Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A Gentle Page Turn

While sitting at my kitchen table, a gentle breeze lifted and turned the page on my day timer, sitting open close by. I turned it back again, and then realized that the turn, the lifting of one paper thin page, was what I have been longing for. How is it that an unseen hand can move with invisible sweetness, and go unnoticed so often?

The month of May is a promise kept and a promise broken for me. God gave me the best gift of my life in the month of May twenty-five years ago, my son Matthew. God also placed my fathers death in this month, and my marriage too ... on May 9th, 2017, on what should have been a 25th wedding anniversary, I heard the words "I don't think our marriage has a future". Death and delivery ... they seem to go hand in invisible hand. 

Sometimes I think I am over it all, healed and somewhat heart hardened, just like a good little soldier. Carry on, Christian soldier, forgive, move on, look up and not back. Most of the time my joy of the Lord supersedes my sorrow, but not so in the month of May. While the trees are dressed in summer leaves, and flowers smile at the sun, I celebrate them and sometimes cry at the same time. They are so pretty, so happy ... I want to love like they do.

If I accept the page turning, it still feels like waiting. We are in a time of wait and see, aren't we, dear reader? Life goes on and yet, we are holding our breath collectively, with the uncertainty of the future. The invisible hand is ever present, I can see it as it ruffles the tree tops, making them dance to and fro : making them move. 

We are meant to move. The month of May is bitter sweet to me. While nature seems to speed up, filling in and filling out, with fluffy feathery goslings and full branches, I am slowing down to appreciate it. The bloom of youth is tender, and fades as the summer heat ages the green to yellow to dried up blow away brown. Death and delivery, death and delivery ... 

My hope is in the LORD, the One that I died for, the One I gave up my marriage for, the One that hath delivered me from my own wretchedness. I put nails in my own marriage coffin, in more ways than one. We all contribute to our own demise, isn't that right, dear one? 

I want to be moved by the invisible hand, guided, led, page turned. I want my ways to be His, and I know, He was a man of sorrows ... dear reader, the calendar page just turned again as I typed these words. He told us that there would be tribulation, but He also instructed us to be of good cheer, because He overcame the world:

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world (John 16:33)

Bitter sweet 💖

Monday, May 30, 2022

A Matter of Conscience

I grin as I consider conscience, and tip toeing through the tulips with the pretenders. My conscience and your conscience may speak strange and foreign languages that cannot be interpreted by eavesdroppers. If the conscience is the voice that instructs us as individuals, then we are in deep do do, dear reader. 

1. What of a mass murderer, that looks like a human, smells like a human, does humanesque things and yet, is devoid of conscience? 

2. What of a person who say, gives themselves permission to abandon their family, because their "conscience" tells them that they just aren't happy, and their family will be better off without them?

3. Or this ... my conscience tells me that raising a baby in my current socio economic position is not good for the child to be, or me for that matter, so I will do the "right thing" and eliminate the problems having the baby will create. 

Let us answer these questions, shall we, not with conscience, but with commandments:

1. The murderer knows he is not to kill, but does so anyway. The excuse of no conscience for culpable criminal activity does not relieve him of the burden of guilt.

2. The person that decides that they do not want to be responsible in relationship, is bound to the obligation of perennial self-punishment, because they have abandoned the vulnerable in favour of their own freedom to do as they please. Happiness is not a good enough excuse, for excusing oneself from relating.

3. Now this one, dear reader, has many layers to it. Sex, for the sake of pleasure alone, is animalistic. You read that correctly : sex outside of marriage, sex for the sake of experiencing momentary release that may result in impregnation, is a pathetic excuse for engaging in this activity. It is a fatalistic fix for those that indulge thusly, because eliminating the results of what is sordid, destroying a baby as though they are a "mistake", is the purest form of the corruption of conscience. 

Why oh why, am I onto this subject, you ask? It is the lie promulgated about injections that people have taken into their bodies, sans conscience. To say taking shots is a matter of conscience, as though my decisions and yours have individualized moral and equally ethical worth, is preposterous. Decisions that go against the commandments, go against what ought to be internalized values. The conscience ought to be pricked to the point of drawing emotional, psychological, and spiritual blood, when we go against God ... not so, not so, for the morally reprehensible. 

As pretend pastors pander to this lie of decisions being "a matter of conscience", they suggest that all is okay, that sinners are safe at home base, and that nothing at all is wrong with what millions have done as they complied with the demands of the current in power criminals. Granted, many people blindly trusted, and truly are victims of circumstance : this has happened since the dawn of man, and I believe God's grace will cover the duped when they see they have been lied to and repent ... but those that perpetuated and perpetrated the lies, they will not get off so easily. Those that favoured the bull crap about certain things being "a matter of conscience", rather then looking to the commandments as the Christian Standard of measurement for what is acceptable in God's sight, have turned themselves into a retched stench in the nostrils of the Almighty. 

What do all these scenarios have in common, dear reader? Murder, killing, dismembering, that is what they have in common. Consider what I am saying for a moment, and put aside what may seem like dramatizing of the situation we are in. Murderers are obvious and strangely honest. They have something inside of them that willfully destroys life. Now consider the person that abandons family : they too, kill willfully, as they destroy trust, they murder relationship, leaving behind what used to be, as though it were a carcass at the side of the road. Lastly, the aborting of an innocent baby, is clearly killing and murderous, because taking life unless in self-defence, is murder.

