Sunday, August 28, 2022

Demean & Demoralized

Most backed away
I have to think, dear reader, and think some more. I tell you that while I grieved over being rejected by clients I cared deeply for, clients I had worked with for years, clients that trusted me with some of their deepest darkest secrets and heart wrenching anguish, it did not demean, nor did it demoralize me, when they informed me that they were withdrawing from working with me. Some of them left money on the table, so to speak. They had prepaid for services they would not be actualizing, because it was "unsafe" to work in person, especially with someone like me, that was going to carry on as though nothing had changed. One by one, most backed away, heads down, tail between the legs, uttering or texting a quiet "Sorry".

Here are the definitions for demean: 

1 cause a severe loss of dignity of and respect for, someone or something 
2 do something that is beneath one's dignity 

Here are the definitions for demoralize 

1 cause someone to lose confidence or hope 
2 corrupt the morals of someone

It was beneath my dignity to quit working with people; it was above theirs to keep working with me.

I had the confidence to carry on, and I had and still have, hope in God as Ruler: my morals remained intact, while theirs, the clients and friends that withdrew, heads down, tail between their legs, displayed their corrupt morals when they agreed to the lie that their lives were on the line, and that prioritizing their existence according to the orders and commands of perfect strangers, made more sense, than to continue in established and trusting relationships. 

Wondrous miracle
They demeaned and demoralized themselves, and the consequences of those choices are being realized as their bodies, once strong, once able to sustain them miraculously, and I mean this in all sincerity, since life is such a wondrous miracle, are now rebelling against them for what they have willfully, against good sense and judgment, subjected themselves to.

At the top of this piece of writing, I stated that I have to think, and think some more. As a Christian, as a human being, I am still processing what they have done, to us, those that stood on truth, and next themselves, followed by what they have done to those in their circle of influence, and finally, what they have effectively put in place as cogs in the machine turning society at large, into an ugly circus with clowns running the show. The trained monkeys did their part, partaking in what the ringling master commanded as he cracked that whip with despicable orders to disassociate.

Disassociate from reality
What my clients, and previous friends have done, is disassociate from reality, from truth, and from people like me, that do not hold back telling the truth when asked, because I know the power of truth ... telling it means you love the person in front of you, to the point of being willing to be pushed out of their lives. 

There is an entrenchment that occurs with lovers of lies. Lies are sticky and hard to wash off. It requires much effort, lots of soul scrubbing to remove the lie habits, and then we need others to let us know when the tackiness of deception remains as a remnant. 

Lying is tacky
Lying is tacky. It is an embarrassment to those witnessing it, and it ought to be shameful for the liar. I am mortified over the human race. How can God possibly continue to tolerate us? The mercy of God becomes more evident to me on a daily basis. My hope is that people fall in love with Truth, and fall into hate for lies. It is no wonder that The Bible says the truth makes us free! I am clinging to this wisdom, and I pray that this becomes the refrain for all, since God wants none to be lost and takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked. We are the wicked, by the way, when we remain unrepentant for our sins, and reject Jesus as Saviour from those sins.

Upright heart
So, dear reader, I want you to know that if you stood on the truth, and got rejected for it, good on you. You did what is right and true, and God appreciates an upright heart. If you are reading this and you partook in dissociation from others based on lies you swallowed whole, their is time for you to revisit your thoughts, your words, your actions, and apologize to the ones you hurt by treating them like the enemy, rather than a trusted friend or relative. 

The beauty of thinking, and thinking some more, is we get to change how we think, how we speak, how we interact and behave. We get to choose differently. 

Choose love, that will never steer you wrong. God IS LOVE:

And we have known and believed the love that God hath for us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him (1 John 4:16)