Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Construct and Tribes

A construct is make believe until of course, a person, or several working together to mass formation build it, come together in agreement on the shaping of the construct : this idea made into a thing. A construction of the imagination. 

Coach training
When I was in coach training, I learned about a leadership program that was touted as life altering and transformational. The coaching world was truly extraordinary, and I recall feeling some resentment as a Christian. These coaching leaders that I was learning from had a unique way of relating and interacting with one another, that I craved and found profoundly moving. As a Christian I had never seen this type of communication modelled for me in my home, or at church. There was always a top down tone set in both environments, with underlings being subjected to by the higher ups, the powers that be. In coaching circles, empowering the individual is elemental, a principal to hang your human hat on, and consideration for the person in front of you is always paramount. 

Modelling love
What I was witnessing is how I believe Jesus modelled love for His disciples. He saw each human being, looked into each human heart, and knew what was yucky there, causing them angst and pain. He spoke life to their hurt hearts and gave them hope, that they were created for and with purpose in the mind of God. HIs love was, and still is, curative. 

In coaching I was seen and heard. It felt like a brand new world, with possibilities lighting up my mind in mini fireworks, shooting tiny brilliant joy skyrockets. There was a way to be loved into wholeness, shooing away insecurities and old patterns of being that did not serve me or anyone else. This is what moved me in the direction of diving into all things coaching, and more specifically, all things CTI (The Coaches Training Institute). The Leadership Program they offered was for ME!

I expanded and contracted
I will not describe my experiences in the four weeks of my attendance except to say, that it truly was life altering, and perception transforming. I expanded and contracted, like my metal front door in the heat and pressure of summer, and the cold and wild wind of winter. I was exposed, and had to look at myself through the eyes of other, because we were challenged to be with one another in every way possible, other than of course, sexually (that rule got broken by some, unfortunately). 

We had to stay in relationship and work things out when emotions were heightened or when we had to work as a team to accomplish a task. The goal was to become a tribe : a bunch of individuals bonded into a oneness that would eventually, be unbreakable. The goal of the leadership team was to create a symbiotic experience for the participants, and on many fronts, they accomplished their goal. 

Except this was a paid for experience, dear reader. One of the ideas pushed perpetually upon us was to continue the tribal relating long after the program had been completed : to stay in touch and "do life together". What I will tell you, is that some of my "tribe" mates were people I put up with because they too, had paid for a spot in the program. The last thing I wanted to do was life with them. 

Choosing our company 
I found them tedious and self-absorbed, and my tolerance for their company dropped as soon as we completed our leadership work together. Choosing our company is a human option, and I could see how many of the program participants had bought into the construct of a "forever together tribe" foisted upon us by the leaders. These individuals tried their very best to organize zoom meetings, (we had come together from all over the world), vacations together, and visiting with one another whenever and wherever they could make it happen. 

I had made some friends, and those were my people, but not everyone is welcome into my life or home. The tribal experience didn't change my standards for long term friendships. I shared my sentiments, that the program was a construct, a paid for make-believe extravaganza to PRACTICE relating in extreme situations. I also felt as though there was a cultish stamp on this tribal stuff, and that some people suffered from Stockholms syndrome. They had fallen in love with their leadership captors, idealizing them because they had truly, been in charge of us in ways big and small. It was a form of indoctrination. 

Media social 
Now onto my topic, dear reader. Yes yes, it took me a whole lot of words to get here! Social media is a construct, a make-believe mass formation creation to control and indoctrinate those that want to be a part of a tribe. Think on this a moment. How is media social? At the best of times, we meet people we can relate to and have a relationship with long term, but at the worst of times, we are tolerating a lot of tedious self absorption from people we would never really call friends, and would never have in our homes. 

We now have people spending an extravagant amount of time hoping that a man that supposedly bought a SOCIAL MEDIA APPLICATION, will help us be able to communicate freely again, uncensored on a SOCIAL MEDIA platform. Tweet tweet, twitter twitter, is a smoke and mirrors distraction from what is demonically happening all around us. 

People have Stockholm's syndrome. They have fallen in love with their captors, and they are ingratiating themselves shamelessly to garner favour.

Good Lord help us all. I am repulsed by the posturing and the postulating. The MUSKrat has been forthcoming as an enemy to the people in more ways than can be counted. When we entertain the enemy in our own mind, in our psyche, in our very soul, we have opened the door to wickedness. There is far too much fervour around an atheist purchasing a social media platform. I don't think we are in danger of him saving the world any time soon. 

See than that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is (Ephesians 5:15-17)

Mr. MuskRAT has clearly stated he does not pray to God. Mr. MuskRAT, wants to "authenticate all real humans" and "Long-term, it's about coupling the collective will of humanity to AI". Mr. MuskRAT, is one more slave master, and my prayer, is that the "collective" is set free in Christ, breaking the make-believe chains of bondage. 

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36)

Dear reader, while I am grateful for the skill set I acquired in my coach and leadership training, I am also very aware, that I do belong to a tribe, of heavenly host warriors that love the LORD and live to serve Him while here on God's green earth. 

All that we have comes from the Father of heavenly lights and nothing of the "self-made" billionaires, appeals to me in the least. They are incapable of constructing a cave to keep the Saviour in, and they know it. 

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