Men of the world that deny God, believe they can conqueror, bring down, or pull themselves up, using the earthy riches God has provided as the raw materials, to use at their own indiscretion, to mine and milk and build what they believe is beautiful, but is monstrous in the sight of the godly. Think with me now, on that last sentence. Humans can do nothing without using the materials they find when they look about them. Silly humans, thinking they can outwit, outlast, and outlive God by building bigger and better with what they scrape together and accumulate. Little boys playing with Lego is how I see it; but they use living beings as part of the structures they shamelessly assemble, willing to sacrifice some bodies to death along the way in the building, and that is a bone of contention for me to pick at perpetually.
I have been reading a biography about Elon Musk. His fantasy to colonize Mars, just in case planet earth is hit by a meteor and destroyed, leaving humans without a place to inhabit, has been his quest since 2001. Think with me again: if planet earth can be hit with a meteor, then logically and deductively speaking, isn't Mars, and all the other planets for that matter, subject to the same explosive demise? I am thinking the impossible is what Elon is shooting for, as he aims rockets skyward. The fateful ruin of the tower of Babel comes to mind: arrogance is the jet, or rocket fuel? that propels people in the direction of their own deadly departure from this existence.
The irksome bit that I have trouble wrapping my mind around, is how people want to follow a space cadet to Mars, while walking this earth, but do not want to follow in the footsteps of the Creator of the universe.
How can it be, I ask you?
I will attempt a weak explanation, since I cannot fathom what is going on in the minds of those that want space to be their final frontier, rather than heaven.
Escape ... they want to escape the bounds of the shell they are in in the hope, and with the belief, that they are the captain of their own ship; the one in charge of their own reality, their own existence, and lastly, their own life extension, not life span. They are death deniers, investing in pretending to have a say in their own longevity with the delusion of never having to die. Like their God snubbing forefathers and mothers, this generation of antichrists think they have a handle on anti aging, anti decaying, anti dying. Death deniers are the most deluded of all, and demons, that are eternal beings, whisper ugly nothings into their ears, suggesting, just as the serpent did in the garden of Eden to Eve:
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:4-5)
What do you believe about death, dear one? Is denying it a possibility, with modern medicine, good to great eating and exercise habits, the right mental state via positive thinking, maybe some meditation and a gratitude journal, to stave off the inevitable? Do all of the above suggestions, if lived out, reassure you that worldly permanence is potentially achievable, despite the fact that all of your ancestors before you, died and were either burned or buried?
People that are obsessed with this life and spend an inordinate amount of time and money on what is fleeting and failing, do not have a healthy or holy, grasp on reality, and they most certainly cannot resist the hands of time that tick tock, mark them seconds, then minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years older: aged, tripping and stumbling toward the grave.
In reading about Elon, I gather that he is a very impatient man. He demands what seems impossible with the expectation that his spacey dreams will come true. He is as those that came before him, an arrogant fool that will one day, go up in a puff of smoke, and be no more. We are all, fading flowers, beings unto death, but some of us know it, thanking God for each knew day, while others believe they are as gods: immortal, untouchable, and magically capable of conquering the universe, while treating it as their playground.
Gravities pull has a way of pulling people down and then apart, when they try to fly too close to the sun. Wax melts, feathers drop one by one, and the earth comes up quickly to meet would be usurpers, that believe they are boundless and untethered. Satan tried this, and well, it didn't work out so well for him, now did it? What makes little men think they can thumb their noses at God, and win?
Elon had a very violent upbringing, and I read with compassion when I eye spy into what he experienced early in life. I pray for him and anyone like him, because the delusion is great, and he is not heading to heaven, but rather, he is revving up for the crash and burn that will seal his fate as one that heads toward hell if he does not repent of his wicked, godless ways.
Which reminds me ... we all must pray, without ceasing. While some want to make Mars their home, others of us want only to be in heaven with our Maker, where striving is not necessary for our survival, and where our eternal joy is finalized, in the presence of Almighty God. We must pray for the souls that struggle and do not know Jesus as Saviour. While there is breath, there is hope of salvation for the lost, so long as they have not blasphemed the Holy Ghost.
Let us, dear one, pray, recalling the words of Jesus in Acts 26:18:
To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
We can want nothing better for our fellow earthlings, dear reader, then for them to turn from darkness to light, away from the power of Satan toward God, and receive forgiveness after repenting of their sins, so that they too, receive an inheritance among the saints that are sanctified by faith in Jesus.
Pray today, and often, if you are in Christ, that the deceived, see.
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