Thursday, April 14, 2022

Mental Masturbation

Birds of a feather, they flock and fumble together ...

Do you find it mortifying to your spirit, dear reader, to see people in masks? Does it hurt your heart to view images of children being pumped with deadly poison via a syringe? What happens to your upper lip at the thought of molestation and rape, captured on camera or in video format, to be distributed broadly?

How about adults frothing and foaming at the mouth, to listen to a fraud that smooth talks his way into a power position, to manipulate the masses, more than they have already been? 

Mental masturbation is a demonic game. The devil dives into the psyche of the susceptible, exciting the senses while promising pleasurable outcomes, and fools follow where he leads. A quick fix has them hungering and thirsting for more of the same. It is highly detrimental to the weak willed and godless: as evidenced by the flocking around the wicked that magically, can do no wrong to the already poisoned of mind. 

There is a march to the cliff's edge and from behind, the herders and handlers whistle and jeer. Gathering steam, the people push one another, grab each others hands, smile and cheer. All the while they are corralled and unwittingly captured by those that mock and malign them while smiling and lying before their very eyes. 

Good Lord
The obvious is becoming garish. The whoring after demigods is hideous. It reminds me of the Israelites, promised destruction when they decided they did not want God to be their King, but rather preferred to be like their heathen neighbours, wanting an earthly man to rule over them. I will not copy and paste the Bible here, dear one: you have at your disposal just as many versions as I do. I will point to history and say, Good Lord, I am truly mortified at the smashing of dignity people have permitted at the hands of the demonically inclined. Anyone that is not of the God of the Bible, is anti Christ ... the spirit in them is pulled toward the cliffs edge, and they will take with them as many as they possibly can. 

Jesus the Christ, the Saviour of the WORLD, died on a cross willingly for your sins and mine. We are in the exact same position as the millions that lived and died before us, including the ancient Israelites. Choose your God, people. 

Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD. And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD (Joshua 24:14-15)

Choose you this day whom ye will serve


  1. Outstanding piece of work Linda Grace! Your descriptions and analysis of all that is going right now, right under the noses of so many, is spot on! This blog of yours should be an Op-Ed published in every newspaper across Canada and the U.S., in hopes of waking up the masses who are gullible, weak, deceived, morally deficient, lacking education in world history, or plain just don't care. However, in this day and age of censorship, we know the chances of this appearing in newspapers is slim to none. History tells us that these evil communist regimes view the masses, that follow their agenda blindly, as nothing more than "useful idiots."
    Well done Linda Grace!

  2. RoBEAR, thank you so much for all your encouragement. What is Op-Ed? And yes, the masses are OBVIOUSLY deceived and the evidence is abundant. Our focus must be on salvation, not what humans pretend they can "do for us" when what they are really accomplishing, is nefacious deeds directed by the devil, their daddy! Hugs friend

  3. RoBEAR, thank you so much for all your encouragement. What is Op-Ed? And yes, the masses are OBVIOUSLY deceived and the evidence is abundant. Our focus must be on salvation, not what humans pretend they can "do for us" when what they are really accomplishing, is nefacious deeds directed by the devil, their daddy! Hugs friend

  4. RoBEAR, thank you so much for all your encouragement. What is Op-Ed? And yes, the masses are OBVIOUSLY deceived and the evidence is abundant. Our focus must be on salvation, not what humans pretend they can "do for us" when what they are really accomplishing, is nefacious deeds directed by the devil, their daddy! Hugs friend
