Saturday, August 20, 2022

Warning & Watching

Lying & Dying 

Today I write to the valiant, the ones that talked, pleaded, begged, bargained, prayed, wept, wept bitterly ... those that tried, got snubbed, shut down, rejected, excommunicated and removed. You did your very best, you really did. You could not get through to them. We all tried, but somehow they were like pins to a magnet 🧲 

I don’t think any of us could have tried harder. Grown-ups go and do what they want, and those that took the shots, or at least many of them, had some self-righteousness leading them to their dramatic downfall. Like children, they had attitude “You are not the boss of me! I will get those shots, no matter WHAT YOU SAY. YOU are the FOOL, not ME”

God help them
Now we grieve, and grieve, and they haven’t got a clue how much this hurts us, not only to watch them suffer and die, but for us to know that the truth is their worst enemy, because they chose a lie and live a lie, and God help them if they die in the lie.

What is truth?
I think of the Truth, otherwise known as Jesus Christ. He spoke truth, and as the verse goes, the truth will make you free. "What is truth?", Pilate asked. The truth is, we humans prefer our own slick and slack ways of living for self over living to honour and glorify God. Unfortunately, we have evidential proof in all directions we turn our heads, that lies are the soup du jour, in the form of a poison potion that upsets and disrupts irreparably, the stomach, sight, hearing, the nervous system, the heart and lungs and and and ...

Soup du jour
People have ordered the soup, lined up for it as though it is delicious. They liked it so much, they queued repeatedly, insisting that it is scrumptious and everyone MUST HAVE SOME! As stomachs turn and pain becomes their pleasure, they continue the refrain, "Delicious! I am better off for the soup, and when they ask me if I want a refill, I will not miss my chance for MORE."

Soul rending grief
In the olden days, when someone was about to face death by hanging, lethal injection, or firing squad, they knew they were going to die, and so did everyone watching. There was a sobriety to the occasion, because death means never more for the one that is removed from the living. We, the watchers that previously warned, see the executioners, and we see those that will not escape death by lethal injection. All we have left is deep soul rending grief, for their lack of awareness or acknowledgement, that they preferred lies, their own and those told to them, over Truth. 

While we could blame them, and shame them, we the watchers that know the mercy of God, because He has saved us from our own sinful souls, shed tears of compassion for the lost, and pray for their redemption, before the grim reaper visits them and they breathe their last. 

Pray, and pray some more to God Almighty, Who owns all souls.

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