Monday, September 26, 2022

Mechanical Ducks & Airguns

When parody becomes popular, ridiculousness becomes glaringly obvious: those that are inclined to mock pretenders, have ample targets to shoot at. 

I am thinking of the duck and gun game at old fashioned fairs. The ducks are painted-onto-metal facsimiles. The guns shoot air. The prize, if you have hit the correct number of pretend feathery fowl, is usually a stuffed animal. Fake duck, fake gun, fake animal. Fake, fake, fake.

The frauds and fakes want a pretend world. They parade themselves as real people but their words are vomitus and indigestible, belying inner workings. I will say that pretenders, at least the well trained ones, have some admirable traits, namely persistence, and seemingly endless amounts of energy to continue to circle, round and round the set track they travel, like mechanical moving ducks. Quack Quack Quack, you can't get me!

We see parody everywhere we look now, and I think this is grand (back to this point in a moment). The behind the scenes scammers voted for atrocities, and most of the population didn't bat an eye, because it wasn't personal, it didn't affect them or their own ducky circular patterns of existing. But then, it did, and it wasn't until we saw guns, locked and loaded, pointing in our direction, that we started quacking in response. Too little too late? Perhaps, but I hope and I think not. There is always a remedy, especially when we too, are energetically persistent. 

Most people like to mind their own business. Most people want to go to work, hopefully to a job they enjoy, serve or sell, get paid, and return to a home that they share with people they love, and if all is good, that they like too! Most people don't want trouble or interference, or to interfere. Most people are kind of peaceful, even if they do have some unresolved issues: even the unresolved issues can be worked out minus too much trouble. This model of living is what most people like, want, aspire to having: it is shocking to the soul, when live and let live suddenly becomes, "I am being shot at, with airguns; but wait, wait! THAT GUY/GAL with the GUN, has LIVE AMO!"

Are we sitting ducks, dear reader? 

I mentioned above that the parody is grand. The mockers, the ones that want to pick each of us off, one by one, thousands upon thousands, and even billions upon billions, have made utter fools of themselves. What they voted for minus conscience, what they wanted to have happen to their fellow man, has all come to the light for scrutiny. What was once hidden and meant for our destruction, is now being directed at them. They lied, pretended, faked and defrauded the populace they purported to protect, and now they are the mechanical moving ducks; while people are currently shooting at them with word and picture darts, eventually, someone somewhere, will pull out a pistol, take aim and fire, because this isn't a game at the fair, and real lives have been lost. 

I feel like we are living a Saturday Night Live skit. One of those I-wish-I-didn't-stay-up- to-watch episodes that wasn't funny. Mimicking human life and what is ridiculous has its place, but living breathing walking talking parody's are a travesty. The deceivers are the deceived, and they are being mocked heavily, publicly, receiving unto themselves, the poison they so willingly imposed upon and injected into an unwitting, mind my own business, live and let live, population. 

Humans don't like to be toyed with, fooled, mistreated, misrepresented, or used to forward someone else's diabolical plan. We have within us a pride of ownership, and feel as though our lives are our own, and must not be tampered with. Dear reader, we must not be tampered with ... God, the Creator of the universe, does not even force us to follow Him, thank Him, or do His will: He lets us be idiots until we realize we must change, for our own good.

I don't feel like a sitting duck, dear reader, do you? I feel like we are on the cusp of a showdown. You, me, and some feisty freedom lovers, standing side by side, ready to take on the game runners, the liars, cheats, thieves, and killers. This is a moral battle, and I am armed, locked and loaded, with Truth as my blast 'em to smithereens weapon. While people have become parodies, you and I, dear one, can maintain our dignity, while staring them down until they quiver and quake in their boots. 

The devil runs the duck game, and we don't have to play by his rules.

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