Think now about the twisting and turning inside of the soul, that must occur to justify getting injected with the re-useable marketed bits and pieces that are extracted from aborted babies. If our society is ok with abortion, and yes indeed it seems to be, then why not take advantage of what these "cells" have to offer us in the way of protecting us from say, a pan-dem-ic, aging, and ultimately, death?  Why waste what can save society ... that is the "it is a matter of conscience" argument that condones committing a crime against Christ, the Author and Finisher of life. 

Are you a sinner, dear reader?
Are you accountable to the King?
Have you murdered anyone lately?

Being complicit with murder ought to prick your conscience, making you feel like an accomplice. This is what pastors and parishioners have done all over the world, to accommodate their inclinations to self-preserve in this life : physically, emotional, psychologically, and spiritually. They have taken to self-deception like dirty ducks to bath water, attempting to wash themselves clean of their filth. It is reprehensible, and may seem like a simplified explanation, but, dear one, if you can explain it better than I have, you go right ahead.

Prosperity gospel
What I know is this : sin is an easy go to, while doing the hard things in life require much more skin in the game, more painful sacrificial love and grit, than the average person cares to commit to. Being a Christian means the commandments supersede societal stresses and strains, and the pressure of conformity to corruption must be resisted at all costs, up to and including, to the point of death. 

The prosperity gospel preachers have picked up where they left off, after willingly subjecting their flock to the ravages of lunatics that had them shut down and shut up. They live as though nothing is different now, that the crisis has passed, and the future can again, be considered bright and promising. Not so, dear one, we are moving quickly on the road of perdition, and it is crowded. 

We have returned to the wilderness wondering as a society, denying the living God in favour of fabrication, and worshipping demon gods of destruction and death:

They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the LORD commanded them: But were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works. And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them. 

Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood. (Psalm 106:34-38)

This is the horror story of history, repeating itself on the grand and global stage. 

Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions (Psalm 106:39)

Note, that they defiled with their own works : this denotes their choices to turn away from God and His commands, in favour of whoring with their own inventions, gods they created and idolized. The Hebrews blended with the heathens, and engaged in child sacrifice, using their own sons and daughters as an offering to make-believe gods, that would not punish them for their abominable behaviours:

Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat. They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them. O Israel, trust thou in the LORD; he is their help and their shield (Psalm 15:4-9)

Our society at large, worships sex, youth, and life on planet earth. Our idols are concoctions, inventions made up in the minds of the mentally insane and satanic. Injections of botox in the face, rejections of babes in the womb, and now this, countless shots absorbed by the body to preserve it, so popular and prolific, that parents sacrifice their sons and daughters to the inventions of wicked men. Blood, innocent blood, pollutes the land. 

Here is God's response to the ancient Hebrews ... I do believe we are currently being not only chastened, but warned that God has reached the end of our tether, and He will call this whole thing a day quite soon. Before then, we will hear wailing in the streets, grieving that curdles blood, and witness atrocities never seen before in our luxuriously plush lives:

Therefore was the wrath of the LORD kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance. And he gave them into the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them. Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand. Many times did he deliver them; but they provoked him with their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity (Psalm 106:40-43)

Psalm 106 continues, with God hearing the cry of the people, and Him yet again, delivering them ... but they suffered His wrath first, and, dear one, we too, will suffer His wrath for the whoring of the past several generations. The accumulation of sin, and the shedding of innocent blood, are not hidden from the all seeing, all hearing God of the universe. He is not okay with what we have done to ourselves and our own children. 

Are you, dear reader, are you okay with what has been done with and to the innocent ones?

Are you?

Friday, May 27, 2022

F150's Kill

Weapons of mass destruction
I am here to defend the F150, otherwise known as killing machines. The political position on Ford's very popular 150 is that it is not only dangerous to drive one, it is dangerous to own, have parked in your driveway or garage, and it is even dangerous to think about these mobile murderers ... wait a minute, let us clarify ... the government sees all trucks as dangerous and deadly, and they want them banned, ever since a man drove into a Muslim family just kilometres from my home. Trucks are bad, people must not own them since they can be turned into weapons of mass destruction ... 

Think on this a moment 
I see them everywhere, these popular vehicles. I sat next to a marketing manager on a plane once, and she told me she was part of the crew that knew how to target a market and get people to think constantly about F150's, to the point of making them so irresistible, they just had to have one (these are not her words, this was my take away from the conversation). Think on this a moment, and consider what I am telling you about F150's ... next time you are out and about, count how many you see. They are everywhere, and so is the danger, if we extrapolate in an illogical, convoluted, spaghetti minded way. 

Infantile arguments 
To believe trucks kill without a driver that intentionally uses his vehicle to murder, is the same as believing guns kill, without a shooter aiming at his would be victims. It is the purest of infantile arguments, and the silliness of it confounds those that see through the ridiculousness to the underlying agenda. The thinking of the media manipulators runs along the lines of "Disarm the strong, make them weak, so that we can do as we will with them, sans resistance", but the savvy see their ploys,  continue to buy F150's, and refuse to give up the weapons they use to hunt, or more poignantly, protect their family members from predators of the animal and human varieties. 

