Thursday, September 22, 2022

Money Laundering White Coats

According to Wikipedia, not my favourite source of information, but their definition suits my writing purposes:

Money laundering is the process of concealing the origin of money, obtained from illicit activities such as drug trafficking, corruption, embezzlement or gambling, by converting it into a legitimate source. It is a crime in many jurisdictions with varying definitions. It is usually a key operation of organized crime.

An image has entered my mind, of the organized crimes committed by the medical community, that lovingly held hands with the government as they walked down the gorgeous shoreline of a Caribbean island, looking longingly into each others eyes, nodding their agreed to an exchange of life for cash. 

A Business model
Doctors and pharmacists are drug traffickers. They sell their wares on the streets, in corner stores, malls, and medical centres: in places soon-to-be-addicted customers can find them. The docs are the pushers, the pharmacists make up the prescriptions, and both launder the money they bank through the supposed legitimacy of medical professionalism. The government rewards them for ensuring appointments are made, tests are taken, letters are sent on schedule for poking and prodding unnecessarily, and the unsuspecting "patient" is sent hither tither and yon, in search of health they already have. The not so subtle suggestion of "preventive medicine", whatever that is, has many a self-absorbed person wanting to see, what could possibly be wrong with me? Better take care of it now, before it is too "late". 

Once something is found wrong with you, or me (not me though, dear reader, I avoid doctors as though they are the plague, and recent history indicates that they are, the plague!), then there are more tests and procedures, and possibly some intrusive aggressive suggestions are made to irradiate what is going to kill you. This is the point of sale for the pusher: 

"I have something for you, to make things better. If you do this, and take that, you will live. Sure, this is going to cause drug hangovers and SiDe eFFects, but it will be worth your suffering, your constant attention to curing what ails you, because you will LIVE ... um ... I mean, you will increase your CHANCES of LIVING ... well, what I mean is ... you are going to die, and these treatments will prolong your life while you writhe in pain until one day, you are no more."

One of the things I am appreciating about our mutual recent history, is disruption. The scheduled plan for predatory treatment of patients has been disturbed, and access to unnecessary medical attention has been thwarted. If we consider the government as the owners of the pushers, the pimps and street bosses, we see that they now have great disdain for their prostitutes, and have taken to violently beating them. The medical community is battered and bruised, and the hand that used to hold theirs on sunny beach fronts, has moved up to the throat in a choke hold. Forgive me, dear reader, but I have to state what I see. The pushers have become the victims, and is this just desserts? Is this the fate they sealed for themselves, when they chose to use patients as their personal purses to be plundered as cash rewards for often times, unnecessary "medical" attention

Fall out
The drug trafficking, along with the tests and treatments, point to corruption. Doctors have stolen from their patients, and gambled with their lives. We are seeing the fallout for those that pushed all chips into the middle of the table, believing their own hustle, the lies they told others, injecting themselves with poisonousness rhetoric they had repeated ad nauseam. They took into their bodies what their bosses manufactured to eliminate the masses, to their detriment. The docs and pharmacists got cashed out.

When I consider what has killed so many, I see Avarice standing proudly, head and shoulders above all other vices. The Bible warns us about our attitudes and beliefs about what money can buy us. It is never acceptable to use other humans in an abusive fashion, to increase our bottom line:

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24)

When thinking of the Mafias style of doing business, what immediately comes to mind is murder. There isn't a nice mafia man to be found. They have killer blood running through their veins. The code of conduct is kill or be killed, even if it means you have to get rid of that lying cheating stealing disloyal rat cousin, sister, brother, mother, father, aunt, uncle, child of yours. What we have seen, is system failure. The mafia is under scrutiny, and what was hidden is being exposed. Mammon is the god of those that are willing to sacrifice the life of another for money. 

Killers leave a trail of evidence in their wake. Blood stains with DNA that identifies each victim, covers the white coats, the gloved hands, the souls of those that for money, sold bodies unto death. I will end here, with this:

And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26)

Soulful healing is always available. The Great Physician is on twenty-four hour call, and He never turns a repent heart away. 

NOTE: The painful reality is people that legitimately need medical assistance have been ignored, pushed aside, and mistreated, not getting the life saving easy to provide solutions to what ails them that in the past, were provided almost immediately. This sad state of affairs is part of the fallout of a corrupt system being dismantled, and becoming an unrecognizable semblance of itself. 

My heart goes out to all the people that deserve to be loved back to health through surgery or other solutions to life threatening conditions. Not all doctors or pharmacists are "bad" ... that was not the point of this writing. 

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