Friday, April 29, 2022

Unbecoming Truth Revealed

And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters : with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication (Revelation 17:1-2)

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness : and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns (Revelation 17:3)

The word whore has gone out of fashion: prostitutes are now referred to as sex workers. Swapping out terms to change the power of the punch of sin, doesn't really change a thing. When I read scripture, it is with a sense of relief, followed sometimes with conviction, depending of course on what part of the Bible I am spending time in. 

Today, I am relieved. My best friend shared the verses above, and it perfectly describes what we can spot with spiritual eyes, happening all around us. As the billion and trillionaires of this world commit fornication by worshipping themselves and the god that promises them an easy life while here on planet earth, publicly display their wicked ways, we can be reassured that God sees all. 

Common man, and I mean to describe them in the most banal of ways, have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. They have swapped out houses for spouses, they have betrayed their families and friends, and they have misused their neighbours, on a global scale, to satisfy their own sick craving to have everything go their way, no matter the human cost. They are drunk on their own fornication, their own self made god-i-ness, and it is grotesque. 

Satan worshippers
What is most disturbing is the cavalier approach to sharing all, as though it is the most natural thing in the world to discuss publicly, deplorable demonic rituals. It would appear that Satan worship is just one more viable option out of the smorgasbord of acceptable faith based items to choose from. What once was hidden for fear of reprisal, ostracism, jail time, and even the death penalty, is now an easy go to for those that would prefer to freely say, drink blood, than glorify the Son of God the Father, who shed His blood for the sins of all men, and women. 

What Satan worshippers know all too well, is the life is in the blood. They drink it because they comfortably blaspheme God with all they say and do, and this act in particular, is an abomination to the Creator of humanity. 

For the life of the flesh is in the blood : and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls : for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul (Leviticus 17:11)

If, dear reader, the blood of God was shed to make atonement for souls, what earthly principle are Satan worshippers living by, when they drink blood? It is a libation, dear one, a drink poured out as an offering to a deity, and it is not the God of heaven. Satan demands the opposite of what God commands. Jesus shed His life blood, while Satan orders the killing and shedding of human blood, the sacrificing of victims, for the life force that is in them to be stolen and drunk ... been made drunk with the wine of her fornication, blood is the wine of the Satanic. 

I will not continue on with this subject. I am merely pointing out to you that we are surrounded by vile and wicked people that think nothing of sharing deplorable acts publicly. It behooves us to be repulsed, to speak boldly against such repugnant behaviours, and make once again, loving our neighbours as ourselves, the goal and glorious mission for our existence while here on God's green earth. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Construct and Tribes

A construct is make believe until of course, a person, or several working together to mass formation build it, come together in agreement on the shaping of the construct : this idea made into a thing. A construction of the imagination. 

Coach training
When I was in coach training, I learned about a leadership program that was touted as life altering and transformational. The coaching world was truly extraordinary, and I recall feeling some resentment as a Christian. These coaching leaders that I was learning from had a unique way of relating and interacting with one another, that I craved and found profoundly moving. As a Christian I had never seen this type of communication modelled for me in my home, or at church. There was always a top down tone set in both environments, with underlings being subjected to by the higher ups, the powers that be. In coaching circles, empowering the individual is elemental, a principal to hang your human hat on, and consideration for the person in front of you is always paramount. 

Modelling love
What I was witnessing is how I believe Jesus modelled love for His disciples. He saw each human being, looked into each human heart, and knew what was yucky there, causing them angst and pain. He spoke life to their hurt hearts and gave them hope, that they were created for and with purpose in the mind of God. HIs love was, and still is, curative. 

In coaching I was seen and heard. It felt like a brand new world, with possibilities lighting up my mind in mini fireworks, shooting tiny brilliant joy skyrockets. There was a way to be loved into wholeness, shooing away insecurities and old patterns of being that did not serve me or anyone else. This is what moved me in the direction of diving into all things coaching, and more specifically, all things CTI (The Coaches Training Institute). The Leadership Program they offered was for ME!

I expanded and contracted
I will not describe my experiences in the four weeks of my attendance except to say, that it truly was life altering, and perception transforming. I expanded and contracted, like my metal front door in the heat and pressure of summer, and the cold and wild wind of winter. I was exposed, and had to look at myself through the eyes of other, because we were challenged to be with one another in every way possible, other than of course, sexually (that rule got broken by some, unfortunately). 