Planting an idea in someone's mind to get them to think and behave in patterned ways isn't new. Each human has the capacity to trick, and be tricked. It is when we recognize this truth, dropping naïveté on its fragile little head, that facing off with the enemy becomes possible. Everyone must stop pretending people are nice, have good intentions, and want only the best for others, when their actions say nothing of the kind. We have abundant evidence of this duplicitous reprehensible behaviour, as politicians and their pansies, promulgate their "hate your neighbour" propaganda. 

It doesn't make sense for me to hate you or you to hate me. It just doesn't make any sense, and yet this is exactly what the wicked want for us and from us. It is a murderous spirit that wantonly lusts for blood, yours and mine. The chaotic thinking that lives in the minds of the fallen ones flows from their mouths like projectile vomit, and while this is evident to many of us, it seems hidden from the masses, that regurgitate the vileness ad nauseam. 

Dogs, dear reader, return to their vomit. People that act like dogs do the same: 

As a dog returneth to his vomit, 
so a fool returneth to his folly (Proverbs 26:11) 

It is plain old embarrassing to see what is happening and how many gullible adults have given themselves over to be manhandled by dogs. As weird as this sentence is, I am leaving it as is, because it is apropos. 

I like F150's. I think they are cool, and manly. I like guns, I think they too, are cool and manly. I think trucks, guns, and tent pegs have their uses ... and in the hands of the righteous, each can be used for their intended, or newly created, purposes. 

To decode my encrypted message, do look up the story of a woman and a tent peg in scripture.

Lastly, I made up that the government wants to ban trucks ... just in case you took me seriously. But then again, who knows? They seem to want to ban our driving, with these elevated gas prices. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Understanding Crazy is Nuts

Perhaps you are like me, dear reader? Perhaps you must understand the behind the scenes incubation processes that explain circumstances? 

I lean heavily on God to answer my questions, and when I am equipped emotionally to manage the information I request, He always provides. A trip to the local library was fruitful : God providentially furnished in significant ways that have yet to be calculated. Insider views into the technological world have yielded a perspective that I can distill and crystallize spiritually, if not completely today, in this piece of writing, then over time, as my comprehension exponentially grows.

Let us go into the fray together. I invite you to absorb this information, quoted from the book WORLD WITHOUT MIND, THE EXISTENTIAL THREAT OF BIG TECH, by Franklin Foer. He explains the concept of singularity, and how it has driven you and I to the edge, with Alphabet as the nutsoid Googley eyed monster at the wheel. 

I qualify what you are about to read : AI, 
the yearned for heaven on earth, is diabolic. 

     "The singularity refers to a rupture in the time-space continuum --- it describes the moment when the finite become infinite. In Kurzweil's telling, the singularity is when artificial intelligence becomes all-powerful, when computers are capable of designing and building other computers. This superintelligence will, of course, create a superintelligence even more powerful than itself --- and so on, down the posthuman generations. At that point, all bets are off --- "strong AI and nanotechnology can create any product, any situation, any environment that we can imagine at will."

     As a scientist, Kurzweil believes in precision. When he makes predictions, he doesn't chuck darts; he extrapolates data, In fact, he's loaded everything we know about the history of human technology onto his computer and run the numbers. Technological progress, he has concluded, isn't a matter of linear growth; it's a never-ending exponential explosion. "Each epoch of evolution has progressed more rapidly by building on the products of the previous stage," he writes. Kurzweil has named this observation the Law of Accelerating Returns. And in his telling, humanity is about to place a lead foot on its technological accelerator --- we're on the threshold of massive leaps in genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics. These developments will allow us to finally shed our "frail" and "limited" human bodies." We will fully merge with machines; our existence will become virtual; our brains will be uploaded. Thanks to his scientific reading, he can tell you the singularity will dawn in the year 2045."

Dear reader, these are the rantings of a crazy man. He believes he can supersede the living God, by predicting that his life's dream, of conquering death and living into infinity based on his inventions and calculations, will be accomplished by the year 2045 ... If his "uploaded brain" is still plugged into a power socket, he will be the ripe old pickled age of 97, having a really weird and wonderful in his imagination, virtual data filled life. 

Thou answeredst them, O LORD our God: thou wast a God that forgavest them, though thou tookest vengeance of their inventions (Psalm 99:8)

Do yourself a favour, buy this book, get it out of the library, do something to understand the wicked forces that have been assembling and amassing in full force, against the human race. As North Americas turn their eyes toward political races and humans to rescue them from the diabolically ill-minded, we are closing our eyes to the encroachment. This is an ancient story of the devil convincing man, or more specifically, woman, to eat of the forbidden fruit:

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:4-5) 

The desire to be our own god is the evil we are up against. It is the battle within each human to want to self-determine, rather than humbly admit that I did not make me, but God sure can break me. Kurzweil is absolutely correct : we live in frail and limited bodies that get injured, naturally decay, and eventually, break down to the point of the spirit leaving the body. This mans misguided belief that artificially intelligence, invented by man, will be greater than the power of the Almighty, is a death wish. He works for the devil in his desire to accomplish a posthuman virtual existence, swapped out for an in the flesh reality. 

