding them from enemies and adversaries, have played a major role in the demise of many, including their own family members. They did not as the Father bid them ... they, like the Israelites, would none of me, meaning, they would have none of what God purposed for them. 

Following their own lusts, the populace perpetrated crime against the living God by willfully obliging killers, to their folly. We have evidence of this, with wicked rulers, enemies of the people, adversaries of God, perpetuating hateful harm to one and all: babies and vulnerable populations included. The self-aggrandizing demigods have blood lust, while the populace has travel, work, and money lust ... all things of this world that are here today, and gone tomorrow. 

Swapped out sound reasoning 
Hearkening to a voice is common, the question is, which voice is being heeded? When your boss, doctor, government representative, teacher, preacher, next door neighbour, brother, sister, father or mother, niece, nephew, sibling, school crossing guard, become the voices in your head, you are in big trouble, dear one! You have swapped out sound reasoning for subpar PYSCHO babble! 

I am envisioning you cupping your ear, pretending you are hard of hearing, and saying "What's that you say? You talking to me?" 

Yes, I am, I am talking to you, and him, and her over there, all the people that feign deafness that are really just selective in the messages they want to hear and heed. If Guilt gave out prizes, we would all have storehouses full of them, because hearing bias is a human condition! The worthless prizes would match the silliness of choices made that are unsavoury, dissatisfying, and sully the soul. 

Ear holes
Dear reader, have you been willfully deaf? If you are still reading this, and you recognize this character flaw in you, might I suggest you go to God and have Him vacuum out those ear holes? 

Truth is salty, it acts like a preservative for the spirit. If you have been lied to, and have lied to yourself, there is a cure called Truth. It is never too late to hear it, speak it, live it. Perhaps today is the day you decide to hearken unto the voice of God. 

Heed the Voice of the Saviour, otherwise known as the Truth:

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32)

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