Monday, July 29, 2024

Attacking Islam Doesn't Make Sense

Dear reader, please listen well with your reading eyes: there is absolutely no reason for the devil and his crew of demons, to attack Islam. When Christians imply that if Islam were attacked ~ the way Christianity has been mauled and molested in Paris France recently during the opening of the Olympics ~ they would burn the place down, I just plain old shake my greying head.

Come on now, people! We are in a spiritual battle and it behooves us to know our enemy and who he targets. Satan hates JESUS and he hates CHRIST followers, he enjoys tormenting everyone of course, but his arrows are aimed at the children of God, and now more publicly than ever before; he knows time is short, and we ought to too.

Just to be plain here, let us look at what is so offensive, to most healthy minded individuals, regardless of their religious affiliations. Men parading about as caricatures of women, or flaming foolish strange little men with their genitalia conveniently bouncing about to not only attract attention but to send a sodomitic message, outside of their too short short shorts, is disgusting and repulsive to the majority of the masses. The complaints are accumulating, and being duly noted by advertisers that feel their bottom line, pun intended, is threatened. My guess is they ought to have checked out their business partners before investing so heavily in the sin soaked extravaganza known as the 2024 Paris Olympics. 

Now listen again with your discerning eyes. Jesus is the way, the truth, the life, and Satan is the father of malicious lies, deception and destruction: he works day and night to counter the message of light, hope, love, forgiveness, and mercy, found only in a saving grace relationship with the Redeemer. The lights going out in Paris is a little hint to those that adore Lucifer, that this present darkness, although not completely as of yet pitch black, will soon be, for those that persist in their trying to ungod the Almighty; those that reach out and try to pull him from heaven and stomp on him and his saints. 

God does not suffer fools for long, nor is he mocked. Power outages are a funny little thing, aren't they dear one? Are you afraid of the dark?

About a year ago this fall, my son and I went for a walk in a woods near the river. It was agreeably an ill advised time to go, since it was twilight and the path edges line a treacherous ravine in some spots, with trippy tree roots as built in steps. My night vision isn't the greatest without light, and as the inky darkness closed in upon us, I simply could not see! Man alive, the first time I tripped and fell that evening, I landed hard on my hands and knees. The second time I fell, I panicked, because I knew that night animals like coyotes, frequented these woods, and perhaps I would be their easy, injured prey? 

Perhaps in the darkness, people feel the bright eyes of wolves peering at them, ready to pounce and tear flesh from bone ... or they sense the influx of demons, ready to devour ... and they would not be wrong.

Professing Christians really need to know what they are about. They need to focus on Christ and accept that the worldly will, and do, target our faith in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. We must keep in mind that we are promised persecution in this life, and that we are to be salt and light, in the looming, dooming, dreadful darkness. Our hope is in the Saviour, and we have to keep our eyes on the promise of eternity with him once our numbered days are checked off the calendar of this existence.  

Let us not convolute, compare, complain, that we are being attacked and other religious groups remain unhindered in their seemingly godly pursuits. It is whiny and immature to suggest how unfair it is that Christianity is being blatantly maligned, when we know that Jesus, the perfect Man/God without sin, was spat upon, cursed, beaten, bruised, and crucified for our iniquities. 

If you know your Bible, you know what to expect, and to suggest what is happening is inequitable, implies you bought the bs, that if you keep your nose clean, keep your head down and work hard, and just believe, you will be permitted free entrance into the land of prosperity, and have not troubles in this life:

And he said to them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me (Luke 9:23)

Take up his CROSS: we must take up our own cross and follow in HIS holy footsteps ... this means certain suffering, dear one. If this frightens you more than the dark woods with wolves roaming and demons ready to devour, then you are not a Christian, you are prey. 

NOTE: The picture I include above is Paris in blackout. See the glow of a church, off in the distance: need I say more, about the Light?

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