This man is afraid to die, period. But he isn't afraid to impose his will on you and me ... in his malevolent insanity, he wants to take you and I down with him, and he is not alone. Thus our current circumstances, dear one. These plans have been formulated and have taken on flesh. Nanotechnology is in "hackable humans" and the future looks bleak for those that have unsuspectingly fallen into the "web" of technology set for them by monstrously big techno spiders, that want to suck the soul right out of the humans they prey upon. 

In their immodesty, they have made public their plans, and the plebeians that they use as test subjects to prove their brilliant points about intelligence, seem oblivious still. But of course, that is how Satan works ... he slithers his way into the psyche and solves problems we never knew we had ...

I will leave you now to consider your own future,
 and the choices your will make

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Memento Mori

In fascination, I am learning the leanings of men of God, as opposed to those that would corrupt the incorruptible Truth that the Almighty reveals to the seekers of His face and counsel, on their knees and with contrite hearts. 

Intellectual superiority
Do you, dear reader, have freedom of will? The determinists, those that would have you suppose they have some sort of intellectual superiority that you do not have access to, want you to believe that all is a fait accompli, or in English, a thing that has already happened or been decided, leaving you and I no option but to accept it. Not so. I am not a believer in determinism or in pseudo Christian lingo, predestination, in fact, I believe that God presents us with circumstances and asks us, "Whatever will you do about this? What do you choose, little one?"

We are, or can be, in partnership with God. The demon influenced self-aggrandizers would prefer we not know this, as they systematically suck from Satanic sources: despicable leaches they are in their wormy countenance and wiggly dispositions. They demean themselves ... they attempt to demean and degrade humanity with them, and the question remains:

"Whatever will you do about this? What do you choose, little one?"

Reform your sinful ways
Sir Thomas More is the focus of this piece of writing. His "reform your sinful ways" message in the book about a place called Utopia comes complete, with a map that takes the traveler on a soulful journey of self discovery. More believed in freedom of will, and as we face a group of killers that want to murder our autonomy, I do believe this message is timely and apropos. The delightful and eye opening reminder of memento mori, "Remember that you die", is poignantly powerful, and a table turner. 

What the wicked believe about their ability to preserve their own skins while divesting victims of health, wealth, dignity, and life, is ridiculous and preposterous. They have forgotten something that is obvious, or used to be obvious? They surely will die, just as their ancestors before them did. They lie blatantly and shamelessly to themselves, believing technology will preserve their aging bodies and feeble minds. They have soaked themselves in the acid of murderous hate for their fellow man, and that causes the worst kind of degeneration : their souls are covered and coated in open sores, oozing the puss of pomposity, the kind of hubris that ensures life without relief from themselves. 

The gravity of death is addressed when one is injured, limping, feels the debilitating aches and pains of aging, or when suddenly and without warning, one finds themselves in bed, disabled from self determinism, facing the terrors of conscience and understanding that no amount of money, pleading, begging, weeping or confessing, will change sickness into allusive vital health: technology cannot rescue a man from the grave. Death is the great equalizer, and each man will face his time of expiry, despite his denial, or belief that he has contributed so much to mankind, that he is entitled to a reprieve. 

Remember that you die
The map of Utopia is a fascinating bit of deep truth mixed with humour, a mockery of man that does not see, that under his largest organ, his epidermis, is muscle, fat, sinew, tendons, and to shorten this list, bones : a skeleton onto which God added so that he could live and move, have his being as a human. The map of Utopia is a human skull, and a reminder, once again as stated above, "Remember that you die."

Remember, dear reader, that you die, but that does not mean you do this according to the will and way of those that presuppose they have power over you. The men and women that feign this type of condescending determination over your existence and then, your disposal, are not capable of this destruction of your body and soul. You must give them permission to do with you as they wish. 

You have freedom of will, just as More did all those years ago when he countered the infamous reformist Martin Luther, that mangled the word of God to make it seem as though we cannot choose Christ, cannot choose sanctify, cannot choose holiness, and cannot partner with the Almighty in our ultimate destination, life eternal with the living God. God knows the beginning and the end of us, and gave each man the ability to see and hear Him: it is encoded in our DNA. To suggest that Christ died for some and not all is contrary to scripture, which clearly states:

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved (John 3:14-17)

Believe in Christ, or believe in the world system that establishes itself against Him. Believing is a choice, and if it weren't so, our existence would be a worthless, senseless, purposeless nothing, that has not meaning or substance. To deny God is vanity, to choose with your autonomy to live for Him, is to thank Him for your presence in the world He created for His pleasure and yours too! 

Remember that you die : where you spend eternity has a lot to do with your fidelity ... choose Christ, the finisher of our faith whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life

Check out this map. Can you see the human skull? 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

I Don't Want to Know

Today I am sorrowfully ruminating on losses. I have some friends that impacted my life in astoundingly beautiful ways, and I long to reconnect with them, to see them again and engage in some soul brushing: I am stopped in my tracks though, as I consider reaching out. I have trepidation, that my view of them will be shattered, depending on whether or not they complied with the demands of the current powers that seem to be. 

