Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Bartleby Horse Syndrome

Perhaps you're a race horse of high pedigree
And while running the oval decide,
Runnings not for me

You think ... 

I heard the gun and went off like a shot
But discovered soon after
I would prefer not

Trotting or walking at my own pace
Without pressure or whip
I choose dignified grace

Heels in my sides don't bother me
The rider in saddle
I can jettison he

No applause, no purse, nor ribbon of praise
Can make me, fake me, 
Into running that race

I would prefer not to, is my choice for today
And if you don't like it, 
Go eat grey hay

Green pastures for me, and the sky above
You can not make me or break me
It's freedom I love

Say what you will, waste your breath if you must
I would prefer not give in 
To your money lust

I would prefer not
I would prefer not
I would prefer not

I won't, nay I won't
Says me

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