I am wondering why all the leaders, all those that plotted and planned the demise of the human race via lethal injections, aren't being heckled and harangued each time they exit their homes, the grocery store, their place of work. How do they comfortably walk through airports and sit on planes, without someone yelling, MURDERER, YOU MURDERED MY SISTER, MY MOTHER, MY DAUGHTER, MY WIFE, MY NEICE MY .... my oh my.
Many a person hates Justin Trudeau, in fact there are flags hanging from pick-up trucks that state F🍁CK Trudeau. I don't like the vulgarity, but I understand the sentiment, and I am waiting for righteous anger to kick in; for those that were duped, and those that complied, and those that realize they bent a knee to mere humans and bought the bull, along with all the suggestions, and now, they are suffering sickness, and perhaps, they have been to a funeral or two, of close relatives. Seems people are losing parents and grandparents in droves. Is no one suspicious and miffed?
I am not a violent person. I do not want to hurt the killers: I think they have hurt themselves, and permanently so if they do not repent: I doubt they will repent, since they seem to have hardened hearts and continue on their damnation trajectory. I am more concerned for the Canadians that have yet to come to terms with the role they complacently played in going along with the charade. There is a lot of responsibility and accountability to be broadly distributed. I do believe people are now embarrassed that they trusted the "science", went along with the plan unwittingly, and now they do not want to admit their mistake: and I can understand why. The judgment error is massive and I would want to shy away from it too ... but shying away does not change the facts, and souls hang in the balance. We must, no matter the error, the mistake, the foible, the faux pas, the sin, admit it on our knees before our all knowing God, ask for forgiveness, and next fight for justice, by legally removing and prosecuting the killers.
While the killers continue to roam freely, as though the world is their oyster, they do have a sense of impending doom, I am confident of this. And is it not true and apropos that we ought to feel some worry, some shame, some guilt, and a sense that we are marked for destruction, when we have sinned atrociously?
I read once that people know right from wrong, and that is why they lie when they have done what they ought not to have done. People are lying to themselves at this point, about having made the right decision regarding the taking of those injections. They made the wrong choice, and must come clean, if they are to be right before God and their fellow man.
Sigh, I have a heavy heart. It is Christmas Day, and I look forward to it being over. I love Jesus, and this is my least favourite "holiday" ... especially this year. I bid you good night, or good morning, depending on your time zone, and pray to God that if you haven't yet, you do this minute, thank him for your life, for your blessings, and for the gift of Immanuel, God with us.
PS: Look up Government of Canada vaccine rollout for up to date details regarding the shots ... your six month old baby, grandchild, nephew, niece, neighbours baby, is "eligible" if they do not have "contraindications". When your doctor says, It's time for scheduled shots for your infant or child, run like hells fire is licking at your boots.
81. 1% of Canadians got the injections; 107, 216, 820 shots have been administered since December 14th, 2020, and counting. You can get shot at your local grocery pharmacy, or any number of drug stores ... and the horror continues.
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