My question is simple: did they betray themselves by denying God's Sovereignty? In other words, did they take shots to fit into life on planet earth, thereby eradicating their previous declaration of fidelity to Christ and Him as their heaven and earth King?

I consider the hard sayings of Jesus in front of a crowd that seemingly preferred magic over majesty. They liked the bread He proffered, but they didn't appreciate Him as the bread of life. They consumed the out of this world water converted to wine He prepared for their pleasure, but drinking His blood, because the life, dear reader, is in the blood, was too much God for them to handle. Bread and wine, manna from heaven and the sacrifice of His flesh for the salvation of souls, was beyond what they would willingly accept ... they preferred the food basics of eating now, rather than considering an eternity of abundant life with the Redeemer.

Therein lies my fear, my anxiety ... as one by one, those in my closest circle of two plus years ago, succumbed to worldly ways by accepting into their bodies poison that promises an unstable future in this life and the next. I consider two men that I knew as stalwarts, true lovers of Christ, and I don't want confirmation, that they too did what I consider, the unthinkable ... 

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, hath everlasting life. I am the bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. The Jews strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat? Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. This is the bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever (John 6:47-58) 

These words seem foreign and strange to us. As a meat eater, I know that life is sacrificed for my sustenance, but the Jews Jesus was teaching, knew the law that God gave them: sacrificing animals for their sins and the sins of the people. The priests consumed some of the flesh, but were never to drink the blood, because that is where the life is, in the blood. 

Think on this a moment ... they were awaiting the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world: God had them live with this knowing, that only sacrifice with a heart of contrition, could assuage their guilt temporarily, until such a time as the Christ would be the final sacrifice for them. Eating the lamb as the spirit of death loomed large over them in Egypt, was the first passing over, the first time they experienced God's preservation when they complied with His commands. Now they were facing the Lamb of God ... and what He was saying was hard to hear:

These things said he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum. Many therefore of his disciples, when they heard this, said This is an hard saying; who can hear it? When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you? What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? It is the spirit that quickenth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life (John 6:59-63)

Jesus speaks of spirit ... and this is where people betray themselves. They rely on the skin they are in, the surface they walk upon, and the food and drink they believe they can trust to keep them alive. They mistrust God as provider, believing that they must live according to worldly ways, including the rules and regulations superimposed upon them by workers of iniquity ... the shot pushers that desire to control and kill the soul via automation of the bodies of the willing. 

But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. 

Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? (John 6:64-67)

Dear reader, I weep for those for whom the living God was not enough. My soul aches for the previous professors of faith in Christ, that did not put their souls in His protective hand, but rather chose to walk away, toward a shadow of what life can be, rather than eagerly anticipate the fullness offered to the faithful, when eternity with God is our reward. 

The bread and blood of life is Jesus Christ. The mystery of faith is revealed in His words, and fidelity to Him is our only hope of soul salvation. Are His sayings hard, why yes, they are, but what I find more difficult, is hearing the words of the wicked, and witnessing those I considered brethren and kindred, following in the devils bloody footprints to the grave and an eternity without the living God.

Sigh. I am not a naive person, forever Pollyanna hopeful. But right now, there are some things I just don't want to know. At this moment in time, I will entertain happy, holy, wholesome memories of who I thought people were, rather than know who they may have become.

John 6:66 From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him

Friday, May 20, 2022

Monkey Business

A precursor is a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind; a forerunner. We have been pre-cursed almost to death, dear reader.

If we look at what has come before, if we take a saucer eyed unblinking stare at what has been shouted out and repeated ad nauseam on the airways, we see warnings everywhere of precisely plotted and planned, and yet controlled, pandemonium. It is all monkey business, and if you and I haven't sat up straight out of a dead sleep yet, then now is the time. 

A pox on you: an expression of intense disgust or aversion for someone

With this monkey business, there is a curse. In their plotting and planning meetings, the wicked are vastly entertained, believing themselves to be hilariously funny, each time they introduce their next killing spree with ridiculous logos. New on the scene is a monkey pox, with injections pre-ordered for those that will fall into the trap of believing that this now on deck unnatural disaster, must be warded off via an elixir in a syringe. 

The wicked believe that you and I are daft, too dumb to see their tactics: dear one, we are their perceived monkeys, that they want to curse, to put a pox on, because they view us with intense disgust and aversion. We are dirt they want to clean out from unto their toenails, once they have stomped us to death. A pox, a plague be upon you, is what they want the most ... the curse is in the plague.

I find it fitting that these liars have robustly, vigorously, and consciously propagated for decades, that human beings evolved from apes. Many believe this tripe, and it isn't a stretch for people to accept the associate lie, that monkeys are our closest relatives in the animal kingdom. We have been called animals, dear one, and the oh so evolved have elevated themselves out of this status, removing themselves from their primate others, to become the trap-the-monkeys captors and controllers. 