We had to stay in relationship and work things out when emotions were heightened or when we had to work as a team to accomplish a task. The goal was to become a tribe : a bunch of individuals bonded into a oneness that would eventually, be unbreakable. The goal of the leadership team was to create a symbiotic experience for the participants, and on many fronts, they accomplished their goal. 

Except this was a paid for experience, dear reader. One of the ideas pushed perpetually upon us was to continue the tribal relating long after the program had been completed : to stay in touch and "do life together". What I will tell you, is that some of my "tribe" mates were people I put up with because they too, had paid for a spot in the program. The last thing I wanted to do was life with them. 

Choosing our company 
I found them tedious and self-absorbed, and my tolerance for their company dropped as soon as we completed our leadership work together. Choosing our company is a human option, and I could see how many of the program participants had bought into the construct of a "forever together tribe" foisted upon us by the leaders. These individuals tried their very best to organize zoom meetings, (we had come together from all over the world), vacations together, and visiting with one another whenever and wherever they could make it happen. 

I had made some friends, and those were my people, but not everyone is welcome into my life or home. The tribal experience didn't change my standards for long term friendships. I shared my sentiments, that the program was a construct, a paid for make-believe extravaganza to PRACTICE relating in extreme situations. I also felt as though there was a cultish stamp on this tribal stuff, and that some people suffered from Stockholms syndrome. They had fallen in love with their leadership captors, idealizing them because they had truly, been in charge of us in ways big and small. It was a form of indoctrination. 

Media social 
Now onto my topic, dear reader. Yes yes, it took me a whole lot of words to get here! Social media is a construct, a make-believe mass formation creation to control and indoctrinate those that want to be a part of a tribe. Think on this a moment. How is media social? At the best of times, we meet people we can relate to and have a relationship with long term, but at the worst of times, we are tolerating a lot of tedious self absorption from people we would never really call friends, and would never have in our homes. 

We now have people spending an extravagant amount of time hoping that a man that supposedly bought a SOCIAL MEDIA APPLICATION, will help us be able to communicate freely again, uncensored on a SOCIAL MEDIA platform. Tweet tweet, twitter twitter, is a smoke and mirrors distraction from what is demonically happening all around us. 

People have Stockholm's syndrome. They have fallen in love with their captors, and they are ingratiating themselves shamelessly to garner favour.

Good Lord help us all. I am repulsed by the posturing and the postulating. The MUSKrat has been forthcoming as an enemy to the people in more ways than can be counted. When we entertain the enemy in our own mind, in our psyche, in our very soul, we have opened the door to wickedness. There is far too much fervour around an atheist purchasing a social media platform. I don't think we are in danger of him saving the world any time soon. 

See than that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is (Ephesians 5:15-17)

Mr. MuskRAT has clearly stated he does not pray to God. Mr. MuskRAT, wants to "authenticate all real humans" and "Long-term, it's about coupling the collective will of humanity to AI". Mr. MuskRAT, is one more slave master, and my prayer, is that the "collective" is set free in Christ, breaking the make-believe chains of bondage. 

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36)

Dear reader, while I am grateful for the skill set I acquired in my coach and leadership training, I am also very aware, that I do belong to a tribe, of heavenly host warriors that love the LORD and live to serve Him while here on God's green earth. 

All that we have comes from the Father of heavenly lights and nothing of the "self-made" billionaires, appeals to me in the least. They are incapable of constructing a cave to keep the Saviour in, and they know it. 

God, Mr. No Fun

Commandments? I'm going to take a pass

I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me (Exodus 20:2) 

Now wait a minute God. I don't ever recall being in Egypt and you know, I was born in a free country. In this country, we get to choose who our god is so for me, this commandment just doesn't apply. I am going to take a pass on this one, if you don't mind?
I like reading my horrorscope : it is always so accurate!

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth : thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments (Exodus 20:3-6)

Ummm, God? Didn't you create nature? That is what I heard. I really love the moon and the stars and I have learned that my fortune and future can be foretold by the wise Zodiac reader people. I mean seriously, have you read your horrorscope yet today? Mine is always so accurate. 

And what is this stuff about jealousy? Isn't jealousy a no-no? I had a jealous boyfriend once and he wanted me all to himself : is this what you mean? Anyways, there are so many people and things to love about this life, I am thinking you need to relax your grip a little on this one. Maybe just trust us humans, we have evolved quite a bit since the caveman days you know! 

