Friday, July 26, 2024

Good Grief

Good grief. In my head I hear Charlie Brown saying this ... 

Grief, she is not good (imagine with your ears, a Spanish accent). Sorrow, he is not my friend (now a French accent). In any language, grief and sorrow are never good, they are soulful hardships that we pass through numbly, sometimes dumbly, always with a deep sense of pain that cannot be touched with the pleasure of food, drink, happy thoughts, good company, or any form of entertainment. 

I don't know what to do with myself dear reader. I walk, I eat, I hydrate, I see clients and talk to friends and I just plain old float, drifting along with no destination in sight, or need to establish one either. My get up and go has gotten up and gone. 

I miss my sister, and there is no way of getting around the feeling. The other day I heard the front door and my heart leapt in my chest, with the thought of it being her trying to enter in for one of her pop over visits. Alas, my hope was dashed, a millisecond later, when I remembered, once again, that it could not possibly be her, no matter how desperately I longed that it would be, her. 

Death is one of those knock out punch moments. It hits you and you find yourself flat out on the square ringed mat, wondering what was that? Getting up seems impossible and when you do, you think, for what? I'm gonna get hit again with that horrid knowing, that constant reminder, that she is gone and I'm still here, and I can't close the gap, I can't just open the door and say, Nells, and then hear one of her cockamamie stories while shaking my head and thinking, where does she come up with this stuff?! 

Yesterday, I shed not a tear, tonight though, I simply cannot stop thinking and missing and weeping. Maybe you are in this spot too, dear reader? If so, I am sorry you are suffering, and I won't say something stupid, like, Time will heal your heart, or This too shall pass, because fresh grief and sorrow do not like these words meant to mask the pain or supplant it somehow. 

All we have is getting used to not having the person we miss around. We pass our days and adjust, and that becomes a form of accepting. Isn't it wonderful, dear one, to miss another, to long for them, to wish they were near? How terrible if when you or I die, it is without sentiment, or sadness, or the longing that goes with a love tie that says, You belonged to me, and God gave us to one another. 

Jesus wept, this is my solace. He gets it. My lost and lonely feeling is not lost on him. The concept of him wiping away my tears after counting them all is a kindness I cannot fathom ... he counts our tears ... can you comprehend this truth, dear reader? If he counts ours, this means he counted those of my sister, and those that poured from the eyes of your dearly departed too. He was with my sister, and he was with your mother, father, uncle, aunt, cousin, brother, sister, husband, wife, and dare I say ... dare I say, child too, if you have suffered this almost unspeakable loss?

We are each alone, and with, and then alone again. Our only constant companion is God as ever present. He cannot be cruel or mean, because he is love. In the quiet, still, I move in the direction of looking to him for soothing and calm from my stormy unsettled feelings.

That is all, dear one. Just a little bit of me in the black and white world of print on paper. Missing, longing, and plain old sad. What's a gal to do?


  1. I lost my older brother to the cv booster but we had drifted apart over the years and so not much interaction happened over the recent past. Still miss him and the good times we had as teens.

    1. Such a hard reality to have lost a sibling after being estranged. Those shots did the damage they were created to do … sigh. Thank you for sharing a part of your life here with me.

  2. I love every word of this. I feel the exact same. Yesterday I was washing the dishes and I missed her so much and wanted to call her. She pops into my head all day at the most random moments and my heart hurts all over again. What a beautiful article in memory of her.

    1. Ahhh, Meg, I have been thinking about you. I know how sad you feel because I know how much you love Antonella. Our hearts hurt in unison.

  3. Dear Linda Grace,
    As always, even at a time when you are hurting and very saddened, you still find it within you to put into words all your feelings, thoughts and emotions, beautifully and eloquently.
    At a tragic time like this, I wish I had the talents you are blessed with, of putting feelings, thoughts and emotions into perfectly written words, with the hope of helping to lift up your heavy heart.
    Unfortunately, I don’t have your talents. And perhaps, there are no words that could ease the pain of your incredible loss. I wish our connection was not just via the internet. I wish I could see you eye to eye, and look into your sad eyes, and hope that the expression in my eyes would let you know I understand the pain of loss and how much I know you’re hurting. And, to wrap my arms around you with a big hug, to help lift up a very heavy heart. I know your heart is so very heavy, because I know your heart is so BIG!!!
    But, you and I know, there is someone far better than me who is right by your side, God.
    Peace, compassion and love,

  4. Thanks RkH, you are very kind ✝️

  5. You’re welcome LGB. There is no way my heart could be as heavy as yours is at this time, but my heart still hurts knowing your heart is feeling the enormous hurt of losing a very special person in your life.
    God Bless you, wonderful lady!
