Wednesday, April 20, 2022

God Complex Danger

So ... once the seven billion are dead ... then what? 

If I have a murderous spirit, it doesn't really matter who I kill, does it?

Window over the heart
Over time, murder has become a popular sport. The vileness of thought that accompanies a killer wherever they go, as they are mixing and mingling with others, is actually their pleasure. A new and most wonderful friend of mine, suggested that if there was a window directly over the heart, we could see what was going on in there. 

Now imagine the thoughts that thump through the mind, with every pulse and pump of a blackened heart. Looking about with blood thirsty eyes, the vicious are not satisfied until they are savouring sanguine sweetness. 

A predator looks for prey that is unaware. The prospect of a kill is higher if the victim is vulnerable and physically weaker than the hunter. Of course, I am stating the obvious. What has me curious, is how weakened a state so many were in, when the hunters heard a blasting horn, and the hounds of hell were set loose on an unsuspecting world. 

Seven billion
Doctors, lawyers, and Indian chiefs, nurses, moms, and dads ... were filled to the brim with nonsense that they slurped up with massive paper straws. The rich and infamous plotted and planned the demise of seven billion, all the while proclaiming it openly on publicly respected academic forums, like TED talks. They made no bones about turning people into skeletons, and yet, the purportedly well educated, the supposedly higher learning educators, fell at the feet of the professing MURDERERS, without any hesitation at all! 

God complex
I know a man that is a vascular surgeon. He has taught all over the world and is considered an expert in his field. As it turns out, the people of this world have made a grievous error. They trusted the voices that spoke fear and destruction loudly and proudly, over attuning to the Voice of the One that proclaims, life is His and His alone, to give and take away. Imagine a doctor with skilled hands and honed ability, seeing the intricacies of the human body when open for viewing and repair, denying the living God's Handiwork. This is outside of my comprehension, to daily, intimately work with the miraculous, and deny deity all the while. 

As a vascular surgeon, wealth, prestige, and a self-professed god complex, did not serve him well when it came to following the pied piper. This brilliant and accomplished doctor fell prey. Instead of protecting his family with his massive intelligence and historical understanding of the red wave, he led them to slaughter via multiple poison shots in arms, that changed their blood into something quite unrecognizable. He is one example of a fallen fellow, and I am quite sure, you know many like him?

It would seem that worldly privilege does not provide protection from an equal opportunity killer. Satan doesn't discriminate, and neither do his seedlings. The wormy apple doesn't fall far from the rotting tree. 

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them (2 Corinthians 4:4)


  • Some have escaped the fraudulent claims of the enemy of their souls 
  • Some decided that no matter what liquid waste was tossed in their direction, they would not soak up one ounce of it 
  • Some, perhaps you, dear one, would rather die than comply, with what is evil and vile
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe (Proverbs 29:25)

I am going back to basics to end this piece of writing. Somehow, someway, those that put ALL OF THEIR TRUST IN THE LORD, have survived the second greatest hoax in the world. We are living proof that the lies bought and sold at discounted prices, were too rich for our blood. We do not trade truth for deception, and THAT is a statement about Who we trust. 

No amount of money, prestige, position, power, is enough for me to sell my soul to Satan. Those that regret falling into fallacious line with his wicked plan, have repented, and God hears their hearts and cries for mercy. The ones that do the devils bidding with blood dripping from their figurative fangs, will receive their rewards ... and it ain't gonna be pretty. 


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  3. Another awesome Blog today Linda Grace! Your Blog's are so relevant to the evil lurking in our world today, and you put it into words so eloquently.
    Another Gold Star piece of work!

  4. Thank You Robear ... I say what I see ... and these are alarming times of trouble
    Hugs friend