You also speak about sins of the fathers. My dad had a bit of a temper and was sometimes impatient. I feel this works though, because people knew where he stood, and when I have to use them, these super power abilities work for me too! 

And what is this nonsense about hate and love? I thought you loved everyone, just the way they are? What kind of God are you anyway? This commandment is a bit, well, touch and go for me. I think I am going to take a pass and just go with what my heart tells me to do, go with my intuition and gut feelings. 

I am thinking you may be on the mean side. I like a lighter touch!

Guilt is harsh, chill out

It's just an expression yo

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless, that taketh his name in vain (Exodus 20:7) 

I have to call you out on this one. Don't you know the rhyme we teach our children? Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. 

Things are more casual now. We all call each other names: we are cool like that. Sometimes, we use your name as a form of expression, you know, for emphasis; to be emphatic! Sure it sounds and feels a little awkward when I hear your name used often and off colour but no one means anything by it. Names are just words. 

Perhaps you can take this less seriously, like the rest of us? Guilt is harsh! I am chill about this one, and I think you should be too.
The malls are open on Sundays for a reason God

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work : But the seventh day is the sabbath to the LORD thy God : in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day : wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it (Exodus 20:8-11) 

God, seriously? You want me to take a day off? Do you realize how much money I can make working seven days a week, twenty four hours a day? I mean seriously? 

I have a whole lot of things I need to pay for. We have an expression here in the real world, I owe, I owe, its off to work I go. This is a brand new world out here in Moderna. You may have made the universe in six days but I have a twenty-five year mortgage, a monthly lease payment on my car, a vacation I have to put a downpayment on and my kid, he has his eyes on some new Nike high tops. This commandment does NOT compute. 

Besides, if I take a day off and everyone else does too, what the heck would we do with ourselves? Think about that God-we would be so bored. I shake my head to this one. I am not taking a day off any time soon.
This one well ...

Honour thy father and thy mother : that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee (Exodus 20:12) 

This one is a big ask God. I am not sure if you realize this, but my childhood wasn't exactly perfect. I mean, sure, I had a house to live in and food in my stomach and my own room and all, but my parents and I don't always see eye to eye. 

Plus they are getting older, and you know how busy I am. I am thinking an old age home may be just the right place soon enough. Then I won't have to drive them to and from the doctors office constantly and besides, I am not a nurse for goodness sakes. I have my own life to live : they already had theirs. I am nice to them. They should be grateful I visit once a week. I do believe I got this commandment down. We agree on this one. That must be a relief for you, huh?
We can agree on something, finally

Thou shalt not murder (Exodus 20:13) 

Phew, I agree with you God. Murder is horrid. Sometimes I joke that I could strangle someone, but that isn't at all the same as actually doing it. I mean a thought is just a thought, right? There are a few people though, that ... 

Anyways, I would never kill anyone! That's two for us now, that we agree on. I shall not murder.
Sometimes falling out of love happens God, who are you to judge?

Thou shalt not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14)

Now this is tricky. I do agree with you in theory I suppose, but you know very well that there are always extenuating circumstances. I mean people change, don't they? Sometimes people just grow apart. Talking to a member of the opposite sex while married just happens, especially when my spouse, I mean a spouse, just plain old doesn't get me, err, get the person they are married to ... 

Surely you understand that nothing lasts forever? Sometimes second marriages make more sense, and affairs happen because no one wants to be unhappy. Aren't we all here to enjoy life? I'm on the fence with this one God.

I am pretty sure you are sometimes too.
We clearly agree on the big things!

Thou shalt not steal (Exodus 20:15)

Ok, we are totally in agreement on the whole stealing thing. I have never taken anything that was not mine. I pay for everything I own! Now the government, they are another story. They are thieves I tell you. 

My accountant and I agree on this, and he finds every possible way for me to pay as little on taxes as possible. You can't trust the government, and I would be a fool if I did. 

You and I are getting along now, aren't we? We clearly agree on the big things.
My neighbours are a pain in the butt

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour (Exodus 20:16) 

My neighbour ... You mean that SOB next door to the left, or the idiot that lives across the street? Have you met these people? I don't say anything about them that isn't true. 

I found out last fall what they were saying about me and you know what, I just don't talk to them anymore; it's as simple as that! If they would keep their traps shut we would all get along. 

I agree on this commandment too. Those people shouldn't have given false witness about me. This is a good one. I commend you for this choice selection.

Competition is the name of the game baby!

