Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Lalalala, laaaa

When in Lala land, one doesn't need to see no evil, hear no evil, nor ought they speak of any evil. It is a happy go lucky merry go round. 

But something smells Musky around here, and there is abundant evidence of rotting in all directions we sniff. While billionaires drop wads of cash on a SOCIAL MEDIA APPLICATION that people can TYPE THEIR OPINIONS INTO, the world around us is going up in hell fire flames.

Not to worry, everyone will be able to tweet tweet tweet the good news of freedom of speech on tiny screens from their bathrooms, bedrooms, or even hidden in their basements when the battering rams come to crash in their front doors and windows to take their stuff and property, and maybe their loved ones too ... 

They will own nothing and they will, be happy, because they will be able to complain about the wickedness from the device they grip in their sweating, shaking with fear and dread hands. They will be free as jail birds, to say their piece (not peace of course), from their plexiglass cubical of 4 x 4. 

Yup, with the Musk RAT in charge, nothing can be sweeter, than being a tweeter. 

The MUSKrats momma. She dresses weird for a reason ... nothing peculiar to see here! 

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