Friday, July 5, 2024

Thought Sparks a Flyin"

The best company is sparky company!

You would think, dear reader, that most people would prefer fun over fury, and spunkiness over solemnity, but no, oh no, the very serious and dour minded, have a way of turning the tables on the playful, killing spontaneity by attempting to suffocate it with dreary moods and looks. 

You may be surprised to learn there have been advances in medicine, with new diagnoses to describe some uncommon, and alternatively, some very evident and typical maladies, that are showing up in the populace these days. Let us see what Some People are now suffering from:

Some People suffer from a rarely diagnosed case of trout mouth: defined as a permanent turndown at the corners of their top and bottom lips, while pursed together. Every once in an infrequent while, you may be able to detect long hair like protrusions coming from these mouth corners. NOTE: this may or may not be a part of your imagination, and if you insist that you can see the hairs, good for you, you are probably sparky company! 

Some People suffer from another type of disease, and this one is more common and more readily identifiable, know as dead eyes, or blank stare syndrome; look for these symptoms: no recognition of understanding when you are sharing a concept or idea with them; blinking, with the eyelids used as wipers, and still nothin', no shine, no glow, no sign of life. Dead eyes do not give off light or warmth, and they may as well be glass without shine. If you feel the urge to clap clap clap to wake the person up, or shake them to see if there is anyone in there, then congratulations, you are probably, sparky company! NOTE: You may want to just walk away, before the deadness starts to dull your ability to be spark spark sparky. 

Some People are now suffering from I forget disorder, otherwise known as I am innocent if I say so sickness. Here is what to look for when you suspect someone has this condition: 

1. They remember, but don't want to admit it
2. They forget, and refuse to be updated
3. They just don't care, and think you shouldn't either
4. They want you to shut up, get off their back, and leave them alone
5. They attack what you say, what you do, and not so subtly suggest that you are the one that has lost your ever loving mind, and that you have no integrity, so why don't you just bugger off?

If you have encountered someone that falls into this category of mental, psychological and emotional ineptitude, and you are scratching your head in wonder at their utter disregard for facts and truth, then Sparky, you can consider yourself bright eyed, bushy tailed, fun loving, playful, and ready for other very good company. 

You know, Sparky, I am inviting you to take a close look at the people you have in your life. When you talk with them, is there a wonderful sharing, a back and forth, where they are responding to what you have said, asking you questions, and then spit and polishing your thoughts with you so that when you part ways, you feel as though the person you are leaving, really loves and appreciates you? 

And do you, Sparky, do the very same for and with them, so that they know how valuable you are to them? 

The art of communication truly is a two way street. Eyes and ears must be attuned to other, and responses must match and synergize in order for there to be that feeling of thought sparks flyin', with resultant life fires being lit that motivate, edify, encourage, ignite. I know you know that great feeling after you have spent time with a marvellous human being that makes you feel like life is good and alternatively, I understand that you have had the exact opposite experience, where you felt drained and diminished after some really awful company. 

Know this, you get to choose who you spend time with, and there must not be that yucky feeling of obligation. Understand this too, that in order to have good company, you must be good company. AND: If you need some help learning the art of communication, hire me, as your life coach. 

I am very good at what I do and I want you to live a sparks a flyin' life, dear one. Don't you want this too?

1 Thessalonians 5:11
Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

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