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbours (Exodus 20:17) 

Oh God, this one is super tough. I know The Bible is all ancient so let's go with some modern view points on this one, shall we? 

How am I suppose to get ahead if I don't compete? How am I supposed to milk this life for all it's worth if I don't do a little comparing, you know, so that I will up my game and come out on top? 

My neighbour down the street has a really amazing house : three car garage with some high end rides. I guess in the dusty road days, this would be equivalent to a huge barn full of animals. His cars are way faster than four legged furries, and I have to confess, I have some car envy. 

This neighbour also has a lucrative business with many top producing employees. I was thinking of approaching a couple of them, to see if I could persuade them to work for me. Oh and get this, his partner is an upgrade! Mine is looking and sounding like an old broken record ~ who wouldn't want to trade in and up? 

I am thinking we have a semantics problem here. When you said "Thou shalt not covet ", I think you meant you shouldn't compare and compete with your neighbour? I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt here, because you may have been a little confused, being ancient and all. 

Competition is the name of the game baby. It is how we roll! The world would stop spinning if we stopped trying to outdo one another. Survival of the fitness is for real. Covet, compete, name it what you will, but you and I are not going to agree on this one.
I'm glad we had this chat, I feel so much better now

You know what God? I am really glad we had this discussion. I believe you are fair and that compromise is a part of who you are, and this is great for me, because I love to go with the flow and change with the times. Adapt or die is my motto! 

I thought at first that you were Mr. No Fun, but I realize after spending this time with you, that you are really cool. I mean, lightning hasn't struck me dead yet, even though I don't agree with you on some points. 

Besides, you gave me freedom of will and I get to choose what is right for me, right? 

I'll catch you on the flip side, thanks for hanging out. Later gator ...


Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Lalalala, laaaa

When in Lala land, one doesn't need to see no evil, hear no evil, nor ought they speak of any evil. It is a happy go lucky merry go round. 

But something smells Musky around here, and there is abundant evidence of rotting in all directions we sniff. While billionaires drop wads of cash on a SOCIAL MEDIA APPLICATION that people can TYPE THEIR OPINIONS INTO, the world around us is going up in hell fire flames.

Not to worry, everyone will be able to tweet tweet tweet the good news of freedom of speech on tiny screens from their bathrooms, bedrooms, or even hidden in their basements when the battering rams come to crash in their front doors and windows to take their stuff and property, and maybe their loved ones too ... 

They will own nothing and they will, be happy, because they will be able to complain about the wickedness from the device they grip in their sweating, shaking with fear and dread hands. They will be free as jail birds, to say their piece (not peace of course), from their plexiglass cubical of 4 x 4. 

Yup, with the Musk RAT in charge, nothing can be sweeter, than being a tweeter. 

The MUSKrats momma. She dresses weird for a reason ... nothing peculiar to see here! 

Small Talk

A show about nothing
A number of summers ago, my younger sister came to town for the weekend.  She and my older sister were discussing various health issues that they had experienced or were living with, and at one point, I started paying attention to how lonnnnnnnng this conversation about nothing had lasted. This reminds me of the theme of Seinfeld, a show about nothing. 

My mother has an expression, the tongue goes to the sore tooth. This simply means that whatever is bothering you, gets all of your attention. Upon consideration, I will take a slightly different approach here ... whatever you ENJOY the most, even if it is your PAIN, will be your locus of attention.  

Banal and blasé
My observational skills have not been challenged in the least when I state blandly, that what I always found excruciating, has now become almost lethal to my soul. The banal and blasé fixation on self has reached bottomless pit proportions, with a ginormous segment of the population defining their lives based on a make-believe patented propagandized program called co-v-id. 

Life ought not to revolve around illness, but then again, anxiety was a label stamped on many a socially and emotionally awkward person in the past five to ten years, with drugs prescribed and whole families taking to using them to sooth their nervous souls. What they needed and what they got in script form, were two different things. Drugs, when taken to make someone feel less, are no answer to the emotional strain and pain that need addressing. The bandaid on the boo boo, isn't a long term solution to sickness of the spirit. 

Satan has a tremendous way of capitalizing on our pathetic weaknesses. He enjoys our disengagement from real matters, and our sappy attachments to the petty and pedantic. If he can keep you and I arguing about physical "safety", he can keep our conversation revolving and spinning rapidly away from the soul and salvation. 