The new ugly and mutilated kid in town is a pox, and the killers want it spread throughout the land, travelling across the seas, to every neighbourhood and small village, wiping out all wherever it travels. Sounds like a horror story of make believe proportions, but then again, for people that cannot fathom how far Satan and his workers of iniquity will go to kill, maim, and destroy, this really does sound farfetched. 

And it is the naive, the surf the superficial surface, the I can't look crowd, that refuse to accept the reality we face: they will be the first victims of this newest farce perpetrated against the unsuspecting. 

But dear reader, you just finished reading to this point. You have been warned. The pox, the curse, this monkey business, you ought to know about it now, isn't that right? You are no monkey, you are God's creation, and it is man that He made in His image. While the wicked publicly declare their hate of God and attempt to besmirch the Almighty, you and I can go in the opposite direction, and run into His wide open waiting for us arms. 

See the signs
Read them carefully
Be honest in your assessments
Leave off from your fearful fretful ways
Trust God

Vile creatures
Lastly, repent from your sins and ask God to forgive you for putting your life in the hands of those that want nothing more than to wipe out each and every image of Him they see around them. If you have believed the media monsters, if you have taken shots that were MANdated, if you have fallen into the go-along-to-get-along trap in the recent past, know that now is the time to get out of the worldly system that has been spinning you right round. If you didn't know any better before, I sure do hope you know better now, this far into the plot of the most heinous story foretold and enacted by the vile creatures that turned against their Creator. 

If anyone acts like trained monkeys, it would be those individuals that do the business of the devil. They have debased themselves in their humanism, and put a pox on themselves by defiling what is sacred to God ... autonomous human life. 

Absorb this fact, dear one: when we rebel against God, He withholds His judgments for much longer than you and I would. He is long-suffering, as evidenced by our current situation, with lawlessness permeating and prevailing as murderers profess their plans without apparent stoppage: 

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9)

But there comes a day of reckoning, and I tell you it draws near. Each of us is accountable for our choices, and their outcomes can be attributed collaterally to what we say and do. We are either with God, or with the enemy, and as in the ancient days, He commands all, including evil angels. They answer to Him, and when Pharaoh refused to let God's people go, He sent evil angels among them ... I picture the wicked plotters having many horrifying demonic visitations:

Psalm 78:49
He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them

In their hardheartedness, the wicked have sealed their fate ... don't let them help seal yours too.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Hearing Bias

But my people would not hearken to my voice, and Israel would none of me. So I gave them up unto their own hearts' lust: and they walked in their own counsels (Psalm 81:11-12)

I am fascinated to recognize the word hear in hearken. To hearken is to not only hear, but also to heed, and when God speaks to His people, it is wise to listen and do as He commands. God doesn't make suggestions, but this is exactly how people treat His vocalized instructions, when they walk in their own counsels. 

Notice: God gave them unto their own hearts' lust

The God of yesteryear is the same God of today, and clearly, so are the people of this world. Some listen, some refuse, and some are hard of hearing but get cured of this malady, when they seek Him and decide that following His counsel, makes far more sense than following their own. 

Which category do you fall under, dear reader?

  • You hear and heed
  • You hear and refuse to heed
  • You just can't hear, but suddenly realize you have been deaf, and decide to ask God for a good ear cleaning
What do you supposed happens to those that do not heed after hearing God's voice? You don't really need to speculate, now do you? I am confident YOU have not only ignored what He has commanded, but have also done as the ancients did ... you did what your lustful heart suggested.

How did that work out for you?

O that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways! I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries (Psalm 81:13-14)

Perpetrating hateful harm
Now, we are hear now: in the hear (not a misspelling in this case, dear reader) and now, we see that those that not only ought to have heard God's voice and hearkened unto it, but ought to have been so committed to His commands that they protected others too, shielding them from enemies and adversaries, have played a major role in the demise of many, including their own family members. They did not as the Father bid them ... they, like the Israelites, would none of me, meaning, they would have none of what God purposed for them. 

Following their own lusts, the populace perpetrated crime against the living God by willfully obliging killers, to their folly. We have evidence of this, with wicked rulers, enemies of the people, adversaries of God, perpetuating hateful harm to one and all: babies and vulnerable populations included. The self-aggrandizing demigods have blood lust, while the populace has travel, work, and money lust ... all things of this world that are here today, and gone tomorrow. 

Swapped out sound reasoning 
Hearkening to a voice is common, the question is, which voice is being heeded? When your boss, doctor, government representative, teacher, preacher, next door neighbour, brother, sister, father or mother, niece, nephew, sibling, school crossing guard, become the voices in your head, you are in big trouble, dear one! You have swapped out sound reasoning for subpar PYSCHO babble! 

I am envisioning you cupping your ear, pretending you are hard of hearing, and saying "What's that you say? You talking to me?" 

Yes, I am, I am talking to you, and him, and her over there, all the people that feign deafness that are really just selective in the messages they want to hear and heed. If Guilt gave out prizes, we would all have storehouses full of them, because hearing bias is a human condition! The worthless prizes would match the silliness of choices made that are unsavoury, dissatisfying, and sully the soul. 

Ear holes
Dear reader, have you been willfully deaf? If you are still reading this, and you recognize this character flaw in you, might I suggest you go to God and have Him vacuum out those ear holes? 

