If you were to create your own version of this statement, what would it be? I have taken the concept and done a rework on it, that goes like this:
The avalanche of sin is wiping out entire families, one member at a time, Linda Grace Byers.
Cumulative sin, that seemingly no one is responsible for, can somehow bury anyone in its path of destruction. I think of the warning to be quiet for fear of avalanche, but is there a similar warning, to be careful, for fear of the soul being devastated by an avalanche of sin?
Are you a sinful snowflake, dear reader? If so, is it reasonable to consider that you are responsible, just like all the other sinful snowflakes, for the rampant and ruthless destruction of our global society? Sin is insidious, meaning it proceeds gradually, in a subtle way, but with harmful effects. When snow is gently falling for an hour, it may end up looking like a sprinkle of pretty powdered sugar, but when it comes down as white wind slanted sheets, the accumulation makes for hard work to get out of, and treacherous travelling if one dares brave the storm. Innocently, the snowflake does the bidding of the snow maker ... sin isn't so innocent, and is attributed to the one that does wrong. Sin is injurious to innocency.
When I think about how much effort goes into being irresponsible followed by the effort of making excuses to release a person from being held accountable, it is staggering. What do you call excuses, dear reader? I call excuses lies ... I am that confident on the subject.
Some people actually believe that they will be plucked from the earth without seeing tribulation, but I say, we have entered that end zone already, and why not pay some of the price for our contributions to our very own downfall, by witnessing atrocities that are already being committed? A quick trip into your local hospital will give you a glimpse of what I am talking about ... observe for yourself and come to your own conclusions. For your information, just because you have yet to experience the imposition of someone else's will on your personhood, does not mean it won't happen to you soon enough ... it is just, a matter, of time. Tribulation is ordered up and on its way, despite the fear the thought instills in so many that would love to believe they will have a convenient escape and not be made to say, perhaps at laser/taser gun point, Christ is my King. Will you betray him if your life or someone else's you love, is threatened? Decide now, dear one, because if I am correct in my assessment, Christians will be persecuted during tribulation, or the end times.
So, snowflake ... got any sins you wanna confess, sins ur needin' to be responsible and accountable fer? I'll bet you do, cuz there ain't no one walkin' the earth that don't.
Anyhow, Happy New Year? 2025 is a beautiful looking number, isn't it? Let us see whom it is amongst us that will bravely face what is in store for all collectively; and who will drop to their knees in pleading prayer, for the souls that need to be redeemed, for Christ's sake. May you know the Lord as your King, in Jesus name.
For there shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved; but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened (Matthew 24:12-22)
The days of tribulation will be shortened, and if you read this scripture with discernment, you will see the times are shortened for the sake of the elect, those that are marked for salvation, because it is going to be so horrid in the world, that we will not be able to stand it, or the demonic pressure. God is just, and gives us relief when we need it the most; we are not promised to be yanked from the world, but we are promised God's powerful protection against evil while in it. Let us trust wholeheartedly in him.
I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil (John 17:15)
I will not argue with Jesus regarding this prayer to his Father. I will take the prayer at face value, because Jesus never lies and his prayers are always answered.
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