Monday, July 22, 2024

What is Happening?

Wondering what is happening? I have heard this refrain a couple of times just this week, What is happening? 

I know what is happening, but the people that aren't in the know, haven't a clue. The one thing they all have in common is the one thing they refuse to suspect, is causing any or all of their pain, suffering, symptoms, and eventually, their "sudden" unexpected demise. 

In the 2020 series entitled Utopia, a plan to attack human reproductive abilities is revealed. Find below a synopsis:

The comic book fans discover a global conspiracy. The comic book contains clues of future events because it is written by one of the architects of a plan designed to prevent ecological disaster as the Earth's population rises and resources are depleted. The plan consists of: (1) Convincing the world's population that there is an outbreak of a deadly new virus, (2) Once convinced of the narrative of the faux-pandemic, announce to the public the creation of a new vaccine, (3) Through the coordination between global elites and non-governmental organizations, governments move quickly to inject the world's population with this "vaccine". (4) Once the population is injected, it turns out that the vaccine is designed to sterilize almost all of those people that take it, causing the global population to drop from 7.8 billion to about 500 million, and ushering in a new era of plenty. 

1 CONvince the world's population of a deadly outbreak of a new virus
2 CONvinced the population of faux-pandemic, announcing ad nauseam that a new vaccine has been 'warp speed' developed and distributed, to save the world 
3 Moving quickly, so that no one has time to think, talk, consider, the pressure to conform was amped so high that people crumbled and acquiesced to the every whim and bidding of perfect strangers
4 Once injected, woman experience a second go at menses post menopause; middle aged and older women suffer new and seemingly endless, unrelenting menopausal sypmtoms; young woman of reproducing age have "periods" for months on end; babies do not survive the womb, dying there, or shortly after entering the world; strange cancers grow and flourish where at one time, egg and sperm met, and babies were created from the coupling. Men have odd lingering cancers in their private manly parts, and well, we have a conspiracy lived out, explaining, What is happening.

The devil hates you and me so much, he wants us all dead. What better way to accomplish his goal, then to have us help him out, by falling for a pre-planned demonically designed, murder/suicide scenario. By getting injected with devil juice, one unwittingly agreed to their own illnesses and physical ending, because they did not suspect who it was that pushed the plunger through the fluid in the barrel of syringes that flowed from needle, into tender, healthy, capable, strong, God made arms. 

Dear reader, perhaps you know what is happening, what is going on, and have all along. Perhaps you suspected instantly who was behind the atrocities we mutually face daily, and if so, I am preaching to the choir. But if you didn't, and your ears are perked at this point, and you are considering what you are reading, as an answer to the question of, What is happening, then perhaps you will stop running from the Truth that everywhere you turn, there are only dead ends, and no way out...

There are good guys and bad guys; there are angels and demons; there is one God in heaven, and the Devil does indeed roam the earth. You are in peril if you decide to continue to pretend this isn't so. You endanger yourself further when you persist in this blind, deaf, and dumb (spiritually and intellectually) stance of wondering what is happening, after being told in innumerable ways, EXACTLY what is happening. 

I will spell it out in no uncertain terms, for the sake of your soul. If people are dying all around you because they have suddenly taken ill, or are just dropping dead out of the blue, and if you have strange and sometimes unmentionable and unspeakable body excretions or messy eruptions, then you can be confident that they, and you, have been poisoned. 

I tell you this because you will die, not necessary from what your body has absorbed, but simply due to the irrefutable truth that death is inevitable. The fact that millions and perhaps billions of people have been lethally injected, ups the anti of death being eminent for the masses in ways it hadn't been in the past. The ploy in the past was more world war-ish, you know the idea: kill off young men of reproductive age en masse, and leave the women alone to feed and, fend for, themselves. There is no need to only use the horrors of war to reduce the population, when there is an easier, cleaner, more insidious ploy, that the humans can volunteer to participate in, and bring their children along too. 

This godless society of people trusts each other more than they do their Creator. This misplacing of faith in their fellow man, dear reader, is what needs to be repented, if one is to live, perhaps be healed, and go to heaven when leaving this world for what lies in the great, or alternatively terrifying, beyond. 

I aim to turn things around for souls in peril. I aim to strip people of convenient self-deception that precludes accountability and understanding too, of What is happening. I pray for redemption, forgiveness, and a return to believing that God and God alone can be trusted as Rescuer, a solution to our sickness, and a salve for our spirit. I beat this drum when called to, and as I face the future, I comprehend that the bad news will continue to roll in, as death tolls rise, of people I know and are related to in friendship or as family. I must warn, plead, and petition, that you heed, and tell others, that we are living a mutual predicted nightmare, and it will only get worse.

My only hope is that people are shaken awake to reality, and turn to God in their most desperate time of need, and then stay. Stay with Him, when and if a crisis of the soul has been averted, to glorify Him, praising Him for His mercy. You might succumb to the poison in your veins and tissues, but your soul can go to heaven, and God wants none to be lost, so let that be your comfort before your eyes close to this world, one last time. 

Jesus is the Saviour of the world. He sees and knows all, and it is to Him you must go for forgiveness and reassurance. Humans aren't going to do the "trick", only He can work miracles in your life and in the lives of those you love. 

Matthew 11:28
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 


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