When I go to work, I look for points of pain, or weakness in clients that hinder their emotional, spiritual, financial, and physical movement. Dare I say I diagnose the tripping agents, and once the client and I have identified root causes, the client then breaks free from what catches them up, and off they go in the direction of health and emotional wellness? Yes, I dare to diagnose, to expose, to highlight for the sake of the client and for Christ's sake too. I want people to be free, but the medical community want a captive culture, captive audience; repeat offenders are their favourite kind of patience ... I spelt that correctly, dear reader ... it requires a lot of patience to be bossed around over and over again, by people that lord over others their medical degrees and all the learning they did to get that ultimate title, Doctor.
We are going into round deux, or as I like to call it, round duh, as in, really, how stupid are we? I will answer my own question, with less sarcasm and more of the honest shock that I am suffering daily. There are people that love them some injections, and one family I know are quite the consumers. The man of the day is a cardiac specialist in our countries capital, and his momma proudly brags that the entire family has each had six shots, of the co-v-id variety. In medical terms, that more than likely means they have had flu, tetanus, shingles, and whatever else is going and popular in the shot community, trusting they will stave off death, one shot in the arm at a time. It is to them, as it is in the fitness community, a cumulative effect: each shot, or each workout, adds to the last one, making the person super immune, or super strong? Injections and pills have replaced good sense, and so, we have masked men and women in hospitals and clinics, and they are known as the professionals ... and nothing can be further from truth, unless of course, we call them professional mercenaries, which is double the dur.
I haven't been in a hospital since my sister died. Thankfully, in July of this year, masks weren't the norm, and coming and going out of the hospital didn't require a shake down for visiting relatives. I am grateful for this, because my outrage factor would have shot through the roof if someone dared tell me that I couldn't be with my sibling without "protocol" in place. Sadly, hospital staff are sick, not only in their bodies from the poison abuse they have subjected themselves too, but they are mentally ill. Imagine your entire life revolving around saving lives via means that kill. Imagine being in the middle of the ocean, seeing a boat in the distance, calling for help, and as they approach, one of the crew cruelly throws what you assume is a life jacket, and when it hits the water near where you are treading desperately to stay afloat, the thing sinks like a hundred pound stone, and you feel its weight pulling you under. That is how I see the medical community, killers in masks. NOTE: many a doctor and nurse are kind and helpful. The ones that impose and suggest what they know harms, are dastardly. And the ones that impose and suggest without researching, are double dur dastardly.
So, are we heading into round deux/dur, dear reader? Well, that is what appears to be happening, with threats disguised as warnings of yet another deadly device that has been concocted to frightened and cow people into subjected submission. Will you fall into the set snare? I pray not. I earnestly, perpetually, pray not.
Trusting masked men makes no sense at all, dear one. They are robbers of health, and masking is a form of hiding what lurks. Think hard on this idea: what is behind the mask that the wearer does not want to be seen? What is in their hearts; what thoughts travel and bing about in their brains? What dreaded fear do they live in, that they feel their lives are in danger and can be stolen from them at any moment in time? If it isn't fear, then what, pray tell, is it? and, fear, dear, dear reader, is a contagion. Don't catch the fear, it is, as we have seen, deadly.
Trust in the Lord, and he will heal and save you. What you have thus far done, he knows, believe me, he knows, especially if you did not go to him with your worries and anxieties in the first place; but it isn't too late! Go to him now ... nothing and no one is beyond his reach. Call on the name of his Son, Jesus, and rest at his feet. He will pet your hair, speak truth and comfort to your disturbed mind and soul, and he will give you what you need to be peaceful, no matter the circumstances.
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