I grin as I consider conscience, and tip toeing through the tulips with the pretenders. My conscience and your conscience may speak strange and foreign languages that cannot be interpreted by eavesdroppers. If the conscience is the voice that instructs us as individuals, then we are in deep do do, dear reader.
1. What of a mass murderer, that looks like a human, smells like a human, does humanesque things and yet, is devoid of conscience?
2. What of a person who say, gives themselves permission to abandon their family, because their "conscience" tells them that they just aren't happy, and their family will be better off without them?
3. Or this ... my conscience tells me that raising a baby in my current socio economic position is not good for the child to be, or me for that matter, so I will do the "right thing" and eliminate the problems having the baby will create.
Let us answer these questions, shall we, not with conscience, but with commandments:
1. The murderer knows he is not to kill, but does so anyway. The excuse of no conscience for culpable criminal activity does not relieve him of the burden of guilt.
2. The person that decides that they do not want to be responsible in relationship, is bound to the obligation of perennial self-punishment, because they have abandoned the vulnerable in favour of their own freedom to do as they please. Happiness is not a good enough excuse, for excusing oneself from relating.
3. Now this one, dear reader, has many layers to it. Sex, for the sake of pleasure alone, is animalistic. You read that correctly : sex outside of marriage, sex for the sake of experiencing momentary release that may result in impregnation, is a pathetic excuse for engaging in this activity. It is a fatalistic fix for those that indulge thusly, because eliminating the results of what is sordid, destroying a baby as though they are a "mistake", is the purest form of the corruption of conscience.
Why oh why, am I onto this subject, you ask? It is the lie promulgated about injections that people have taken into their bodies, sans conscience. To say taking shots is a matter of conscience, as though my decisions and yours have individualized moral and equally ethical worth, is preposterous. Decisions that go against the commandments, go against what ought to be internalized values. The conscience ought to be pricked to the point of drawing emotional, psychological, and spiritual blood, when we go against God ... not so, not so, for the morally reprehensible.
As pretend pastors pander to this lie of decisions being "a matter of conscience", they suggest that all is okay, that sinners are safe at home base, and that nothing at all is wrong with what millions have done as they complied with the demands of the current in power criminals. Granted, many people blindly trusted, and truly are victims of circumstance : this has happened since the dawn of man, and I believe God's grace will cover the duped when they see they have been lied to and repent ... but those that perpetuated and perpetrated the lies, they will not get off so easily. Those that favoured the bull crap about certain things being "a matter of conscience", rather then looking to the commandments as the Christian Standard of measurement for what is acceptable in God's sight, have turned themselves into a retched stench in the nostrils of the Almighty.
What do all these scenarios have in common, dear reader? Murder, killing, dismembering, that is what they have in common. Consider what I am saying for a moment, and put aside what may seem like dramatizing of the situation we are in. Murderers are obvious and strangely honest. They have something inside of them that willfully destroys life. Now consider the person that abandons family : they too, kill willfully, as they destroy trust, they murder relationship, leaving behind what used to be, as though it were a carcass at the side of the road. Lastly, the aborting of an innocent baby, is clearly killing and murderous, because taking life unless in self-defence, is murder.
Think now about the twisting and turning inside of the soul, that must occur to justify getting injected with the re-useable marketed bits and pieces that are extracted from aborted babies. If our society is ok with abortion, and yes indeed it seems to be, then why not take advantage of what these "cells" have to offer us in the way of protecting us from say, a pan-dem-ic, aging, and ultimately, death? Why waste what can save society ... that is the "it is a matter of conscience" argument that condones committing a crime against Christ, the Author and Finisher of life.
Are you a sinner, dear reader?
Are you accountable to the King?
Have you murdered anyone lately?
Being complicit with murder ought to prick your conscience, making you feel like an accomplice. This is what pastors and parishioners have done all over the world, to accommodate their inclinations to self-preserve in this life : physically, emotional, psychologically, and spiritually. They have taken to self-deception like dirty ducks to bath water, attempting to wash themselves clean of their filth. It is reprehensible, and may seem like a simplified explanation, but, dear one, if you can explain it better than I have, you go right ahead.
Prosperity gospel
What I know is this : sin is an easy go to, while doing the hard things in life require much more skin in the game, more painful sacrificial love and grit, than the average person cares to commit to. Being a Christian means the commandments supersede societal stresses and strains, and the pressure of conformity to corruption must be resisted at all costs, up to and including, to the point of death.
The prosperity gospel preachers have picked up where they left off, after willingly subjecting their flock to the ravages of lunatics that had them shut down and shut up. They live as though nothing is different now, that the crisis has passed, and the future can again, be considered bright and promising. Not so, dear one, we are moving quickly on the road of perdition, and it is crowded.
We have returned to the wilderness wondering as a society, denying the living God in favour of fabrication, and worshipping demon gods of destruction and death:
They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the LORD commanded them: But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works. And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them.
Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood. (Psalm 106:34-38)
This is the horror story of history, repeating itself on the grand and global stage.
Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions (Psalm 106:39)
Note, that they defiled with their own works : this denotes their choices to turn away from God and His commands, in favour of whoring with their own inventions, gods they created and idolized. The Hebrews blended with the heathens, and engaged in child sacrifice, using their own sons and daughters as an offering to make-believe gods, that would not punish them for their abominable behaviours:
Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat. They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them. O Israel, trust thou in the LORD; he is their help and their shield (Psalm 15:4-9)
Our society at large, worships sex, youth, and life on planet earth. Our idols are concoctions, inventions made up in the minds of the mentally insane and satanic. Injections of botox in the face, rejections of babes in the womb, and now this, countless shots absorbed by the body to preserve it, so popular and prolific, that parents sacrifice their sons and daughters to the inventions of wicked men. Blood, innocent blood, pollutes the land.
Here is God's response to the ancient Hebrews ... I do believe we are currently being not only chastened, but warned that God has reached the end of our tether, and He will call this whole thing a day quite soon. Before then, we will hear wailing in the streets, grieving that curdles blood, and witness atrocities never seen before in our luxuriously plush lives:
Therefore was the wrath of the LORD kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance. And he gave them into the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them. Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand. Many times did he deliver them; but they provoked him with their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity (Psalm 106:40-43)
Psalm 106 continues, with God hearing the cry of the people, and Him yet again, delivering them ... but they suffered His wrath first, and, dear one, we too, will suffer His wrath for the whoring of the past several generations. The accumulation of sin, and the shedding of innocent blood, are not hidden from the all seeing, all hearing God of the universe. He is not okay with what we have done to ourselves and our own children.
Are you, dear reader, are you okay with what has been done with and to the innocent ones?
Are you?