Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Small Talk

A show about nothing
A number of summers ago, my younger sister came to town for the weekend.  She and my older sister were discussing various health issues that they had experienced or were living with, and at one point, I started paying attention to how lonnnnnnnng this conversation about nothing had lasted. This reminds me of the theme of Seinfeld, a show about nothing. 

My mother has an expression, the tongue goes to the sore tooth. This simply means that whatever is bothering you, gets all of your attention. Upon consideration, I will take a slightly different approach here ... whatever you ENJOY the most, even if it is your PAIN, will be your locus of attention.  

Banal and blasé
My observational skills have not been challenged in the least when I state blandly, that what I always found excruciating, has now become almost lethal to my soul. The banal and blasé fixation on self has reached bottomless pit proportions, with a ginormous segment of the population defining their lives based on a make-believe patented propagandized program called co-v-id. 

Life ought not to revolve around illness, but then again, anxiety was a label stamped on many a socially and emotionally awkward person in the past five to ten years, with drugs prescribed and whole families taking to using them to sooth their nervous souls. What they needed and what they got in script form, were two different things. Drugs, when taken to make someone feel less, are no answer to the emotional strain and pain that need addressing. The bandaid on the boo boo, isn't a long term solution to sickness of the spirit. 

Satan has a tremendous way of capitalizing on our pathetic weaknesses. He enjoys our disengagement from real matters, and our sappy attachments to the petty and pedantic. If he can keep you and I arguing about physical "safety", he can keep our conversation revolving and spinning rapidly away from the soul and salvation. 

Satan is a small talker, not to be underestimated in his influential impact. He was the first being created that displayed diabolical deviance and vain glory. His hubris and self-absorption got him kicked out of heaven, and he is gleeful when he finds human collaborators that willingly collude, to bring down with him those that remain focused on their own physicality, rather than glorifying God via mind, heart, and spirit.  

Partial success
If the devil can keep you and I occupied with nonsense and fearful self-protective attitudes and activities, then he has partially succeeded in sucking the life right out of us. The hopeful part of the previous sentence, is his partial success ... where there is still breath, there is hope. A person can by choice, select to live according to the plan God has for them. They must consciously choose this option of their own accord, because God is not going to force salvation on anyone. Rejecting His Sovereign will is something each person must bear the burden of, if they decide they prefer their own will over His. 

Small talk is a painful superficial way of killing time, and souls. I highly recommend it's removal from our repertoire of human behaviours. Here is what the Bible has to say about words wasted on fools:

Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words (Proverbs 23:9)

With the seriousness of what we are facing, my hope is that the wise speak loudly, to drown out the noise of the foolish and satanically influenced. 

Wisdom is our only hope in a sickness soaked world.

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