The spiritual battle rages on, on all fronts, with the booty, the humans that are at risk of losing their souls to monsters, displaying an oblivious state of mind, acting unaware of the danger they are in.
Most days I have world-pain, world-weariness: the time to weep is upon me, and I wonder, why it isn't upon more people?
Moving forward. The latest common refrain is this: We must move forward ... as though all that matters is what is to come, regardless of what has happened. There is a one big happy family reunion that people want to attend, where everyone gets to pick a hamburger or a hot dog to celebrate togetherness, with the theme being how the New Year will play out in the most marvellous of ways, under a returning president. Trumph, my name for the frumpy man with the cheesy smile that speaks repetitive and boastful platitudes, is the man of the hour: he is going to be on deck soon enough to resume his people appointed position of power in America.
I am miffed. I admit it, and my irritation is showing up in ways that I have to question. Do I really want to continue bothering to point out what is sickeningly obvious to me, that others obstinately refuse to acknowledge? What, is the point?
I think of John the baptist, warning people to repent, because the kingdom of heaven was at hand: Jesus was indeed, very near while John was prophesying. Alas, many heard, many heeded, recognizing their need to repent of their sins, while others continued on their way, without a glance backward, at the possibility that they needed some brain refreshing and heart transforming. Minds have become muddled and clogged up, and the great deception, the great failing away is so real, there is nothing a gal can do to stop it, no matter how hard I try.
What, is the point, I am now asking myself, yet again. I suppose, when I am really and truly painfully honest, I am the broken record that belts out sorrowful songs of loss. It is already December the 2nd, and Christmas is upon us. My elder sister was known as Santonella this time of year; she loved to shop, loved buying and giving gifts. It delighted her to find just the right item for each person in her life, and sometimes, because she could not stand the suspense of having to wait to gift give, she would tell the person what she had bought them, or give it to them early: for Santonella, the anticipation of seeing appreciative facial expressions, was apparently too excruciating to endure. Childlike, my sister was childlike in her generosity.
Try as I might, the birth of Christ, celebrating his designated birthdate, doesn't spark a fire in me. I love my Saviour everyday, and wouldn't want a day to go by without telling him how much I love him, and how grateful I am that I am a part of his family. Christmas will be, is, a very sad occasion for me this year, and I cannot separate my sentiments from the event.
I wrote the last sentence, wanting you to understand, dear reader, that separating our feelings, or distancing ourselves from them, ought not to be an easy thing to do, just because a date in the year rolls round once again. I am not an actress, I cannot pretend, nor do I want to. I do not eagerly anticipate the unwrapping of the New Year. I do not look forward to what awaits regarding the state of humanity. Looking forward is not my plan, or in my make-up ... I see blood, and hear silent shrieks from those that are suffering; the memory of my incapacitated sister, lying on a hospital bed, her life ebbing away, haunts me. My younger sister was the best mourner I have ever seen or heard. I thank God for her honesty: she gave herself over without reservation, to loud, implacable, soul wrenching grieving, when she knew our sister was dying.
Each time I go after perpetrators that pushed poison in syringes on the masses, I live my commitment to be relentless toward those that openly, repeatedly, imposed lethal doses to the unsuspecting, the childlike, trusting, vulnerable, susceptible, the manipulated, and coerced. I know my sister suffered from those injections, and it irritates me to no end, to hear or read the excuses people make for the perpetrators, Trumph in particular.
And so, I am at the famous choice crossroads, once again. Do I continue to care for those that prefer the pretending, prefer the rationalizing and excuse making over the very lovely and worthy truth, or do I give up on them and leave them to their own wiley and self-deceptive devices, wash my hands and say no more?
At the crossroads, there is divergence. One path looks pleasant and easy, and taking it will have me indulging myself, freeing myself from the world pain and world weariness of caring. The other road looks strewn with sorrow, where weary travellers will invariably stumble and land on spiky rocks and jagged boulder edges.
Do you think me a sullen fool, dear reader, for knowing already, which path I must take?
Don't worry, be happy ... if only ...
Know that I do not only weep for a sister I cannot see or hear or touch or love on in this plane anymore; know that I weep for the many that are facing the same excruciating marrow sucking losses, that cannot shake the sadness, no matter how often they are told they must look forward now.
In a death culture, grief is an oddity. For a Christian, sorrow makes perfect sense in a world that has gone lawlessly mad.
My solace is always The Word of God. Where else can one go, for the eternal Truth?