Truth is salty, it acts like a preservative for the spirit. If you have been lied to, and have lied to yourself, there is a cure called Truth. It is never too late to hear it, speak it, live it. Perhaps today is the day you decide to hearken unto the voice of God. 

Heed the Voice of the Saviour, otherwise known as the Truth:

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32)

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Don't Blame the Dummy

Proverbial smoke and mirrors
I can see clearly now, the rain has gone ... ok I stole this line from a song, but it is true, I can see clearly now, but not because the rain is gone. The proverbial smoke has blown away, and the mirrors have smashed to smithereens. 

What can I see clearly, you ask? The Truth, of what we are witnessing, living through, watching with sick fascination. We get to see the demise of the human race ... yes, how odd, to type this, to know this, to have this play out before our very eyes. The dying don't know that their days are numbered, in fact, it is business as usual. The sting of death is very slight for those that have money to fund play time, while ignoring the insidiousness of subtle sickness that slowly devours. 

Field day fun
The blame game is ON, and while everyone points this way and that to establish who's fault it is that the world is going to hell in a hand-basket, no one wants to blame the puppet master. Satan is having a field day of fun, as he yanks strings here and pulls them there. The dummies he has rigged up to do his bidding are so obvious in their one track minded demolition of the human race, that it is embarrassing to see them in numb and dumb action. They are acting out the most boring play, because each actor echoes the guy or gal next to them. They have uniformly become the voice of the wicked one. 

Final act
I am here to say that the strings are thread bare, that the monkeys that perform for their master are dancing dangerously close to flame; the end of their creepy one trick pony act will wind to a close. The curtain will come down on their final act, and they will not get the applause or acclaim they crave, they will get what their master gets, death and destruction via separation from God. They have joined the ranks of the damned and deceived, just like the fallen angels that choose not their maker as their God, but preferred the ruler of this world, Lucifer. 

To close, I am going to suggest we stop blaming the dummies ... they have set a course of destruction for not only other humans, but themselves as well. They are beings unto death and love to kill, and they don't realize they are actually suicidal. To kill and be killed, is the way of the world. Jesus came to save, and anyone that conforms to Him, need not worry, fret or despair! 

You and I get to choose where we focus our eyes, how we train our minds, and what will saturate our souls. I will not drink from the poison well of the pretend potus or the alleged prime sinister: I will not blame these dummies, these puppets, for being used as killers and then kindling ... I will look to my brothers and sisters in Christ as my family, keeping my life aligned and attuned to the living God. I invite you to do the same 💖

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth way, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever (1John 2:15-17)

Monday, May 16, 2022


If I were a pirate, I would do what so many others have done. I would look for someone else's treasure, rob them of it, and appropriate it for myself. Pirates prey on others, and they go to great lengths to steal what they want. A pirate is never content with the booty they accumulate, because the greedy call from More echoes in their ears. More shouts, "I'm over here, come get me.

Collective conscience
This morning I am contemplating the treasure that has been buried and unearthed with each generation and in every millennium. A treasure that is incalculable: pirates dare not touch, it would burn their hands and sear their collective conscience. When they discover this treasure, they quickly attempt to cover it once again, to bury it in the hopes that it will not resurrect and come and find them.

As I consider this treasure, I realize why it is so hard to find, and why so many prefer to leave off from searching for it. Wanting it and looking high and low for it, is exhaustive work. But it is also the greatest occupation to be engaged in. It encapsulates a lifetime of investing, and each moment spent is worth its' weight in gold. 

How do we measure time, dear one? We must consider how we spend it to discern its' value. 

The treasure 
When I think about Jesus Christ, His splendour, beauty, and other worldliness, I cannot help but be transported, lifted out of the mire and muck that the pirates have attempted to throw on the treasure known as the Truth. In His perfection, we see the personification of ideals, in the living breathing God/Man:

He is mercy
He is mild
He is charity and chastity
He is peace and joy
He is living, breathing wisdom, piety and understanding

In His mighty strength, He is the defender of Truth and the sanctity of His Father's house. With condemnation, He berates the infidels and hypocrites that dare to challenge Truth with lies that lead many to the door of death minus the presence of the living God. 

I realize why we must dig for Truth treasure, why it is vitally important to seek and find in order to discover the greatest gift. Our faith is a hard won battle, dear reader, and without the digging and getting dirty too, superficiality can feel rewarding for a time:

The same day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side. And great multitudes were gathered together unto him, so that he went into a ship, and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore. And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns spun up, and choked them: But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. 