Satan is a small talker, not to be underestimated in his influential impact. He was the first being created that displayed diabolical deviance and vain glory. His hubris and self-absorption got him kicked out of heaven, and he is gleeful when he finds human collaborators that willingly collude, to bring down with him those that remain focused on their own physicality, rather than glorifying God via mind, heart, and spirit.  

Partial success
If the devil can keep you and I occupied with nonsense and fearful self-protective attitudes and activities, then he has partially succeeded in sucking the life right out of us. The hopeful part of the previous sentence, is his partial success ... where there is still breath, there is hope. A person can by choice, select to live according to the plan God has for them. They must consciously choose this option of their own accord, because God is not going to force salvation on anyone. Rejecting His Sovereign will is something each person must bear the burden of, if they decide they prefer their own will over His. 

Small talk is a painful superficial way of killing time, and souls. I highly recommend it's removal from our repertoire of human behaviours. Here is what the Bible has to say about words wasted on fools:

Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words (Proverbs 23:9)

With the seriousness of what we are facing, my hope is that the wise speak loudly, to drown out the noise of the foolish and satanically influenced. 

Wisdom is our only hope in a sickness soaked world.

Monday, April 25, 2022


It has arrived, dear reader. At this moment in time, I am completely listening and at the ready, to hear these words: 
  • I am sorry for treating you like a leper 
  • I am sorry I wanted to zoom meet with you when we live around the corner from each other 
  • I am sorry that I wanted you to wear a mask and suggested you clean all surfaces and keep your clients far from you
  • I am sorry I wanted you to be injected with a soul saturating body murdering satan solvent 
  • I am so sorry, that instead of living the undying love I proclaimed as your best friend, I kept you at more than arms length, and lost you from my life
  • I am sorry for being so self-absorbed and fear drenched, that I couldn't see past my me moments, to the you that I knew, loved, and trusted all these years
  • I am sorry that you don't trust me anymore ... and I totally understand why, because honestly, I don't trust myself 
Please forgive me? 

Not long ago a former friend of mine apologized to me for condemning me in a time when compassion was more apropos. I addressed the slight, pointing out to her what she had done, but she felt righteous in her condemnation of me. Years later, she contacted me and humbly apologized. I appreciated this very much, and told her so. While the apology was well received, much time had elapsed and with it, the foundation of trust we had previously worked at establishing, had eroded. There was a no-going-back feeling for me that perhaps, wasn't there for her in her contrite and hopeful state, of wanting friendship reinstatement. 

I can understand why she wanted a return to what was. Prior to the breach in relationship, there was a joy of sharing and caring, a sense that two were walking side by side on a path that was often strewn with rocks, and dangerously slippery slops that we navigated successfully together. We had an understanding, and when self-righteous indulgence entered in, it broke our bond. 

This is what has happened all over the globe. A severing of bonds that should have been cemented and unbreakable, are snap-crackle and popping everywhere we turn our gaze.  

The father shall be divided against the son and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter and the daughter against the mother; the mother-in-law against the daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law (Luke 12:53)

Dear reader, I have witnessed this divide in my own nuclear family. My former husband and son do that have the same beliefs or lifestyle, and this has kept them apart. My in-laws are also former relatives by marriage, and while I have nothing against them, we were divided before we were ever united, because we do not share the same faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour. How then, can we expect those that are not our kin, to be our forever kindred?

The expression blood is thicker than water is actually true. It is the blood of Jesus Christ that unites us as members in the family of God. It is His shed blood that bonds His children, His people, in ways that can never be severed. What we have experienced is a breaking away from each other as we publicly establish to whom we belong. Forgive me, dear one, but it truly is an us and them, or them and us situation. The only thing that can unite, is the acknowledging of sin against God, and against one another, followed by the asking of forgiveness as a verbal act of contrition.

Risk of ruining other
Egregious sin damages the psyche and soul of not only the recipient of sinful words and actions, but also the personage of the offender. It is a lose | lose situation for both parties. I saw my friends and some family members purposefully distance themselves from their own blood relatives, and while I could be offended by these steps away from loved ones, I know that God knew what we were wickedly capable of. We are abundantly, currently, horribly aware of how far people will go to save themselves, at the risk of ruining relationship with other.

I feel as though my wounds have scarred over. I am no longer mystified at this great falling away. I feel as though the ball has dropped without bounce in the court side of those that chose to go the way of the world, rather than remaining in high fidelity love relationships with the people that they have history with and know them the best. They are in a choice position once again, because the unraveling of spun lies is happening before their very eyes, and they get another chance at saying they were wrong, that they are sorry, and asking for forgiveness. 