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
Linda, I guess you probably won't like the video I sent you earlier on another media.
ReplyDeleteI do somewhat feel the same way about Trump and his response to the plandemic. I believe he was just a controlled pawn in pushing the gene altering bio injection to a virus which was planned somewhere around 20 years in advance by the likes of Gates and his evil minions. He said himself with the right kind of vaccines we will be able to reduce the world's population by 10 to 15%. One of my favorite pastors that I follow on line, JB Hixson, has studied this for many years and I believe him. He says that real Christians would have never gone along with shutting down churches and all the lockdowns and useless masks, etc had they installed Hillary so they put Trump in for that purpose alone. Now keep in mind that Trump only took credit of operation warp speed but it was Biden that instituted the forced mandates. As much as I agree with many of Trump's policies, I vehemently disagree with him on this one, his stance on the homosexual movement, his support of the LGBTQWXYZZZ insanity, and his support of the pro baby murder side.
However, just as I have always had to do while voting in Canada, I support Trump as the lesser of two evils. The demoncrats are completely depraved and want to destroy the free world just like all the parties in Canada where there is no real alternative whatsoever. Had Hillary won in 2016 it would have been more of a disaster. We all know that Biden did not win in 2020 since even his own followers are now wondering why there were more ballots cast than registered voters back then and where the 15 million extra "votes" that Biden got in 2020 went to when Kamala was not given the same overnight ballots coming in at 3 in the morning in key battleground states.
God has used many rotten if not completely evil rulers in the past to carry out His ultimate plan. There are too many to mention. Even King David had his issues.
Now back to the gene altering bio injection. I fortunately do not know of anyone personally that was killed by it but know of many that have had adverse health effects like heart attacks, RA, cancer, etc. Some are now close to death because of it. We all had a choice to take the shots. It was a matter of discernment I believe. We did not take the shots since something just did not sit right with how they were handling it. As soon as they offered incentives we knew it was wrong and evil. Never before in history have they had to coerce people to supposedly "protect" themselves from a virus/disease. And then they started with the "if you want to keep your job" or travel or go to a restaurant, or meet with family in our own homes. That is all I needed to know it was evil to the core. My natural tendency is to not trust government at all until they prove to be worthy of trust in a particular area, which is very rare. I can thank my parents for that since they saw first hand what can happen when you trust and obey governments at all costs since they grew up in the Hitler years in Germany.
So people needed to do some research before allowing themselves to be injected with a poison that was sold as a cure while real cures were outlawed. It was plain as day that something was wrong with their plan. God, I believe, will deal very harshly with those involved. The worst thing for me, which will not sound very Christ like, is that some of those who promoted this insanity (I won't name the Christian leaders) will be right next to me for eternity and I won't have the pleasure of watching them burn in hell like they deserve. I know we all deserve damnation to hell for eternity yet Jesus paid the penalty on our behalf if we only believe in Him.
There, I said it. I know you will get hate mail on my behalf.
Hey Bob, thanks for the convo continuation. We of course have a running dialogue. Here is my response to your comments.
DeleteThe purity of God and heaven makes it impossible for unrepentant murderers to be in his presence, so we will not have to suffer the indignation of the worldly ones for eternity. Apostasy is a real state of being, and those that do not turn from their sin and walk the path Christ carved for us, will not be with him.
Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
I ask you, what is the point of a heaven, that is populated with the unrepentant, that continue to be a thorn in our flesh, and a vexation to the spirit ... in other words, why in the name of a Holy God, would we be with his enemies for eternity? The Bible makes it clear that we will not have to suffer as we have while walking the earth.
Matthew 7:21-23
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
The politicians do not glorify God. If you believe, as I do, that we are heading swiftly toward the end of our time on earth, you too understand that lawlessness is now the normative way. God, when we read scripture, does not bless the blasphemous: no where in The Bible does it say, choose one evil that is a little better then another, it says this:
Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin, because he is born of God (1John 3:9).
The apostles, the disciples, warned against sinning in the sight of God. A vote for a baby killer, is a vote for a murderer ... and Bob, that puts blood on the hands of those that support such violators of God's commandment, Thou shalt not kill.
Sorry my brother, I do not buy any form of excuse for aiding and abetting openly professing baby killers. This will not be excusable on the day of Judgment, because it dishonours God, rather than glorifying him as Creator and Infinite Wisdom.
