Monday, July 1, 2024

I | AM Celine Dion

Last night I finished what I started: I watched the second half of a documentary about the suffering Celine Dion is experiencing, and how grievous it is for her to lose her sense of self, her identity as a star performer, using her "instrument" to entertain hundreds of thousands of adoring fans. 

Celine is downcast and in the throes of a death grip. She suffers from stiff person syndrome, and dear reader, I just have to say, that the strangeness of diagnoses catches me off guard these days. Unfortunately, Dion has been peddling the death of innocence for children for quite some time, and I must quote scripture here, as a reminder that God does not take kindly toward anyone that interferes with little ones:

And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! (Matthew 18:5-7)

I have never been a fan of being a fan of anyone. I don't glorify man, or put anyone on a pedestal. I have never been fond of Celine Dion, and, after watching her in the documentary, I can say I admire her devotion to her craft, her standards of excellence, and her ability to deliver outstanding performances that had followers coming back for more. I feel deeply sorry for her suffering, and while I admire her candour, I do not like the display she is making of being very ill, and here is why. 

People like Celine love the limelight, and believe their fans want explanations so that they can understand why the super star is no longer available to make their lives brighter. The "star" makes the mistake of believing that others are devastated when they must withdraw from centre stage, no longer giving bits of joy and delight to the people that spend insane amounts of money to see a show, a display, hear a song and watch someone parade across the stage as though they own it, it was made for them, and they will always be up there, looking down, as fans look with adoring eyes, upward. Celine reminds me of Farrah Faucet, wanting her death recorded and then watched. They want to be seen, and heard, and they don't want to be forgotten: what they do not realize, is that we are all, fading flowers:

The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever (Isaiah 40:8)

Death is not the final act, where the curtain goes down, everyone applauds, and says, Well done, Celine, Farrah, Cher, Madonna, Dolly. No no, death is the finale of life on earth, and is a private matter: those that fear God, spend their last moments longing to leave this world and all its cares and woes, to go and be in His eternal Presence, as opposed to clutching and clawing at what made us feel grand and important while walking the earth. We know we are neither grand, nor important: We know Who is though. 

The stars cling with clenched hands, to what they had, to what they cannot let go of, but before they go, while at the height of their grandeur, they do some damage, and Celine did exactly that, with her gender neutral clothing line, that blends girls and boys into a confused state of being, along with sending death messages to their sweet little minds, with sculls decorating the clothes they wear. For a very feminine woman that has a warehouse full of all her performance clothing, along with an insanely huge wall of shoes that has a wall of shoes behind that, in her home, she sure was okay with suggesting a cross over for others, and it suited her fine to make money from selling what is reprehensible to God. 

I watched Celine experience the terror of her body betraying her during the documentary. She has a crew of masked men surrounding her, at the ready to administer medication and care when she takes a turn for the worse, with body spasms and seizures. She is dependant upon paid staffers, who call her Boss, for her safety when she becomes a stiffened body, disabled from self-control and autonomous movement. She commands attention with unorchestrated, unplanned, unpleasant looking and sounding jerks, contractions, and moaning. I don't know about you, dear reader, but when I am unwell, the last thing I want is to be on display: forgive me for being harsh, but it would appear, that any attention, is good attention, when a person hungers and thirsts for it as though it is the food and drink they need to survive.

I feel sorry for Celine, because I am confident she got poisoned just like so many other celebrities, and is suffering the after effects from being injected: the show must go on, is the mantra, and all the super stars freely use this line, and many willingly signed up to get tested and shot, wear masks, and follow protocols to maintain their personal status quo. Also, these people are afraid, literally afraid of death. Yikes, that is a dangerous state of mind and heart, considering the fact that death follows closely and immediately, on the heels of life! NOTE: many a celebrity tapped into their ability to influence their fans by pushing c@vid shots, using their own money to promote injections: thanks for nothing do-badders. While I do not like seeing anyone suffer, this isn't the main reason I feel sorry for her. Mostly, I feel sorry for Dion because she used her God given gifts without thanking Him and graciously accepting, while the camera was turned her way, that her time on stage had come to a close; that she no longer had the use of her "instrument" to perform for the crowds, and that she is very very sick, and by His grace, she has time to reconcile her past with her eternity. In other words, she hasn't repented of her sins, and the sand in her hour glass is falling fast. 

Celine is dying, just like the rest of us, while trying to swing back in time and recapture the brass ring she has lost her grip on. And not a once do we hear her say she is sorry for creating a clothing line that attempts to demonically corrupt children. She played a key role in colluding with the devil to enact his wicked plan of destroying innocent lives, and yet there does not seem to be a semblance of regret or remorse. She has sons of her own... what is her legacy? I pray her children know God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and all things in-between.  

And I pray for Celine Dion too. For her to grieve loss, accept it, and then come to terms with her circumstances. I pray her ears are open while her throat remains closed, so that she hears God's voice, His corrective instructions, and heeds without speaking or singing a word. She needs to stop reading sheet music, and start reading The Bible, and I pray she does, for the sake of her own soul, for the sake of the masked men that frequent the spaces she moves in, and more importantly, for the sake of the souls of her sons, the blessings God gave her to raise as His children, not hers. 

With whatever influence Celine Dion has left, I pray she witnesses to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, that He died for her sins, rose from the grave to prove resurrection is something to look forward to, and that to live is Christ, and to die is gain, for all that place their trust in Him, and Him alone. It isn't too late. While there is breath, there is hope. 

And I hope, for many. 

Hey Celine, look what The Bible says about singing:

Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.

PS: Pushing people toward sharp objects makes you culpable

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