House in order
I fear for them. I fear that they will stubbornly stay in stuck mode. That their souls will shrivel inside of them for want of acknowledging wrong doing ~ denial is safe only for a time. There is always a reckoning appointment and who amongst us can determine the when part of this equation? To resist the Truth is damning, and a choice that does not serve anyone when eternity is yawning its mouth wide open. You and I are not promised tomorrow, so getting our house in order ought to be on our today check list. 

I wait, for words I may never hear. I have hope in my heart that conscience overcomes the convenience of self-deception for those that used to be my come what may comrades in spiritual arms. Repentance is a beautiful gift that one offers first to God, than to other, and finally, to one's own soul. There is nothing in the world like it to open the door to a heart that beats for the living God. 

I highly recommend it, if you haven't yet experienced the power, of repentance. 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Muddy Footprints

Track mud 🐾
I have two dogs. While I like their cuteness I admit, I don't like their brand of dirty. Dogs do disgusting things, and dog owners put up with a lot of grossness, especially if the dogs are indoor pets. One of the things I don't appreciate is muddy springtime paws and claws. Like most dogs, mine do that kicky thing with their back legs after they do their business. This makes cleaning them a little tricky when we arrive home. If not done properly, they track mud all over the darned place 🐾 

The above description is my prelude, dear reader. Lately I feel as though mud has been tracked through my mind. Sometimes my dreams leave me feeling undone and last night, I prayed for better dreams before closing my eyes. I realize as I type, that I have been staying in bed longer in the mornings ... I would like to reengineer my dreams, go back in there and clean them somehow. Looking at the date in the corner of my screen, I see the why now, of my thoughts, my hesitancy to move forward, to get through to the other side.

April 25th, 2017 ... the end and the beginning

My marriage officially, with words, ended April 25th, 2017. The breaking and remaking of me has happened over and over again in the last five years. I am on solid ground with Christ as my foundation, but on April 25th, 2017, I was nearly swallowed whole when it felt as though the earth had opened up beneath me. 

Being fragmented from self is a strange phenomenon : it is catastrophic to the family system to lose a whole member from within the group. Their withdrawal can leave a vast sucking hole, only to be recognized immediately upon their departure. I am resilient, I am strong, I am woman, hear me roar ... blah blah blah. I was broken, felt insecure, and needed to figure out what to do next to be the one that led the way forward and out of what felt like a pit of despair. I could celebrate my victories, my survival skills, my patient endurance and stedfast faith over the past five years. I could, but today, on this rainy April showers bring May flowers day, I am sad. 

Rather allusive
The muddy footprints in my mind are the memories of the unnecessary suffering. I have learned there is always a better way, a kinder way, a sacrificial love advancement path that leads to affinity and high fidelity soundness. Relationship ought to be a celebration of two people working and weaving together in intimate ways that model the love of God. I want what God wants for us. It would appear that this kind of love is rare and precious, and sadly, rather allusive. 

Gift of pain
I don't know who you are or what you are facing, dear reader. I know that grief is a show stopper, and when it knocks at my door, I have to let it in so we can have a conversation about the mud, the old wounds, the sadness that would take up permanent residency in my heart, if I didn't give it space and time to express itself. Grief is a gift of pain that can be avoided, but this is detrimental to you and to the others in your life that deserve your full attention. 

Today I will let the rain remind me of my brokenness, and later when the sun is shining, I will recollect that God is forever kind, faithful, stedfast, and He will always lead the Way in the healing of minds, of hearts, and of the spirit within us. 

His Holy Spirit mending is my medicine, and I hope it is yours too ☀️

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

God Complex Danger

So ... once the seven billion are dead ... then what? 

If I have a murderous spirit, it doesn't really matter who I kill, does it?

Window over the heart
Over time, murder has become a popular sport. The vileness of thought that accompanies a killer wherever they go, as they are mixing and mingling with others, is actually their pleasure. A new and most wonderful friend of mine, suggested that if there was a window directly over the heart, we could see what was going on in there. 

Now imagine the thoughts that thump through the mind, with every pulse and pump of a blackened heart. Looking about with blood thirsty eyes, the vicious are not satisfied until they are savouring sanguine sweetness. 

