Monday, September 5, 2022

Under the Influence

She had a stroke while driving ... 
He had a heart attack while driving ...
He lost consciousness while flying ...
He/She dropped dead while speaking, running, swimming, water skiing

Sound familiar?

People are dying under the influence of poisons that are altering their minds, hearts, and body rhythms, in ways they cannot control or comprehend. Is it dangerous to drive, to fly, to speak, run, swim, water ski? It never used to be. Clearly accidents happen and they will continue to happen, because humans make errors and miscalculate, but that is not what is occurring. The injected are losing the ability to function effectively, and are physically shutting down during activities they performed without hesitation or difficulty, prior to the poison insertion. 

I have a hunch that the poison pushers enjoy horror stories to the point of orchestrating our current free for all summer of fun, sun and travel, with virtually no "restrictions" at all. Hmmm, what is different this summer, pray tell, compared to last? I will tell you, to ensure we are on the same wave length, more people got shots, and some are on their fourth, and being encouraged to take number five. 

Now track with me here. I know people that have had strokes or aneurysms, while driving, and haven't had their licenses suspended, despite recovering from their trauma in emergency. This would be a curiosity to me, if I didn't understand that the end goal is to have people drive, die, and in so doing, take out some of the commuters or pedestrians that happen to be nearby. It is ingenious. Same with flying: pilot dies, co-pilot takes over, and who knows if he will be able to land that plane with hundreds of souls aboard, without the same life stealing event happening to him?

What is more devilishly delightful to Lucifer, than chaos and mayhem? His little human fiends work his black magic, and the more people that die without knowing Jesus as Saviour, the more he maliciously bares his blood stained teeth, grinning his sickening satisfaction.

The wonderful oddity is that so many poisoned people are still with us! I praise God for the mercy of time for those that fell into the snare and were captured, hopefully temporarily, by the devils schemes. As long as there is breathe, there is hope. God loves repentant hearts, and honours them with the gift of forgiveness.

My father was an excellent driver. He taught me highway etiquette, and I have passed on his wisdom to my son. Keeping space between you and the drivers in your vicinity, may save your life, especially if they suddenly malfunction and begin to drift across the road. Right now, dear reader, I wouldn't take a plane, train, or any other form of public transportation, because chances are high, those that pilot, engineer, or drive these machines, kept their employment as a result of acquiescence to demonic demands. They are working under the influence, and have become an unmanaged hazard to society at large ... just as the wicked ones planned. 

I still drive. Life goes on and I refuse to live in despairing fear. I pray though, for you, for me, for our children. I pray that what the devil has plotted and attempts to implement, is continually thwarted. God is mighty to save, and His will is done, no matter what the murderous mercenaries have obviously hidden up their collective sleeve. They aren't that hard to figure out really: they get a thrill from killing, and when we keep this truth in mind, we can navigate the world knowing God is forever and always, in charge. 

For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the LORD, 
thoughts of peace, and not of evil, 
to give you an expected end (Jeremiah 29:20)

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