Thursday, September 1, 2022

Celine Dion

Hmmmmm, whatever happened to Celine? Oddly, while she was a spokesperson for gender blending and bending, working for the demonic and infamous powers that be, they didn't include her in the DO NOT GET IN-JECT-ED memo.

The rich and famous that love their glamour, that thumb their noses at God, and cash in on their shiny shiny performances for adoring fans, have become null and void in the entertainment industry, as they succumb to post in-ject-ion reactions: in Celine's case, she is immobilized and disabled from performing.

How we make our money is important: it is a statement about what is valuable to us ethically, morally, spiritually, and psychologically. Celine was a sell out to satan. She had what I call obvious guile, in other words, she was not believable as an actress, and I always found her difficult to stomach as a performer: she feigned emotions and sincerity, or at least, that is how I viewed her. Regardless of my opinion of the WOMAN, it is clear that she is in a perilous position, since she is no longer able to perform for the camera and the crowds, and cannot move either, from what I have read. 

In order to be permitted entrance into a large venue, Celine, like other performers, were required to receive shots. An all shot cast of staffers, performer, and fans, for the sake of entertainment, was the price of admittance. What a shame and waste of humanity. 

I have wondered about the plotters, the planners, and their complete commitment to offing those that don't belong to their elect and select crew. They are truly ruthless in their discriminating, and it would appear no one gets a pass, no matter how famous, no matter how rich, no matter what social status or cache they have in the world. The wicked have agreed amongst themselves WH😷 is in on the secret, and who isn't. 

Apparently, regardless of what you have done for the demons, there is no loyalty or security bequeathed, once the heinous act of colluding with them has been completed. Celine's gender neutral children's clothing line, along with a demonic video that would give any healthy minded human the creeps, speaks volumes about her inclinations to go along with the devils plans to attempt to erase God's laws and design for males and females. As a mom, she must be one mass of confusion for her children. God help them, I sure do hope they have some healthy saintly influences in their lives. 

Dion, the Biebs, and countless other Canadian celebrities that we may not be hearing much about or from lately, have been hidden away from their viewing audience. They have symptoms, they have telltale signs, that something is not quite right with them, especially compared to their previously boisterous singing and dancing appearances in front of thousands of audience members. A little digging, if you care to investigate, can yield answers, but then again, dear reader, I assume that we already know, you and I, what is happening?

Careers have been stolen
Livelihoods have been suspended
Gender has been mutilated
Lies have been told
The proud have chosen unwisely
The meek watch, weep, and wait

God is in control, and no matter what the wicked say, or try to hide, He sees all. While we have breathe, the hope is that we have penitent hearts, turn back to God, and ask Him to make us new in Christ. I hope this for all that are suffering and may never make their way back onto the world stage, or even out of their sick beds. 

Celine has a lot of forgiveness to ask for. She needs to make things right between her and God, and maybe apologize to her children and fans too, before it is too late. 

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