A predator looks for prey that is unaware. The prospect of a kill is higher if the victim is vulnerable and physically weaker than the hunter. Of course, I am stating the obvious. What has me curious, is how weakened a state so many were in, when the hunters heard a blasting horn, and the hounds of hell were set loose on an unsuspecting world. 

Seven billion
Doctors, lawyers, and Indian chiefs, nurses, moms, and dads ... were filled to the brim with nonsense that they slurped up with massive paper straws. The rich and infamous plotted and planned the demise of seven billion, all the while proclaiming it openly on publicly respected academic forums, like TED talks. They made no bones about turning people into skeletons, and yet, the purportedly well educated, the supposedly higher learning educators, fell at the feet of the professing MURDERERS, without any hesitation at all! 

God complex
I know a man that is a vascular surgeon. He has taught all over the world and is considered an expert in his field. As it turns out, the people of this world have made a grievous error. They trusted the voices that spoke fear and destruction loudly and proudly, over attuning to the Voice of the One that proclaims, life is His and His alone, to give and take away. Imagine a doctor with skilled hands and honed ability, seeing the intricacies of the human body when open for viewing and repair, denying the living God's Handiwork. This is outside of my comprehension, to daily, intimately work with the miraculous, and deny deity all the while. 

As a vascular surgeon, wealth, prestige, and a self-professed god complex, did not serve him well when it came to following the pied piper. This brilliant and accomplished doctor fell prey. Instead of protecting his family with his massive intelligence and historical understanding of the red wave, he led them to slaughter via multiple poison shots in arms, that changed their blood into something quite unrecognizable. He is one example of a fallen fellow, and I am quite sure, you know many like him?

It would seem that worldly privilege does not provide protection from an equal opportunity killer. Satan doesn't discriminate, and neither do his seedlings. The wormy apple doesn't fall far from the rotting tree. 

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them (2 Corinthians 4:4)


  • Some have escaped the fraudulent claims of the enemy of their souls 
  • Some decided that no matter what liquid waste was tossed in their direction, they would not soak up one ounce of it 
  • Some, perhaps you, dear one, would rather die than comply, with what is evil and vile
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe (Proverbs 29:25)

I am going back to basics to end this piece of writing. Somehow, someway, those that put ALL OF THEIR TRUST IN THE LORD, have survived the second greatest hoax in the world. We are living proof that the lies bought and sold at discounted prices, were too rich for our blood. We do not trade truth for deception, and THAT is a statement about Who we trust. 

No amount of money, prestige, position, power, is enough for me to sell my soul to Satan. Those that regret falling into fallacious line with his wicked plan, have repented, and God hears their hearts and cries for mercy. The ones that do the devils bidding with blood dripping from their figurative fangs, will receive their rewards ... and it ain't gonna be pretty. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Rarest Blood Type

The rarest blood type flowed through the veins of one Man|God, Jesus Christ. Untainted, pure, royal blood, was a prerequisite for the Saviour : after all, only Someone perfectly sin free, would be Good enough to die in exchange for the sins of each human in this world:    

For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it for you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul (Leviticus 17:11)

Is it any wonder Satan wants our human blood clotted and congealed, with the venom of his serpentine bite?

Swirling controversy gathers in the corners of thinking minds all over the globe. We feel the whirlwind, and its affects are not lost on us. We know what corruption looks and sounds like, because in our dreams, we see and hear what the wicked wantonly do to the vulnerable and innocent. It is when we too, are most susceptible to satanic attacks, that we glimpse the grotesque ... in nightmarish images that are hard to shake when awake. 

I do not want to understand the thinking of the criminally insane, those that commit heinous crimes that devastate infantile souls that haven't a chance of recovery from the violations they are subjected to. Understanding the vileness would make me a kindred ... my spirit is sickened at the thought. 

The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world (John 1:29)

For this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28)

The thought of Christ pouring out His blood for the many, including those that steal, kill, and destroy, has me weeping in resentment. In my humanness, in my bitterness, I see Christ's perfect gift, wasted on the wicked. This is where I must ask God for forgiveness, because I know I do not comprehend His magnificent mercy, not while I am in the deep dark sorrow of witnessing catastrophic wreckage. 

The following three verses shatter my heart into a thousand pieces. It is grievous what man has done to their fellow man. I am living if only, if only ... The shedding of human blood has been copious and for naught. Jesus came to purify our conscience, our own guilt soaked blood, so that we could experience the freedom of forgiveness from our sins. 

