Saturday, September 3, 2022

Dead Fish

Pathetic Pastors
With my hand held in salute position over my right eyebrow, I scan the land. Heaps of humanity are piling sky high, and buried beneath the fleshly rubble are pathetic pastors. Lucifer did an outstanding job of making fools of them over the past couple of years. They took the bait, and to mix metaphors, they opened their mouths wide to swallow a bullet without the trigger being pulled back: they consumed the purple poison James Warren Jones style, and offered it up to their flock to drink deeply, and to have their little lambs follow suit. 

Bone chilling cataclysmic carnage
For shame. Look now, dear reader, at the summer of freedom. While the pretend powers that be have lifted demonically imposed restrictions, the deceived continue the game of safety first, their enslavement displayed publicly via stringed things worn on their faces. They are the walking dead, and they mark the end of an era, one where being uniquely and wonderfully made in the image of God, is replaced by a commitment to bone chilling cataclysmic carnage. They know not what they do, in many a case, but the pastors, dear God in heaven, ought to have known, and I poke a finger in their eyeballs, hoping they blink the blindness away.

Yesterday I was at the waters edge. Seagulls were picking at something washed ashore. Upon inspection, I saw a large white eyeless dead fish. Jesus told fishermen of old that they would be fishers of men, and the disciples were given the great commission. This dead fish, and about three others along that section of the beach, had me wondering about their presence there. What killed them? They were large and healthy looking: people are large and healthy looking, and yet their life force is ebbing away, given away really. The fish were picked at by the gulls, but the dead flesh wasn't nearly appealing enough to keep the birds attention for long. Deadness and rotting go hand in hand: disquieting to say the least, and rather unappetizing. 

Dead fish
Back to the topic at hand. I see that would be fishers of men, or shepherds of the flock, have become dead fish without eyes to see. They have humiliated themselves, and are want to repent and repeal their compliance with demonic governmental demands. They are mockable, and that is precisely what the devil wanted to accomplish when he set out to cause their downfall. From Bible colleges to Christian counsellors, from church elders to youth pastors and charitable organizations, one by one in domino fashion they fell, following the guy in front of them. And where are they now? The would be priests have definitely followed their leader, but it wasn't Jesus Christ. They idolized the weak humans that presented themselves in feigned positions of power, and dropped to their knees in submission, subjecting themselves to anything and everything they were instructed to do: and the reward in cash is a mere pittance in this life, that will buy them nothing of salvation in the next. 

The lifting of MANdates makes them look like utter fools. People are dying in droves, and the lie of taking a shot to protect your neighbour, is an embarrassing disingenuous utterance that many a human spoke in provocation while brandishing pseudo moral superiority. It was anything but moral: it was a lie they repeated verbatim that gave them a surge of strength, the kind of strength that is required to flout faith, snarl at real science, and to submit to lethal injection, for a WE cause of feigned unity. They forgot that you are not me, and the me that makes decisions solo, cannot be forced to make the same ones you made, and visa versa. Critical thinking and deductive logical reasoning were replaced with a herd mentality, that caused herd infection, not immunity.

JOHN 6:66
Now, again, back to the pretend pastors. They do not have impunity, in fact, they are marked, stamped with 6:66 for leading the people God put in their care, to the edge of destruction:

From that time many of his disciples went back, 
and walked no more with him (John 6:66)

They are apostate. If they ever believed in the living God, and professed Him with their mouths, that all fell away when they went back, and walked no more with him. When they could have proven their mettle, when they could have stuck to their godly guns, they instead, turned yellow, and did what came conveniently and easily their way. A bit of cash, a camera screen, a false faith, and lies to keep them in their profession of fake pastors. While MANdates are lifted and people continue to become deathly ill and travel to the great beyond, these pastors look idiotic and whorishly well used. 

Ugly image
What can they possibly preach, when hate was their fuel for over two years? The love of God waxed cold in them, and now they are left with nothing, accept of course, their ugly image when they look in the mirror. 

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