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear (Matthew 1-9)

It is declared in the Bible that the word of God will go to all corners of the earth. That man will bring to man the Good News, sowing seeds, as it were. We have witnessed that some of the seed:
  • fell on ground without dirt, and was devoured by fowl
  • some fell on stony places, without much earth, sprung up, and because it could not dig deeply into the earth to grow a root system to draw necessary moisture, the sun scorched it and it withered away
  • some fell where thorns sprouted up and choked them
  • and some fell into good ground, and bore fruit
Jesus invites His listeners to take notice. Perhaps we can take a moment now to consider ourselves as the seed? 
  • Where have you fallen, dear one? 
  • Are your roots digging deeply into this Truth treasury? 
  • Are you being fed and watered by the word of God so that you can be fruitful, as one of His servants? 
  • Or have you fallen, as the masses have, onto the earth's surface, only to be eaten up, scorched, or choked out? 
And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speaketh thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them (Matthew 10:15)

The ground without soil
The rocky places
The thorny spots that do not tolerate other plants

Prickly life
This is the way of the world. The superficiality of sprouting for this day, without a care for tomorrow. The planting of self between a rock and a hard place, by living according to pirates wiley ways, rather than trusting in God's provision. The good seed sprouting up amongst the thorns, and being choked by them because thistles are spiked, and they fight to defend their territory by making sure they take up the space they need to survive in this one prickly life they live. 

Dear reader, we are living this parable:

For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them (Matthew 10:15)

Today, I will seek Truth, as though my life depends upon Him. Today, I will consider the Sovereign, and see that the treasure of Jesus Christ and all that is of Him, is worth digging deeply for. Today, I pray, that my roots are fed by Living Water.

I pray the same for you.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Invisible Nose Ring

While millions lay sleeping
While millions lay sleeping, invisible nose rings have been inserted. An equally unseeable rope has been sewn through each ring opening, one after the next. With gentle persuasion, the pierced people are led this way and that, herded while hearing, "We are taking you to safety", by handlers they have never known.

Baaah & Bleat
The people, they heed helplessly, while fiction is favoured over fact: they are fed and stuffed, liqueured in the waiting pen, each wondering when they will be given permission to be free to frolic again. They baaaah and bleat to one another from a respectful distance; alternatively, they kick and fuss, in the furry faces of those that do not have the invisible ring with the rope.

Wake up, wake up
Many in whole families have the pull-by-the-nose rings, while some stayed awake and refused the piercing. The eyes wide open sheep see the herded ones, and they scream loudly, "Wake up, Wake up, you are being tricked" ... some hear them and shake their mutton heads, but the rope has them attached to their next to them fellow sheep. They can't seem to break loose: the pen is too full and there is no room to escape. 

Drowsy again
They hear the other sheep, telling them to stay, it is safe in the pen: do not leave it until we are told we can go: you don't want to die out there, do you? The newly awakened sheep consider what they are hearing and they get drowsy again. With heavy eyelids, they return to slumber. 


I wrote this piece when a crimson curtain of darkness was dropped to drape the entire world. I heard and witnessed the oddest things, from imperfect strangers, to close friends and relatives. 

What was glaringly obvious to me was obvious to them in the opposite direction, with massive polarization pulling us apart. I saw a sickness of separation occurring, while they saw the paint-by-numbers picture someone else had crafted. The people I knew were swatches of muted tones, selected from the palate contained in tiny individualized plastic dip-your-paintbrush-tip containers. 

The shades of self they displayed were repugnant, and the suggestion that I do as they had done, that I take orders from the voices they had heard, hurt my ears and heart. Self indulge worry and anxiety had them agreeing to doing whatever the devilish false shepherds suggested they do, and they wanted everyone to slavishly respond similarly. While they saw a crisis, I saw a charade. 

They are still being led by the not-so-invisible-now-nose-ring. It would appear the spell they are under, the one that put them in a trance of trusting alien voices, compels them to continue to believe that the lies they swallowed as truth, are good food for their future. Nothing could be further from actuality. 

I have been reading the Psalms daily this month of May. They are astounding in their poignant beauty, clarity, forthrightness, and raw expression of needing God, and knowing it is by His power that we are delivered from oppression.

Psalm 62:8-12

Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity (8-9)

Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery: if riches increase, set not your heart upon them (10)

God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God. Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy: for thou renderest to every man according to his work (11-12)

Trust in Him at all times
Pour out your heart before Him
God is a refuge for us

Men of low degree are vanity
Men of high degree a lie
In the balance, they are lighter than vanity

Trust not in oppression
Become not vain in robbery
If you become rich, set not your heart upon your riches

God hath spoken more than once
Have you heard Him?

Power belongs to God
Mercy belongs to God
He renders to every man, according to the man's work

Dear reader, trust in God at all times. Pour your heart out before him. Men that are vain and lie, have less weight than the light and fluffiness of their vanity. We are not to trust in oppression, or oppressors. We must not be enticed by those that rob to get rich: robbery requires weaponry, and this is a wicked way to gain riches. If your bank account grows, don't let it be where your heart is.

God has spoken, are you listening? He repeats messages, all we need is ears to hear. Are yours open to Him? Do your trust in Him at all times?

All power belongs to God, and all mercy too. While we that trust in Him pour out our hearts and beg for a merciful reprieve, we are witnessing the lost, those that listened to alien voices, accepting crumbs from the tables of criminals. They have trusted in their oppressors, the vain men and woman that seek to enslave them further ... 

Lastly, God renders: He delivers to each man, each person, according to his or her work. This should frighten us if not a little, perhaps a lot, when we realize that He is watching, and when we do not abide in Him and align with His will, we risk the rendering of judgment.

The vain, the wicked, the vile that wound and kill other living beings, they are in peril, and so are those that trust in them. 