Alas, this is a rejected free gift, and the demonically influenced infiltrated the flock, treating the church with disgusting disdain, as thought the blood of Christ was worthlessly shed. It was not : God in His love for mankind, would do again for us what He did over two thousand years ago. His pure blood washed away the sins of the world, and for the repentant believer, this is the best news, because we know we could not possibly pay the debt for our own wayward wicked ways. 

How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God (Hebrews 9:14)

Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with the blood, and without the shedding of blood there Is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22)

Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood (Acts 20:28)

God doesn't do do overs. His will and ways are perfect and He doesn't make mistakes. The if only's I mentioned above, are for those that could have, should have, done things differently, so that we wouldn't be in yet another wipe-out-the-entire world mess. Am I predicting ruin, dear reader? No, I don't need to predict anything like that, because it is a promise already. While we could have had heaven on earth, many humans willfully decided to create hellishness here, and while it is true that Jesus died for the sins of the world, He only washes clean, by His pure blood, those that call out to Him, repent of their sins, and sin no more. 

Satans seed, those that hate Christ's pure blood, want to corrupt yours. The only way to steal you away from Him, is if you say yes to the serpent and his slithery slick beady eyed ways. Satan has done a phenomenal job of lassoing the masses to do his bidding. He has injected them with a sickness serum, unbelief in the One and only Pure Blood that ever walked the earth. 

Unbelief is the sin, dear one. There is a cure. Your blood can be purified, your sins washed away, by the blood of Christ

Friday, April 15, 2022

Nicene Creed

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty,
                        Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.  
 And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of of God,
                        begotten of the Father before all worlds;
                        God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God;
                        begotten, not made,
                        being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.
                        Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven,  
                                        and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary,
                                        and was made man;
                                        and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate;
                                        He suffered and was buried;
                                        and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures;
                                        and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father;
                                        and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead;
                                        whose kingdom shall have no end.
                       And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life;
                                        who proceeded from the Father and the Son;
                                        who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; 
                                        who spake by the prophets. 
                       And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
                                        I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins;
                                        and I look for the resurrection of the dead,
                                        and the life of the world to come. Amen. 

Just this morning, I discovered this sweet daffodil. Last spring I saw dwarf daffodils planted in other people's gardens, and I had a longing for them in my own

I am not a gardener, and I knew I would not take the time to sow the seeds required to have such a sunny and delightful bloom in my homey backyard

God heard the desires of my heart, and this Holy Friday, I am reminded of His abundant love and attention to detail ... we whisper our hopes, our dreams, and He speaks them into existence

For the Lord is our judge, our lawgiver, and our king. He will care for us and save us (Isaiah 33:22)

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Man of Sorrows

Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me (Matthew 26:38)

It seems a simple request from friends. My soul is aching and it feels like this anguish may kill me. Stay with me, would you, and keep me company?

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not (Isaiah 53:3) 

  • In the first quoted verse, we have Jesus facing crucifixion
  • In the second verse, we have Jesus described pre-crucifixion

Think now, on timelines. Think ... New Testament real time conversation between the Lord and His disciples, and Old Testament past tense, as though the event had already occurred. 

I had to stop and hold my forehead for a moment to comprehend God's majesty. We, are blind, deaf, and dumb, dear reader, because the grasping of the magnitude of meaning in scripture is so astounding, it is near impossible for our simple minds to take hold. 

  • How is it that Isaiah could depict for us how Jesus would be viewed and treated, despised and rejected of men, long before the appointed time of Christ's incarnation. 
  • How is it that Isaiah knew the Saviour would be a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.

When Isaiah describes and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not, his pointer finger has us looking in the direction of the deniers.

Dear reader, we have been been told, testified to, shared with, been given witness and warning and yet, and YET, we do what so many have done before us. We deny deity with our thoughts, our words, our deadly deeds. Jesus is right here, right now, and do we see Him, do we hear Him, do we call out to Him, I'm here Jesus, I am aware and awake and ready.

This is Holy Week, and the eyes of the faithful are turned toward Calvary. The ears of followers are attuned to the sorrow of the Saviour that died for our countless sins. We can be guilty of self-absorption, of sleepiness, of wanting to hide our faces from the cross, and looking toward the world instead, but this will not do. We must keep our eyes trained on Him, our ears perked and ready in reception mode to hear from the Redeemer, because He lives. 

Past tense
Present tense
Future tense 

Alpha Omega
Beginning and End

Jesus Christ is timeless ... and timely