My stance is a Biblical one, as opposed to a world view approach, of believing that wickedness will be a blessing if we only believe, and believe some more, that there can come about a change, based on the heathens solutions to the problems their iniquity established. No no, Jesus is sitting judgment from his throne, and I refuse to collude with killers ... rather, I will speak again, and again, the commandments, the one most needful to repeat, Thou shalt not kill.
I run the risk of losing friendship each time I call out a brother or sister regarding their sin, their acceptance of wicked ways in others ... but I love Jesus more than life itself, and so the risk is worth it, if we can have a meeting of the minds, and speak the truth of the Holy Spirit, as one family member to another, all for God's glory.
That is about enough from me, I hope we remain friends Bob. My only suggestion for anyone reading this, is to spend more time reading The Bible, and comprehending how very Holy God is, and how intolerant he is, of filthy, bloody, grotesque soul killing sin.
Yours in Christ,
Linda, you know that nothing would stand in the way of our friendship even issues concerning some theological differences. We have discussed the salvation issue before and I stand firm based on Jesus words himself and those of Paul that I believe are very clear. There are way too many verses that deal with believing Jesus and immediately moving from death to life from an eternal perspective. I won't write them all out but the ones most of us have heard many times before are John 3:16, 5:24, and 6:47 and then Gal. 2:16 and Eph. 2:8-9. Not one of these verses have a caveat that imply we are saved eternally until we sin again and have to start all over again. Had that been the case Jesus Himself would have said "he who believes in Me has everlasting life" until he messes up and sins again.
DeleteI heard a good quote the other day that said " If you're unworthy to earn salvation, then how could you possibly be worthy enough to sustain it?".
So as much as I believe those who took the gene altering bio injection in trusting the government instead of God were wrong yet did not sin because of it necessarily, no matter what, they will be with us for eternity in heaven if they have at some point in their lives believed that Jesus died for their sins and rose again to pay the penalty for OUR sins. That also does not mean there won't be consequences for their actions of obedience to a false god. I liken it to Peter when he stepped off the boat to walk on the water towards Jesus as written in Matt. 14:29-31. His lack of faith at that moment did not affect his ultimate and eternal salvation when he said "Lord, save me". It was talking about his immediate safety and possibility of drowning.
A couple of funny anecdotes come to mind regarding these truths. When I used to fly a lot both for vacations and work I always made sure I repented again and again to make sure it took just before take off and landing. I feel bad about that now since I am convinced that it was more about unbelief in eternal salvation as the Bible says. Another example is many years ago we got together with one of the families who also had kids in the local Christian school and we got in to a discussion regarding salvation. He was of the belief that if you were not 100% right with God at the very moment of death you would lose your salvation. I asked him "so if you ran a stop sign because of inattention playing with your radio and at that moment a semi hit you and your last words were Oh s.... or something similar using God's name then you would not enter heaven"? to which he responded Yes. A few years later he was killed in a farming accident on his property. I will never stop thinking that no matter what he did in his final moments, thankfully by God's grace he entered in to eternity to be with Jesus forever even though he felt he never had that assurance.
All of this to repeat the fact that I may be in eternity with those pastors and Christian leaders who caved and even supported the evil mandates due to a "so called virus" and made the gene altering bio injection about displaying Christ's love. That explains what Paul wrote to Timothy about sound doctrine and itching ears and John wrote about false prophets. These pastors like Rick Warren, Tim Keller, Robert Jeffress, Franklin Graham, etc. are false shepherds yet if they did believe in Jesus at one time they are saved. There is nothing we can do to return God's free gift once we have received it.
I have to send this in two separate responses. Says the comment is too long. Imagine that?
Here is part 2.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to Trump, I don't believe he has ever repented and believed in Jesus payment for sin and has even said he has nothing to repent or say sorry for. He is under judgement until he comes to faith, if ever.
I do know that had the satanic demoncrats won the election, things would have been demonstrably worse for America and by extension, Canada also. So when Christians don't vote, we know who will win. And I would much rather support someone like Trump who does not profess to be a Christian yet makes an attempt to govern in such a way that somewhat resembles my Christian values than someone like Jimmy Carter, Barry Soetoro, or even Stephen Harper who all at some point have used the Christian card to get elected yet displayed nothing of the sort.
Not sure if we would be in a position to wash our hands of the consequences of our actions or inactions as Pilate did.
Hahahhaha, two comment sections required, hee hee! Okay Bob, thanks for continuing our friendship even when we disagree! Hugs 💖